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Example sentences for "detection"

Lexicographically close words:
dete; detect; detectable; detected; detecting; detective; detectives; detector; detectors; detects
  1. The whole of his power as a writer consists in his detection of the evil in things that are good, and of the falsehood in things that are true, and of the ridiculous in things that are important.

  2. Detection and Punishment of the Conspirators at Lisbon.

  3. At this period the nation was alarmed by the detection of a conspiracy said to be hatched by the Jacobites of Scotland.

  4. Remarkable Detection of a Murder by William Andrew Horne.

  5. His detection created much laughter; as did that of another black with long arms, who tried to creep up to snatch the hat, but was afraid to approach too near.

  6. The profits from success were great; but the consequences of detection were disastrous.

  7. Defn: An apparatus for the detection of trichinæ in the flesh of animals, as of swine.

  8. The organized body of civil officers in a city, town, or district, whose particular duties are the preservation of good order, the prevention and detection of crime, and the enforcement of the laws.

  9. The person selected as the victim was a rich farmer by the name of Henery Sharpless, whose accounts were only settled about twice a year, and consequently detection was not likely to follow very soon.

  10. No tint or coloring of the imagination has given a deeper touch to the action of the story, and the process of detection is detailed with all the frankness and truthfulness of an active participant.

  11. He was, however, dressed very roughly on the occasion of this last visit, and had evidently changed his clothes for the purpose of escaping detection or recognition.

  12. It seemed that as he got further west, his fears of pursuit and detection grew less, and he became more bold and open in his actions.

  13. In the moment of his triumph he had fallen, and when he fancied himself the most secure, defeat and detection had overtaken him.

  14. In the great majority of cases detection of more than 0.

  15. Early diagnosis of gonorrheal ophthalmia is extremely important, and can be made with certainty only by detection of gonococci in the discharge.

  16. This meal does not contain lactic acid, and is usually given when detection of lactic acid is important, as in suspected gastric cancer.

  17. The diagnosis is made by detection of the worms or ova in the feces.

  18. In tuberculous disease the tubercle bacillus is present in the discharge, but its detection offers some difficulties.

  19. Diagnosis rests upon detection of embryos in the blood.

  20. The iodoform can be recognized by its odor, especially upon heating (there is danger of explosion if the mixture be heated before the black cloud disappears), or by detection of the crystals microscopically.

  21. The "pancreatic reaction" and detection of drugs in the urine will also be discussed under this head.

  22. Examination of pus is directed chiefly to detection of bacteria.

  23. Professor of Chemistry, for suggestions in regard to detection of drugs in the urine.

  24. Detection of the gonococcus is described later (p.

  25. Detection of indican depends upon its decomposition and oxidation of the indoxyl set free into indigo-blue.

  26. The best evidence of deficient motor power is the detection of food in the stomach at a time when it should be empty, e.

  27. His actuating motive in giving information to the emissaries of the government had been the rancor of an old feud, and his detection meant certain death.

  28. His brain whirled with a realization of this unforeseen result of the fantastic story of his death in Eskaqua Cove, which the moonshiners, on the verge of detection and arrest, had circulated in Tanglefoot as a measure of safety.

  29. Wycherly is the greatest of all our comic dramatists for truth of detection in what is ill, as Congreve is the greatest painter of artificial life, and Farquhar and Hoadley the best discoverers of what is pleasant and good-humoured.

  30. And even now every moment that we spent together rendered the danger of our detection just so much more imminent.

  31. There was no fear of detection except when I passed through open fields, but I had to do this quite frequently.

  32. Large rewards for the detection of the author or authors of the murder were offered by the heirs of the deceased, by the selectmen of the town, and by the Governor of the State.

  33. It is very seldom that writing can be changed by erasure so as not to leave sufficient traces to lead to detection and demonstration through a skillful examination.

  34. Thumb or finger-prints are absolutely serviceable and certain in the detection of crime or in establishing a person's identity.

  35. A forger generally leaves some telltale marks to make his detection certain.

  36. There is always more danger of detection in that.

  37. A plan of detection which has been adopted with great success is to cut out each letter in a doubtful piece of writing, and paste all the A's, B's, etc.

  38. Any United States note the number upon which can be divided by 4 without showing the above result is a counterfeit, and while this rule is not infallible in all instances it will be found of service in the detection of counterfeits.

  39. The simplest way of explaining the operation of raising a draft or check is as follows: Two men are necessary for success at any given point, and hence they are not so liable to detection as if a number of confederates were engaged.

  40. Gabriel knew that his father had had a principal share in the detection of the defeated enterprise; and his previous persuasions were confirmed.

  41. No service connected with the detection of the conspiracy is traced or traceable by the public eye.

  42. When thinking consists in the detection and determination of observable detail, forces, forms, qualities at large, are thrown out of employment.

  43. We thus find detection often more easy and certain in populous towns, with a good staff of criminal officers, than in quieter places, where both plotters and shifts are proportionally fewer.

  44. The shadow of the intervening corner of the rock covered me, otherwise immediate detection would have been inevitable.

  45. It seems a horrible thing, perhaps, for a woman to wish detection to overtake any man, however base; but surely it would be more horrible if I were content to let my father's murder remain unavenged.

  46. I suppose the science of detection includes the power to guess at thoughts that lurk behind expressions which are simple enough in themselves.

  47. Happily for you, detection has speedily overtaken you.

  48. One day in May, quite an excitement was raised by the detection of one of these "tunnel traitors" in such a way as left no doubt of his guilt.

  49. Even judicial matters pertaining to themselves, as the detection and punishment of such crimes as theft and murder appear to have been in a great measure abandoned to the prisoners.

  50. At large in the fog we might escape detection for a time.

  51. We had only persuaded the others to a short delay; and even this meant that we must remain in hiding in England, exposed from day to day to all the chances of detection and treachery.

  52. For, up to a point, the science of detection is merely a matter of routine.

  53. A great writer once compared the science of detection to a game of cards, and the comparison is very accurate.

  54. Detection can never be reduced to a mathematical certainty until you level human nature, so that every person in the same set of circumstances will act in exactly the same way.

  55. In these cases the protection given is far more marked, and the chances of detection are proportionately lessened.

  56. Both in colour and marking the caterpillar agrees so closely with the seed-pods of its food-plant that its detection is not always easy.

  57. No doubt this butterfly has been with us all the time, but it appears to have escaped detection until the year 1888, when Mr. Hawes, in July of that year, met with it in Essex.

  58. We advanced well across the equator of No Man’s Land without detection and much further.

  59. We had gone too far without detection in so far as my judgment kept warning me.

  60. We know how difficult it is so to word a forgery as to avoid all detection from incongruities of time, place, and the like.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "detection" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    detection; determination; disclosure; discovery; espial; excavation; exposure; find; finding; hearing; identification; inquiry; invention; investigation; locating; location; probe; recognition; research; revelation; sifting; spying; strike; trove; uncovering