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Example sentences for "foods"

Lexicographically close words:
fonts; food; foode; foodful; foodless; foodstuff; foodstuffs; fooil; fooit; fool
  1. Marie came to her abdication of life's greatest effort not by wearing too many clothes or by eating too many foods but by becoming accustomed to getting clothes and foods and all other things without the smallest effort.

  2. Side by side with young women in the Foods laboratory we shall see young men who are going to be chefs, dietitians, pure-food inspectors.

  3. We sat at table on the lotus-eating veranda, served by the butterfly maids, and ate strange foods and partook of a nectar called poi.

  4. He could extract no nutrition from the heavy foods they gave him; nor could pellets and powders help his stomach to do the work of digestion.

  5. An illustration of the transformation of mineral foods by plants before they can be used by animals is found in the Ca3(PO4)2 of bones.

  6. We are also assured of ash in any ordinary diet, but some attention should be paid to kind and amount, especially as many common foods have lost the parts richest in ash.

  7. Let us take, for example, Menu I, and make a list of the foods required to prepare it for a family of this size.

  8. Those foods classed here as perishable are those which readily "spoil," that is, those that are affected by mold and bacteria on account of the moisture that they contain, and also those that lose flavor and freshness quickly.

  9. A general rule may be stated: Buy perishable foods in small quantities; non-perishable foods in large.

  10. These two score cards are the average of the work of sixty students in judging bread in experimental cookery, Department of Foods and Cookery, Teachers College, Columbia University.

  11. Foods may be classed in this connection as perishable, semi-perishable, and non-perishable.

  12. If we do not exhaust our resources on one meal, we shall be able to have a greater range of foods in the course of a week.

  13. Very little children should not have meat, for it has stimulating properties which are undesirable for them, and it takes away the taste for foods more important for growth (see Food for Growth, Chapter XVIII).

  14. We do not care to see on the dinner table the same foods that we saw at luncheon.

  15. Cold storage would be a benefit to all under proper conditions of management, and the prices of many foods would be evenly adjusted by the maintenance of a steady supply.

  16. Meat is as cheap as vegetable foods only when the animal can find its own food, as in the pioneer days of any country, when only a small part of the land is under cultivation.

  17. Then, too, with such a variety of foods from which to select, it is easy to be tempted beyond our means, and to disregard the simple and the wholesome.

  18. Only in my dreams did he torment me, principally with visions of varied foods and with imagined indulgence in the foul weed called tobacco.

  19. This has a practical bearing on treatment; for, in such cases, simply excluding these foods from the diet and the administration of an alkali gives relief.

  20. So we have a picture of anaphylaxis as a sensitiveness to bacterial poisons or to foods or drugs that are harmless to most people expressing itself as an urticaria, an arthritis, an asthma or hay fever.

  21. Then the dermatologist brought in a list of skin eruptions, urticaria in the lead, as examples of anaphylaxis to certain foods or to poisons generated within the body, especially in the intestines.

  22. The recent recognition that food sensitiveness is an anaphylaxis and the detection of the foods at fault by the skin reaction may supply the missing guiding principle that was needed to adjust a diet to the individual needs.

  23. The error in our former practice was to divide foods into good and bad for certain diseases.

  24. Foods that cause the reaction are thought to be those to which the patient has been sensitized and to which he has not developed or maintained an efficient defence.

  25. The dermatologist has long suspected that certain skin diseases, as urticaria, and eczema, are aggravated or produced by certain foods but he has been unable to demonstrate just what foods were at fault.

  26. In this way we explain the cases in which drugs and foods that are harmless to most people may be virulent poisons to those who happen to have been sensitized by a former overdose.

  27. We should rather think of foods as good or bad for a particular patient.

  28. Then Bruck showed that what we used to call idiosyncrasy to drugs and foods that are harmless to most people is really an anaphylaxis, attributable to a former overdose of the same thing.

  29. This skin reaction as a test of anaphylaxis was used by Schloss with different foods before it was adopted in hay fever; and it has been taken up by the dermatologist also.

  30. Some striking cures have been reported by simply excluding these foods from the diet.

  31. The spots are marked with the names of the foods to be tested, as milk, beef, potato, oats, etc.

  32. The starch, sugar and fat of foods are the coal and the protein or albumin is the metal repair stuff.

  33. This is clearly shown by the following table which indicates the amounts of various flesh foods which are equivalent to one pound of walnut meats.

  34. Of the oaks there are many, while the nuts or acorns are seldom eaten by man, yet they have often composed his diet when other foods have failed.

  35. From this it appears that nuts possess such superior qualities as supplementary or accessory foods that they are able to replace not only meats, but even eggs and milk in the dietary.

  36. Even carnivorous animals nourish on a diet of nuts with other vegetable foods and cooked cereals.

  37. It should become a staple article of food and may most profitably replace the pork and meats of various sorts which are inferior foods and are recognized as prolific sources of disease.

  38. A telegram from a well-known Senator at Washington announced the fact that his infant daughter and only child was dying from mal-nutrition, as cow's milk and all the known infant foods had been found to disagree.

  39. Nuts have several advantages over flesh foods which are well worth considering.

  40. For many years it has been known that some persons were astonishingly sensitive to certain foods which indeed appeared to act as violent poisons.

