It was not till the change of the Confederate commanders that aggressive tactics on the part of the enemy gave the opportunity for severe punishment and led to the speedy destruction of the hostile army.
He knew that this policy would bring a time when the enemy could no longer afford to retreat and must resort to aggressive tactics, even at the risk of destruction to his army.
Then came his hasty evacuation of Atlanta, the destruction of his stores, the explosion of his ammunition, and the night march to reassemble his army at Lovejoy's station.
By the destruction of the east and west roads, Georgia would thus become a break in the Confederacy.
The object of the last-mentioned movement was the destruction of the Confederate machine-shops and factories at Rome, as well as to cover the flank against movements along the main route of travel from Alabama.
The destruction of immense quantities of property since I came up this evening looks the same way.
The navy had been unfortunate in the destruction of gunboats at Johnsonville, but Rear-Admiral S.
The same day General Wheeler informed him of Sherman's concentration at Atlanta, the destruction of the railroad above, and the strong rumors of the march on Augusta and Savannah.
It is soothing to the heart to abuse England and France for interposing to save the Ottoman Empire from the destruction it has so richly deserved for a thousand years.
She then ran behind a dunghill to hide herself with her parents, but the fire raisers dragged her by force in front of the blaze and she was obliged to witness the destruction of her dwelling.
The German cruiser Emden called here yesterday and departed, leaving death and destruction behind her.
After such proclamations, who will be surprised at the murders, burnings, pillage, and destruction committed by the German Army wherever they have met with resistance?
Besides, the reason alleged, even were it true, would assuredly be insufficient to excuse the destruction of a whole city, the murder of women, and the massacre of children.
Censorship of mails and in some cases repeated destruction of American letters on neutral vessels.
Let the Party be which it will, tis Destruction even to themselves, to run up all their Niceties and all their Scruples to the Extremes.
The breakup of many of the trade links, the sharp drop in output as industrial plants lost suppliers and markets, and the destruction of physical assets in the fighting all have contributed to the economic difficulties of the republics.
Following Kuwait's liberation, the UN Security Council (UNSC) required Iraq to scrap all weapons of massdestruction and long-range missiles and to allow UN verification inspections.
The agriculture sector continued to be affected by the lack of suitable land for farming and the destruction of crops.
It would enable them, when the terrible conflict should come on, to drive back any wretched refugees who might attempt to escape from destructionby seeking the shore.
The tidings of the capture and destruction of Athens came while the council was in session.
The destruction of wild vines near a vineyard helps to give immunity from this pest.
The horse-hoe and harrow crush many of the pupæ and break the cells of others to the great destruction of the pest.
Two methods of control have been devised: destruction of the beetles before they lay their eggs; and destruction of the pupæ while in the ground.
The second method of destruction is similar, consisting of cultivation to kill the pupæ.
Three methods of control are in use to prevent the ravages of the leaf-hopper: avoiding the planting of raspberries near grapes; spraying with contact insecticides; and the destruction of hibernating places.
The destruction of hibernating places is almost as effective a method of control as spraying.
An effective method of reducing the number of beetles is the destruction of the pupæ.
Fearing the destruction of liners, by German submarines, the author held copies of his works until landed in Ireland.
The destruction of the Armada caused Spain to lose the supremacy of the sea.
The last Sunday in Summer is called Black Crom, being held sacred to St. Patrick as the anniversary of commemorating the destruction of this class of idols as well as others of a like nature.
You leaders of destruction and legalized criminals in power, remember God's commandment--"Thou shalt not kill.
A few days later, and the work of destruction was entered upon and soon completed.
As they passed the fort of Detroit the next day, dense columns of smoke and flame were to be seen rising high in air, from the various public edifices, affording a melancholy evidence of the destruction which usually tracks a retreating army.
He had known this man in the thundering of passion before which the walls about him seemed to tremble, but this manifestation of adamant implacability was new, and he realized that he had invited destruction in defying it.
