When you have taken up the chickens, put two or three slices of toast into the gravy, and when soaked soft lay it in a platter and lay the chickens on top, and turn the gravy upon it.
When you have taken up the meat, if the gravy is not thick enough, mix a tea spoonful or two of flour with a little water, and stir it in, put in a couple of wine glasses of white wine, and a small piece of butter.
If you like your gravy very rich, skim off the top of the drippings to your meat, and use them, if you like it plain, stir up the drippings, strain them and put in a skillet and boil them.
Serve with fried forcemeat balls, red currant jelly, and brown haricot gravy flavoured with fried onion, cloves and some piquant sauce, thickened with arrowroot.
It is very desirable that the gravy or sauce served with certain vegetarian dishes should be piquante in taste and of a nice flavour.
The onions should then be cooked, and surrounded with a rich gravy of their own.
Dress with brown gravy and fried breadcrumbs, and place for a few minutes in a hot oven.
Make a thick brown gravy with the butter, onion and stock, boil the chestnuts, remove the skins and husks and add them to the gravy, with pepper and salt to taste, simmer for 15 minutes.
Cover with brown stock, and cook slowly until nearly all the gravy is absorbed.
A good way to prepare Nuttose is as follows:--Fry a teaspoonful of butter until quite brown, add flour until it absorbs the butter, add gradually any vegetable stock until a nice rich gravy results.
Serve with thin white sauce or brown gravy (poured over the mould).
The following recipe for a curry gravy will prove useful to many readers, as it makes a capital addition to plain boiled rice or many other dishes.
Serve with vegetables and with rich gravy made from brown haricot beans, thickened with arrowroot, and flavoured with fried onion and a good piquant sauce (such as Brand's A1).
So she dipped her bread in the gravy audaciously, so she crushed her strawberries with her fork to a red welter of pulp, and added cream with a flourish.
It would be so full of gravy, dat sometime de gravy would take and run plumb down to de end o' my elbow and drap off, 'fo I could git it licked offn my wrists.
In that case a brown gravy is made by thoroughly heating flour in the grease, and then stirring in water.
The grouse you can split and fry, in which case the brown gravy described for the fried deer-steak is just the thing.
The least redness in the meat orgravy is disgusting.
Then skim off the fat, and strain the gravy into a clean sauce-pan.
In turning the steak drop the gravy that may be standing on it into this dish, to save it from being lost.
Chop the small mussy pieces of meat, put in a pudding or bread tin, add some of the gravy and a little water.
The lard that exudes may be thickened with flour, a cup of sweet new milk and a pinch of black pepper added, and nice gravy made.
A cream gravy or some left from the rib is nice with this pie.
Don't get the gravy too thick and don't beat the egg--it wants to show in little flakes of white and yellow.
If its gravy drop on the side of the oven, and again return on it?
Moisten the ingredients with a brown gravy highly seasoned with paprika and truffle, and fill neatly into the crusts.
Madame Victoire immediately made the experiment: the gravy did not congeal; and this was a source of great joy to the Princess, who was very partial to that sort of game.
Slice apples without peeling; cut and fry some thin slices of breakfast bacon until thoroughly done; remove the slices from the vessel, adding water to the gravy left.
Let the pan remain on the fire, so as to keep the ham gravy hot, that it may cook the eggs nicely when dropped into it.
Put the tomatoes in a dish and pour the gravy over them.
In half an hour, baste the turkey by pouring over it the gravy that has begun to form in the pan.
Stew till tender, and strain the gravy over them; or they may be glazed and served with the gravy under them.
Cut cold mutton into very thin slices, and make a gravy by boiling the bones for two hours with a little onion, pepper and salt.
Take out the steaks, cover them closely or tilt the gravy to the side of the vessel, till it is brown; stir in a lump of butter.
Stir into the gravy remaining on the fire a beaten egg, mixing it carefully.
The pan must be hot enough to scorch and brown both ham and gravy quickly.
Pour this over the rabbit, rubbing it in, then pour over the gravy and serve hot.
Fill up with the gravy the veal was boiled in, which ought to be very rich.
