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Example sentences for "induced"

Lexicographically close words:
inds; indu; indubitable; indubitably; induce; inducement; inducements; induces; induceth; inducing
  1. I responded in the affirmative; and then, halting in the quiet path beside the lake, I tried to obtain from her the identity of the person who induced her to steal my Arnoldus, but she steadily refused to tell me anything.

  2. At length, however, I induced her to go for a stroll, allowing her to chose the way.

  3. Most humbly desiring her grace to accept mi poor mind towards her most noble self, I induced her to tell me the truth.

  4. The natives appeared at first to be friendly enough, but, towards evening some circumstances occurred which induced the boat's crew to re-embark, and they then went to a small sandbank about a mile off to pass the night there.

  5. The natives could not be induced to venture on board, and for a long time hesitated to receive some presents conveyed to them on a plank, in return for coconuts, a stone axe, and some shells.

  6. The natives showed much timidity and could not be induced to come on board the frigate.

  7. After some little persuasion, several of them were induced to come on board and were shown round the ship, presented with various articles, and dressed out with scraps of clothing of every description.

  8. It being considered probable that the natives might be induced to part with some of their pigs, a party was sent onshore, to endeavour to procure some by barter.

  9. But Weed's rare tact modified his views, and induced him to change to friendliness the tone of a hostile speech prepared for delivery to the National Assembly.

  10. He could not be induced to stop until he became so nervous and irritable that he was unable to look at a book ten minutes a day.

  11. It has been well said that if God should commission two angels, one to sweep a street crossing, and the other to rule an empire, they could not be induced to exchange callings.

  12. It sent the blood rushing to the brain, and induced a succession of vivid and pleasing thoughts.

  13. The manners and actions often induced by my sufferings and an abiding sense of my afflictions not infrequently militated against me.

  14. Great alarm existed lest the Negro slaves should be induced to take their part likewise in the conflict between the contending factions.

  15. Nothing but absolute necessity could however have induced me to take such a step, for the place was rocky and difficult of access, with a heavy surf breaking on the beach.

  16. It would be useless to detail the different reasons which induced me to adopt the plan of endeavouring to make Swan River in the whale boats; this was however the course I resolved to pursue.

  17. An interesting question here remains to be solved and I trust some future traveller may be induced to attempt it.

  18. I am sorry to be the means of taking away any attraction that might have induced you to stay," put in Janet, determined to give her "one" before she went.

  19. When the time came, the men of Kolding induced the clock-keeper to alter the clock; and when the borrowers came to repay the loan, it was too late, and the meadow was adjudged to belong to the men of Kolding.

  20. Their high intelligence has induced the best naturalists to describe some species, namely the grey parrot, as the "birdman.

  21. On this occasion he took the name of Aloysius or St. Lewis of Gonzaga, whom a conformity of character seems to have induced him to regard with peculiar sympathy.

  22. Some extraordinary events are related in my narrative, which a regard for truth has alone induced me to set down, at the risk of being considered as enthusiastic or superstitious.

  23. We clambered up by the side of the pipes, at every step induced to mount higher by the beauties of the prospect, the same as that from the terrace of St. Germains.

  24. These people were all sober, and each one was diverting himself innocently, for the same cause that induced Lady A.

  25. A sensation of cold had induced him to feel his pulse, and he was somewhat alarmed at this symptom of its intermission.

  26. These considerations induced me to resume my feet, and retire from the scene as expeditiously as possible.

  27. This glen was now discovered, and this discovery induced me to change my plan.

  28. This circumstance induced me to be silent to all others, on the subject of my discovery.

  29. A sentiment, which I can hardly describe, induced me to be silent on all adventures connected with my bivocal projects.

  30. Let the world know the cause which has thus induced one State of the Union to bid defiance to the power of the whole, and openly to talk of secession.

  31. They are, that two persons were seen in that street, several times during that evening, under suspicious circumstances; under such circumstances as induced those who saw them to watch their movements.

  32. The scene of these ceremonies is in an open inclosure on the bank of a river or lake, and in the most conspicuous situation, in order that such as are passing along or travelling, may be induced to make their offerings.

