With a caution akin to awe she approached the windfall where a cyclone years before had levelled a wide swath through the heavy growth.
Fortunately, Suma at that very moment was stealing across the windfall and at the sound of her offspring's cries of distress she darted forward with frantic speed and rushed into the cavity so hurriedly she upset him.
They hopped and flapped awkwardly over the rough surface of the windfall to where the dead snake lay and began to tear at the flesh.
Before long the windfall with the giant cottonwood containing the precious little Warruk had been left far behind.
Suma crossed the windfall a short distance from the scene of the encounter and headed toward the east.
And now, Myla had observed the big, spotted cat stealthily making her way over the windfall with food in her mouth.
As the latter neared the windfall Suma suddenly seemed to divine her intentions and sped on ahead, crossed the creeper-covered barrier and started up the tree the branches of which formed the far side of the aerial bridge.
The supply of fruits on the hill side of the windfall was becoming exhausted.
Naked, painted savages darted out of the windfall toward the tree that had sheltered Wetzel.
Out of line, somewhat, with this tree which he suspected screened his comrade, lay a huge windfall large enough to conceal in ambush a whole band of savages.
Then they marched to the vast wilderness of snow-padded forests and heaped windfall between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.
Fighting his way over windfall and rock, he sank exhausted and fell asleep.
Further, they say that the King's bailiff ought to have all the wood thrown down by the wind and all windfall wood in the aforesaid three woods within the aforesaid time, to complete the farm of the manor.
And the pannage of the whole manor and the aforesaid customs called "leph" and the wood and windfall wood within the aforesaid time are extended in the profit of the manor at 100s.
For the essence of news is that it should be vital to one's daily interests, and tidings of a massacre in China is less stimulating to the mind than word of a neighbour's windfall or disaster.
A windfall is a development loan without guarantee or interest or sinking fund to burden the mind of the Exchequer.
Three times that winter Baree fought--once with a lynx that sprang down upon him from a windfall while he was eating a freshly killed rabbit, and twice with two lone wolves.
In his excursions away from the windfall he had never gone farther than the creek, a hundred yards from where his mother lay.
But as it was, there had been nothing for him to do in that black cavern under the windfall but stumble about a little in the darkness, and lick with his tiny red tongue the raw bones that were strewn about them.
Not since the ill-fated day he had left the old windfall had he felt quite so much at home as now.
Baree was fully three-quarters of a mile from the windfall when he came to a point where the creek split itself into two channels.
He did not know that the water had flung him out on the wrong side of the stream, and that to reach the windfall he would have to cross it again.
Between Baree's nest and the top of the windfall were forty feet of jammed and broken timber through which not a ray of light could break.
He was fully three hundred yards from the windfall when he passed Oohoomisew's stub and into a thick growth of young balsams.
In vain he looked about him for some familiar mark--something that might guide him back to his windfall home.
Gray Wolf could have heard his barking, for the windfall was not more than two hundred and fifty yards up the stream.
Another man who had evidently had the dun put upon him, not once but many times, by sulky tradesmen, received (so at least it is to be supposed) an unexpected windfall with which he settled all outstanding debts.
The Undergraduate politely explained that he was shortly expecting a very healthy windfall from home, upon receipt of which he would immediately pay what was owing.
He saw a windfall at once, was sure that neither of its sleeping guardians could keep it from him, and very piously thanked the Almighty for rewarding his past devotion and self-sacrifice by opening a merry and splendid life to him.
The fact is, I have had a little windfall of money lately, and I hate hotels.
But thewindfall has helped mask pressing problems and allowed timid legislators and officials to postpone much needed - and fiercely resisted - changes.
Russia should have used the windfall to reinvent itself - revamp its dilapidated infrastructure and modernize its institutions.
This editor was the first mortal to suggest that his newly unearthed treasure might possibly be a windfall from the topless tree of Shakespeare.
We got south of the windfall and scared up a drove of deer, some four or five.
Some three or four years after we came to the country there came a tribe, or part of a tribe, of Indians and camped a little over a mile southwest of our house, in the timber, near the head of the windfall next to the openings.
We went south, crossed thewindfall and Reed creek, and went into what we called the "big woods.
In this windfall had grown up a second growth of timber, saplings and brush, so thick that it was hard work to get through or see a deer any distance.
As Cynthy said rather pathetically when the money was placed in her hand: "Land, Jerry, I never thought those old fruit trees would bring me a windfall just when I needed it most for taxes and such like.
The fox tracks are thick all along the lake, and yesterday I saw where a big lynx had prowled along the edge of thatwindfall across the coulee.
A half-hour after the boy took the trail he pulled the straining Leloo to a stand and peered through the scrub toward a spot at the edge of a thick windfall where the Indian squatted beside a tiny fire.
Once he received an unexpected windfall in the shape of a postal order from a relative for two or three shillings.
Consequently she said nothing, but used it to buy bread and meat, and going as it did such a little way, the sudden windfall was never noticed.
What a windfall to charlatans such weak-minded creatures are!
A rich and passionate young man like Edouard was a windfall to Madame de Geran, who, whatever Dufresne might say, was not so cruel as she chose to appear.
She stamped and tore down the vines, and sent the rotten wood of the windfall flying in fragments.
You see, before Jean succeeded to the estate and before I had my windfall from Aunt Sarah Carmichael, we lived in a very small way and our principal society was in Bohemia.
My windfall carried me on board a schooner, of eight or ten guns, called the Suradaha.
My next windfall was Jack's berth on board a beautiful little schooner called the Ida, that was to sail for CuraƧoa, in the hope of being purchased by the governor of the island or a yacht.
The other evening, when I let drive a little arrow pointed with a gibe at his penuriousness, he laughed and reminded me of something he had said one night in the famine time when we were dining by the help of a smallwindfall of mine.
At the same time he privately regarded this incident as a fine windfall of chance--in all likelihood the one thing which would serve to scare the Lieutenant away.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "windfall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.