Thicken the gravy with brown flour, if brown gravy is wanted, but always with mashed Irish potato if white gravy is desired.
Serve the gravy in a sauce-tureen, so that each person may choose whether to eat the beef with gravy or with the juice that escapes from the meat while it is being carved.
Dish the joint; skim all the fat from the gravy and strain it over the meat, or keep the joint hot while it is rapidly reduced to a richer consistency.
Fry in the gravysome cymlings that have been boiled tender and cut in slices.
Place them one against the other, and when the first layer is done, pour over it some very good gravy or stock, and plenty of grated Parmesan.
Prepare a puree of fowl or turkey and a small quantity of grated tongue or ham, and whilst you are pounding the meat add some good gravy or stock.
When sufficiently cooked, drain and put it into a saucepan with two ounces of butter, add good gravy or stock, three tablespoonsful of grated Parmesan and Cheddar mixed, and a tiny pinch of nutmeg.
Add some good gravy and mashed-up tomatoes, and after having cooked this for a few minutes pour it into good boiling stock.
Then add enough very good gravy to cover them, put the dish in the oven for about twenty-five minutes, and serve in the dish.
Two dessert-spoonsful of New Century Sauce to half a pint of game gravy or sauce, and a small teaspoonful of red currant jelly.
Then strew over each some bread crumbs mixed with grated Parmesan, put the cases in the oven, and when they are browned serve either with good gravy and lemon juice or with tomato sauce (No.
Make gravy by adding 3 tablespoons of hot liquid to yolk of an egg.
Serve with gravymade from the pan fryings left after frying the chicken.
Mix cut-up meat into the gravy and pour it into pastry lined baking dish.
Use more of the solution, adding sugar to taste, in making the gravy which will be almost black.
Barras's own meal was very odd: a huge leg of mutton was brought to him and carved in such a fashion as to bring out all the gravy; the joint was then carried back to the kitchen, and the gravy was left in Barras's deep plate.
He sopped bread in the gravy and this concoction formed his meal.
Should it prove too rare, carve thin and lay in a hot pan with a little gravy for one minute.
Having prepared a piece of buttered toast for each bird, lay the same in a hot dish, place the birds thereon, and pour the gravy over all.
Just before serving, put the chicken, boned and chopped, with the gravy thus prepared, and add to the soup with salt and pepper to taste.
Should you have sausage for breakfast, the bright gravy from the sausage is preferable to butter in preparing the omelette.
Turn two or three times during the roasting, taking care not to let the gravy scorch.
If the butter is not scorched put in a little browned flour; stir in the onion, and put it back in the kettle with the meat of the fowl, simmering until the gravy thickens, and the meat is thoroughly tender.
A dead silence fell upon the little party, and, as if it were some chemical process going on, small round discs of congealed fat formed on the mutton gravy in the dish.
As I gazed at the tray, I saw a large, thick, gravy bowl running over with the soup.
Enraged weapons storm it round, 10 Each seeking for a gaping wound, That in its gravy it seems drown'd.
See how his blood doth with the gravy swim, And every trencher hath a limb of him.
It was the best meal I had in dear old Dixie--fresh oysters and chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy and fish and pie.
His womenfolks wore mournin' with a touch o' gravy here and there.
This transmutation of meal and gravy into eels was demonstrated to be as false and ridiculous as it really is, by M.
Meat so treated is not so palatable or highly flavored as that which has first been subjected to intense heat, the water for the gravy added later.
Take them out carefully when done, arrange on a dish, make a little gravy in the pan in which they were baked by adding a little more butter, half a cupful of milk, a heaping teaspoonful of flour, and salt and pepper to taste.
It must be cooked in a slow oven eight or nine hours--the water ought to last until the beans are perfectly cooked, and when done a good gravy left, about a third of the depth of the beans in the jar.
Put all into a saucepan with only water enough to cook them tender, cover tightly, when done, brown a little butter and flour together to make the gravy the proper consistency, season with pepper and salt and serve.
I went away back to my kidhood and remembered the hot biscuit sopped in sorghum and bacon gravywith partiality and respect.