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Example sentences for "somnolence"

Lexicographically close words:
somnambulistic; somnambulists; somnia; somniferous; somno; somnolent; somnos; somnum; somoni; somos
  1. Somnolence or drowsiness is generally regarded, when persistent, as being more strongly indicative of organic changes in the structure of the brain than is any other derangement of sleep.

  2. Somnolence is nothing more than an inordinate tendency to sleep.

  3. The somnolence of Cornwallis, his neglect to win over opponents by tact or material inducements, and the absence of any Ministerial declaration on the subject, left all initiative to the Opposition.

  4. There was, however, no longer any somnolence by day.

  5. But, although the exhaustion psychoses are not found, there are exhaustion neuroses or states of acute nervous exhaustion, characterized by somnolence and depression, followed by a mild degree of overemotionality.

  6. Nocturnal narcoleptic seizures accompanied by spells of somnolence in the day, both to be regarded as due to the “brain fag” of trench life.

  7. There was no alternative but distinguished somnolence and melodramatic declamation.

  8. It usually persists until the occurrence of death or of convalescence, but may alternate with periods of delirium, the delirium being more frequent at night and the somnolence by day.

  9. Mental excitement and delirium are probably unknown during the primary attack, but sometimes a degree of somnolence or of apathetic tranquillity exists, which, however, is quite distinct from coma.

  10. In other cases the opposite condition of somnolence may be present.

  11. Its close connection with the region of impressibility called Somnolence explains its supreme control over our emotions.

  12. Instead of being placed in the purely intellectual region adjacent to calculation, order, and system, it is carried back and down into the region of somnolence and sensitive impressibility.

  13. It does seem as if perpetual somnolence was the price of listening to other people's wisdom.

  14. The fatigues and excitements of the evening and the preparation for it were followed by a natural collapse, of which somnolence was a leading symptom.

  15. His power of sleeping, and his somnolence when he imagined he was awake, were his two most prominent characteristics.

  16. Well may the men of the old school complain that the world is turned upside down, and regret the old times of traditional somnolence and comfortable routine!

  17. Along the kitchen garden, between the four hedges, the May sun shone with a languid heat, a silence disturbed only by the buzzing of insects, a somnolence suggestive of painless parturition.

  18. Ever since Madame Francoise had picked him up in the Avenue de Neuilly he had been coming and going in a state of pain fraught somnolence which had quite prevented him from forming any definite ideas of his surroundings.

  19. As the pituitary secretion is lessened, the blocking action of the fatigue products in the body be-comes greater and morbid somnolence sets in.

  20. This case bears a striking resemblance to the pronounced natural somnolence of hibernation.

  21. SLEEP Word denoting somnolence or a state of lowered consciousness; anything which is a cause of somnolence or of lowered consciousness; anything which induces a desire to sleep.

  22. If this be confirmed, the malady will take its place among the forms of somnolence produced by infection of the blood.

  23. It is characterized by daily paroxysms of somnolence which tend to become more and more continuous and profound until they are finally merged in fatal coma.

  24. Witness the fibrillary twitching of the muscles, and the convulsive state, which may often be observed during the stage of somnolence after severe fatigue.

  25. These spells of somnolence gave her strength to suffer again, and become terrified the ensuing night.

  26. They pretended they desired this tranquillity, and somnolence of their hearts.

  27. The somnolence dulled all the cells of the brain save one and that one cell, vehemently active, was inciting her to some effort, though to what she did not know.

  28. A crack on the head makes you dizzy and into her dizziness a somnolence had entered.

  29. Lord North was notorious for his gift of somnolence in the House of Commons.

  30. Heron looked up, roused from the semi-somnolence in which he had lain for the past half-hour.

  31. Newspapers ran long articles on Cynodon dactylon and the editors of their garden sections were roused from the somnolence into which they had sunk upon receiving their appointment and shoved into doubleleaded boldfaced position.

  32. With the new feeling of security bathing the world, tension dissolved into somnolence and the tempo of daily life slackened until it scarcely seemed to move at all.

  33. The somnolence may deepen into a stupor from which the patient is not easily aroused to conscious repose.

  34. The author adds in another part of his article that "The depth of the somnolence and also its duration are unrelated to the severity of the cerebral lesions.

  35. We have a perfect picture of a flight from reality into a somnolence into which the unconscious complexes force at times a terrifying presentation of the dreaded reality through nightmares.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "somnolence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apathy; boredom; drowsiness; dullness; ennui; fatigue; hebetude; inactivity; indifference; languor; lassitude; lethargy; listlessness; passivity; phlegm; sleepiness; sloth; slowness; somnolence; stretching; stupor; torpor; weariness; yawning