  33. Their success induced them to renew their journey, and incited others to follow their example.

  34. In subsequent visits to Mr. Whittier, he was sometimes induced to talk about his poems, although that was a subject on which he rarely spoke.

  35. From this first venture which was so successful--he cleared one hundred and thirty-five guineas after all the expenses had been paid--Carlyle was induced to give other series in the next few years.

  36. Plato and Socrates, Aristotle and Theophrastus, that he had been induced to make them his models.

  37. Such is the portrait of a child of seven years old, a portrait which induced the great tragic bard to deduce this result from his own self-experience, that "man is a continuation of the child.

  38. The rarity of all books published about the era of the great fire of London induced one curious collector, Dr.

  39. His sedateness and taciturnity, his indifference to juvenile amusements, his slowness and difficulty in learning, and his ready submission to his equals, induced them to consider him as one irrecoverably stupid.

  40. It was probably a caprice which induced him to introduce one of his sermons in "Tristram Shandy;" it was fixing a diamond in black velvet, and the contrast set off the brilliancy.

  41. The motives that induced Napoleon to take up the cause of the rights of the Latin church in this matter were partly political, partly personal.

  42. Immediately after his arrival a pacification was concluded by Hermocrates, to which Eurymedon and Sophocles were induced to agree.

  43. Some specimens of his handiwork were placed before the knight and Longpole, as soon as their horses had been taken care of; and an excellent bottle of old wine, together with some fatigue, induced them to linger a little at the table.

  44. Do I not value more than my life the friendship with which you honour me, and the good fortune which you procured me, when you induced me to exchange the vile career of a bandit for that of a soldier?

  45. No, you cannot be a bandit simply for the sake of killing and plundering, in order to enrich yourself; some desire for revenge has induced you to adopt the life which you are leading.

  46. The desire to extinguish at its very commencement the enmity between the partisans of the houses of Gormaz and Vivar, which he believed was about to spring up in Castile, also induced him to hasten this change.

  47. The tailless Manx cats, like the fox in the fable, have not induced the normal breeds to dispense with their tails, nor have the Dorkings (apparently known to Pliny) affected the permanence of the common sort of fowl.

  48. Old Quatreaux spoke English perfectly well, although his conservatism as a Canadian induced him to prefer his mother tongue as a vehicle for general conversation.

  49. It was not without great difficulty, and no little expense, that the occupants of these houses were induced to give them up.

  50. After trying in vain to stop the flight, he was lifted on a horse, when, fainting from the effects of his mortal wound, some of the men were induced by large bribes to carry him in a litter.

  51. What could have induced any one to take so much trouble thus to plant a hidden insult into the leading journal, we cannot divine.

  52. There can be no doubt that great errors in navigation are induced by inattention to placing the compasses.

  53. Chimney-sweepers, again, suffer from a more formidable disease--cancer induced by the irritative qualities of the soot upon certain portions of the skin of the body.

  54. We are there told that he originally came from Persia, where he lives in burrows, and that he did not set out on his travels until the year 1727, when an earthquake induced him to swim the Volga and enter Europe by way of Astrakan.

  55. A black man, a butcher, who had been many years in an American asylum, and had never shown any violence, one night secreted a knife, and induced another patient to enter his cell.

  56. This extreme mortality was produced by want of ventilation, and a system of heating which burnt the air and induced inflammation of the lungs.

  57. This curious invention has materially benefited the miner, and where it is used there is a manifest absence of the heart disease, induced by the climbing of interminable ladders placed in an almost vertical position.

  58. If these men had known and seen into one another's soul before the battle as they had afterwards in the hospital they never could have been induced to fire at or to try to injure one another.

  59. He could not be induced to enter his home when there were callers or guests present.

  60. For this reason, and because there is some danger of neglecting the special part played by the Southern Province in Italian literary history, I am induced to digress from the main topic of this chapter in the direction of Pontano's poetry.

  61. Trissino's inclination toward literature induced him to settle at Milan, where he became a pupil of the veteran Demetrius Chalcondylas.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "induced" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.