That the other held a bolt ofdestruction and was in the mood to launch it he did not pretend to doubt.
Destruction of the government of the United States, by the Sovereigns of Europe.
It meant death and destruction to the fairest country on God's footstool.
If that Night's worke doe miscarry, Or a syllable but vary; A greater foe thou shalt me find, The destructionof thy kind.
But dares Destruction eate these candid breasts, The Muses, & the Graces sugred neasts?
Grim Destruction here amaz'd, In stead of striking, would have gaz'd.
But they imply the destruction of war; and it now seems possible that Russia will stand before the world, at least until the radical elements fall before conservatives, as the most prominent champion of coöperative peace.
The train of events that led up to the destruction of the international balance is now to be described.
If we adopt a peace that has the seed of destruction in its very nature, we cannot hope for relief from the evils of war.
But it is right to expect that they would support coöperation among the nations to obtain the destruction of war, since it would make it easier for the world to accept their other ideals.
The Siege and Destruction of Mexico It was April of the next year when Cortes at last arrived before the city and began the siege.
The Spaniards were swept back into the city, glad to escape with their lives before such overwhelming numbers; indeed, only a timely attack by a detachment in the rear of the Peruvians saved them from destruction then and there.
The third picture, the "Effets de la Ligue," represents the destruction of the kingdom and the slaughter of the people, of which the Ligue had been the cause.
He who has turned me from his doors with curses and scorn when I asked a crust at his hands, is plotting the destruction of you and those you serve.
The spirit of the air forbids your going, and I, his messenger, warn you that you seek destruction if you disobey him.
It was the only spot in Spain which acknowledged allegiance to Rome; and for that reason was marked for destructionas an act of defiance.
Saguntum, which for more than a thousand years had looked from its elevation out upon the sea, was no more, and its destruction was one of the thrilling tragedies of ancient history.
It is with thrilling interest that we read Isaiah's prophecy of the destruction of Tyre, which was written at this very time.
Whether the destruction of that ship and the death of 266 brave men was from internal or external causes was a very critical question.
He was defeated in the two objects dearest to his heart: the power to bequeath this imperial possession to Philip, and the destruction of Protestantism.
With the destruction of the labour theory of value, the Marxian contention that capital contributes only its own original value to the product is likewise overthrown.
A change in our fiscal system providing for the immediate derivation of all revenues from land taxes would, therefore, involve the confiscation of all rent, and the destruction of all private land values.
For some hours, says Vancouver, "immediate and inevitable destruction presented itself.
The work of destruction was short, though the King of Pahang and King Mahomet came out in person on huge elephants to help in the defence of their city.
The finishing strokes were put to the destruction during the first half of 1835, when Mr. E.
It is known that after the destruction of Roman London by Boadicea, a great many Romans made their escape into Southwark, where they continued to live, and contributed greatly to the size and importance of the southern suburb.
On the destruction of the so-called "Bishop's Chapel" in 1830, the tomb was removed from its eastern end to the honourable position it now occupies.
The proposal was not allowed to pass without opposition, for a counter motion was submitted for the complete destruction of the whole building except the tower, to which a brand-new church was to be adapted.
In 1832 a much graver act of vandalism was threatened by the Bridge Committee in their proposal for widening the roadway, which meant the entire destruction of the retro-choir.
My dear Camilla, you don't know from whatdestruction you will rescue me!
Is not my safety or my destruction alike indifferent to Camilla?
In this same year occurred the destructionof Pompeii and Herculaneum.
They worshipped the old gods, though they heard now and again of a certain sect of fanatical people who courted their own destruction from the officials, if not from Olympus, by denouncing the ancient worship.
Caracalla threatened the destruction of his bride and her father when he should come to the throne.
It is remarkable, in an age of unparalleled laxity of morals, that when means were sought by which to bring about the destruction of an enemy, an accusation of adultery was usually successful.
There were two causes which led her freely to dispensedestruction among her associates.