She had been hurt, and her interest in the country had dulled, but there were memories over which one might meditate until--until one could be certain of some things.
She crept a little nearer, and then sat on a rock to meditate on her position, keeping her eyes steadily fixed on this faint stream of light at the extremity.
Reader, allow not pensive September to close in without visiting Mount Hermon, linger under its silent shades, go partake of the joy of grief, and meditate at the grave of a buried love.
She was one of those, on whom it is dangerous for a man afraid of love to meditate too long.
But what act of cruelty did the Captain meditate committing against you?
I recollect, when I left the church, and I contrived to leave it without intermixing with any of my brother clergymen, I retired to meditate on what I had heard, but my mind was too deeply agitated to admit of calm meditation.
After the service was concluded he retired to meditate on what he had heard, but his mind was too deeply wounded to admit of calm meditation.
In the afternoon I stay at home and meditate on what I have heard; and in the evening I go to hear an excellent minister of Christ, who preaches in a small Dissenting chapel at the other end of our hamlet.
Long did my father meditate on this figure; he desired to embody in the countenance the expression of every evil passion that afflicts fallen humanity.
At first he would make his wife a sharer in his reflections, but as she, good woman, never understood a word of what he said, he learned to meditate in silence.
He sought to induce his people to meditate much on the written word in all its breadth.
Gethsemane at your feet leads your soul to meditate on Christ's love and determination to undergo divine wrath for us.
I am delighted to hear," he wrote, "that you meditate giving us your travels in Spain.
He had tired of "the Great City," and his thoughts turned instinctively to the woods and the fields, where he could be free to meditate and muse in solitude.
I meditate shortly a return to Barbary in quest of the Witch Hamlet, and my adventures in the land of wonders will serve capitally to fill the thin volume of My Life, a Drama, By G.
She could not do so much for him as Amy now, but by and by there would be his father to meditate with: to that she would give her energy!
In a word, on what subjects can we meditate and what things can we commit to paper more useful and important than these?
But we Christians ought to meditate and think on these things and their causes differently from philosophers.
Abundantly sufficient is it for us, if we delight in this divine wisdom, love it and meditate on it day and night.
They that are conversant with the distinction between body and soul, that are devoted to Yoga, and that meditate on the Pranava, always succeed in gratifying others.
Having established (for the use of others) this knowledge consisting of fifty branches which I had obtained from Surya, I now meditate on the great object of that knowledge viz.
Here, with concentrated mind, I meditateon the one universal Purusha of infinite proportions.
Sometimes, when I meditate upon these topics, it seems to me that I can discover but one art or science, which is design, and that all the works of the human brain and hand are either design itself or a branch of that art.
While still in his seventieth year, Michelangelo had educated himself to meditate upon the thought of death as a prophylactic against vain distractions and the passion of love.
Not many; but quite enough to make me meditate a temporary retirement to Boulogne.
Rodoan Aga and the Moslems of Gaza retired to dine and take their mid-day nap, while Sidney retired to his room to meditate on his embarrassed position.
Does any one meditate (strive) by himself to give an answer to things as in the case of questions?
These are the things which philosophers should meditate on, which they should write daily, in which they should exercise themselves.
We have no desire tomeditate over the memory of such a man.
Tyrconnell was known to meditate the repeal of the Act of Settlement; the general rumour of a Protestant massacre fixed for the 9th of December, originated no one knew how, was spread about no one knew by whom.
So saying, Flora withdrew, leaving Waverley to meditate upon the manner in which she had received his addresses.
Nino enthusiastically, pulling his hat over his eyes to meditate upon the name at his leisure.
And there I had been for two mortal hours or more, left to meditate upon the follies of professors in general and of myself in particular.
Sir," he said at last, "if you meditate any foul play, I would advise you to retract your invitation.
Pelly was slowly recovering from the shock that he had received and began to meditate revenge.
Show him that you will not be led blindfold even into an act that you meditate yourself.
The outer chapel always contains two or four large chairs for the family to meditate in.
Through the perfect wisdom of its grace they are not permitted to meditate at ease upon the complicated and acrid savour of existence.
It seemed to meditate a leap on to the old man's lap over the bent back of the ordinary seaman who sat at Singleton's feet.
Have I a sinistrous look to meditate such mischief?