It was as much as the locating parties could do to keep out of the way of the construction.
James afterward went to the oil regions of Pennsylvania, where he was successful in locating productive oil wells.
At the same time, if she handles the affair discreetly enough, she may be able to assist you in locating the Russian and his band, which, I take it, is your chief end and aim in life just now.
This made the locating of the igloo he occupied extremely difficult.
Locating the Mascoutins "near the place called the Sakiman," is as erroneous as that Champlain ever visited those savages.
The best profits to be gleaned from this class of work are realized when the room space will admit of locating the job in a position where it can be handily worked at without much unhanging, and where plenty of light may be secured.
His work provides a good basis for establishing boundaries and for locating tribelets and villages.
These have been helpful in locating the sites, but I have omitted his notations because they are no longer accurate; the maps have been changed since the time of Goddard's original work.
The old man was an expert atlocating these shell-fish.
Their particular destination was a place where the strip of sand was so narrow that they could easily cross it on foot in the expectation of locating the wreck of the unfortunate vessel.
The chronological history of such of these artificial colors which appertain to ink or its manufacture is important as locating the dates of their invention and commercial use.
On the power possessed by the French through this trade consult also D'Iberville's plan for locating Wisconsin Indians on the Illinois by changing their trading posts; see Margry, IV.
In 1814 the United States provided for locating government trading posts at these two places.
By degrees he was filling up with scraps of description, and everything connected with former attempts at locating the hideout, where all this unlawful scrip was being turned off the press, to flood the Southwest.
Location of Churches Addressed: Draw full-page map of Mediterranean Sea and surrounding countries, locating the churches, seven in number.
Draw full-page map, locatingeach place as far as known.
Draw full-page map, numbering in order and locating the eight cities and countries against which prophecies are uttered.
If your father actually succeeded in locating the lode, it is a strike.
In the meantime, in addition to his patient searching of the cabin, he is taking no chances, and while he waits for the inevitable to happen he is following me so if I do succeed in locating the claim, he can beat me to the register.
I feared that chance might favor you in locating your father's strike, and then people would say, 'he loves her for her wealth.
What if I have trouble locating the mine and have to stay here all summer?
I queried: for I did not understand all this hocus-pocus of locating any given spot in the Iowa prairies in 1855.
My boy, I feel like a father to the young men locating among us, and I beg of you don't make any permanent arrangements until I get back.
Locating over at our new town of Lithopolis, isn't he?
As soon as he could convince Sorez that the girl's psychic powers were of no use to him in locating the treasure, he would undoubtedly lose interest in her.
Wilson told of the empty house, of finding the note, of locating the other house, and finally of the letter and his race for the wharf.
Doubtless the man was holding out to her promises oflocating him.
Thus I saw how the shrewdness of Hell was exercised in locating hospitals at such places.
We have succeeded in locating a series of free Theatres at every summer park where we could possibly induce the management to admit them.
Let's swear out a warrant for those two chaps, and then we can ask the aid of the police in locating them.
I don't believe I'll have much trouble inlocating him.
A short portion of such a circle may be considered as a straight line and can be determined by locating one point and its direction, or two points in it.
A protractor laid on the chart with two of its arms set at the observed angle and passing through the two objects, will permit of locating two or more points of this circle on the chart.
There are various special charts published for the benefit of mariners, although not intended for direct use in plotting the course of a vessel or in locating its position.
A system of sounding lines is then run over the entire area to be surveyed, locating the position of the sounding boat at intervals by sextant angles on survey signals or by angles from the shore.
The standard three-arm protractor, or station pointer, as it is known to the English, should be a part of every navigational outfit because of its value in locating a position by the three-point problem.
The vertical angle of elevation of an object whose height is known will give the distance, and combined with a bearing or other information this permits of locating a vessel where better means cannot be used.
The taking of soundings should be resorted to even in favorable conditions, in approaching shoal water, as a check on other means of locating the vessel.
Two successive bearings of a single object, as, for instance, a lighthouse, noting the distance run in the interval, afford a convenient and much used means of locating the position with respect to that object.
Broadway, and two years later they moved once more, locating in the Trinity Building.
Therefore, when he was of age he emigrated "out west," stopping at the outskirts of civilization, locating in a small place of 1000 inhabitants called Cincinnati.
They wanted to get where buffaloes were plentiful before locating winter quarters.
The first day, after locating camp, was spent in building a kind of Jim Crow shanty out of rotten logs--was saving my muscle to cut cord wood.
Rectal examination is of aid in locating the head of the humerus.
This enigmatical term is frequently employed by the diagnostician when he is baffled in the matter of definitely locating the cause of lameness; when he has by exclusion and otherwise arrived at a decision that lameness is "high up.
By an examination of the sole after having removed all dirt, and exposed the horny sole to view, no difficulty is encountered in locating the cause of the trouble.
After the occupation of Pretoria, I got tired of roughing it and made my way back to Europe, finally locating in Berlin for a prolonged stay.
Finally locating one of these women, I would manage to learn her name and where she lived.
There has been considerable delay evidently in locating you.
The negro rested his tray on the rail, while the white man fumbled through his pockets for a key, finally locating it, and inserting the instrument into the lock of the second cabin from the stern.
Once I had thus succeeded in locating her, the rest ought to prove comparatively easy--a mere matter of action.
Even a slight advance brought no result, and it was with some difficulty I even succeeded in locating her again in the darkness--indeed, only the sound of her voice made me aware of her immediate presence.
We succeeded in locating the animals by feeling and I waited on the edge of the bank, the two reins wrapped about my arm, until I heard the others go splashing down into the water.
In locating a tool cabinet of this kind, while it should be very easily reached, and is usually open during work hours, it should be placed high enough so as to be easily opened or closed without striking tools and work on the bench.
It had a sharp centre for accurately locating the hole, a knife edge for cutting the fibres, and a chisel for removing the wood, but it lacked the spiral screw thread of the modern tool, and had to be forced through the wood by main strength.
Ninth: last came the locating of the centre of gravity, after the mill had been attached by a ten-penny flat-head wire nail.
These pencil lines are for locating the holes for the screws, so that they will all be on the same level.
Provision should be made for the acquisition of title to town lots in the towns now established in Alaska, for locating town sites, and for the establishment of municipal governments.
The provision of adequate school facilities for Indian children and the locating of adult Indians upon farms involve the solution of the "Indian question.