  41. Some foods require special care to keep them from decaying.

  42. Dried foods contain all of the constituents of fresh food excepting water and a little flavour lost in evaporation, yet they are often much cheaper.

  43. Wholesome substitutes for expensive foods and attractive preparation and serving of left-over foods should be encouraged.

  44. The teacher should call attention to the fact that few foods contain all these substances, some have nearly all, some have only one, some two or more.

  45. The class may now be said to have a working knowledge of the well-known foods, and they should be given a chance to use this knowledge, by combining and serving these foods for simple meals.

  46. A refrigerator is desirable for such foods as butter, eggs, meat, etc.

  47. Providence intended the different digestive organs of the human body to work, and there is no possibility of condensed or concentrated foods taking the place of ordinary victuals, as has been suggested.

  48. No discussion on foods would be complete without a repetition of the frequently given warning, against fried meats and vegetables.

  49. There are certain kinds of foods which, though not strictly included in the four elements of food already named, yet are so common as to deserve special mention.

  50. It follows, then, that the enjoyment of food is quite as important as any other digestive function, and on the contrary, the eating of all sorts of foods with no interest or attention is the best way to induce subsequent indigestion.

  51. It is in the same way intended that each organ shall supply the necessary digestive juices to take care of the different kinds of foods taken into the system.

  52. Studies on the digestion of foods and on other matters pertaining thereto have shown that the smell of food, or the mere suggestion of food, stimulates the organs for the production of the digestive juices.

  53. Coffee may be considered a member of the general class of adjuvant, or auxiliary, foods to which other beverages and condiments of negligible inherent food value belong.

  54. Nitrogenized foods are effective to replace the substance of the different organs of the body wasted away by the process of vitality.

  55. On the subject of the relative agreement with the constitution of foods of daily consumption, Dr.

  56. Steadily advancing prices of foods meant increasing cost of labor, general unrest, and a difficult situation to meet at a period when the situation as a whole was most critical.

  57. Could rich, god-like white people have any sorrow, when they might wear cloth to any extent and had white salt in bottles and delicious foods in tins?

  58. I have to take these frame-foods in the form of sandwiches, and Sophie has learnt the art of making them so seductive that I get them down without any difficulty.

  59. There was nothing for it then but to keep Lucy well-nourished with broth made from tinned foods and beef-extract.

  60. Peary says:--“Pemmican is the most concentrated and satisfactory of all meat foods and is absolutely indispensable on long Arctic sledge journeys.

  61. They represent the three classes of foods necessary to health.

  62. Rice is one of the most concentrated foods we have, it is easy to pack and cook and has great sustaining powers as an article of diet.

  63. They are thus restored to their former value as palatable foods although of course their form and shape may be altered.

  64. Thus cheese, nuts, beans, rice and the various evaporated foods are highly concentrated but differ greatly in their ease of digestion.

  65. Foods will keep well if care is taken to exclude moisture by packing in provision bags of closely woven muslin, size 6 by 10 inches with tie strings for closing the open end.

  66. To keep certain neighbors good-natured and get from them such foods as they could spare, the Central states of Europe had in 1916 exported roughly three million two hundred thousands tons of coal.

  67. The maximum prices which the government set upon foods about to enter into possession of the consumer were invariably accompanied by minimum prices which the producer was to get.

  68. It was easier to distribute equitably the larger masses of cereals and vegetables than the concentrated foods into which animal industry would convert them.

  69. The feeble of all ages were carried off quickly when concentrated foods could no longer be had to keep them alive, and persons of middle age and old age suffered so much that death was in many cases a welcome relief.

  70. Many of the women would spend too much money on vegetable foods that filled the stomach but did not nourish.

  71. The alimentary system in that case had entered upon its downward curve of assimilation over elimination, and, constitutionally modified by the ease afforded by concentrated foods, it declined rapidly when these foods were withdrawn.

  72. To issue potatoes and other foods in given quantities was well enough, but not all that could be done.

  73. The cost of other foods is in proportion to these prices, provided it is bought in the legitimate market.

  74. The government wanted to be easy on the population and had for this reason closed its eyes to the packages of butter and other concentrated foods that went through the mails.

  75. Potatoes and other foods were handled in much the same manner.

  76. My lectures are thoroughly practical; it is useless to talk about economical foods if the dear people cannot procure them.

  77. The morning post brought a letter from Aunt Caroline enclosing a list of foods which she wished Mr. Noakes to stock.

  78. She did not know that though her signature might now be clamoured for by the advertisers of Brain Foods and Hair Washes, Dentifrices and the makers of Portia Caps, the public does not rise to the same fly twice.

  79. Amory knew people who were natural enough about their preferred foods and clothing and houses; was a woman less than an entree, or a bungalow, or a summer overcoat?

  80. You can tell what foods have starch in them by testing them with iodine.

  81. In all such emergencies it is very comforting to know that the larder is well furnished with tinned foods of reliable brands.

  82. It is a great convenience to have some tins of various preserved foods in the store-room for use in emergencies.

  83. Then, again, tinned foods are the great stand-by of people living in apartments.

  84. Tinned foods fill a very important part in housekeeping.

  85. Therefore, tinned foods are frequently brought into use, and prove very handy to the lonely woman in lodgings, or the small family living in apartments.

  86. What foods are best and how should they be prepared?

  87. The numbers given are the official ones by which the catalogs of prices and special titles may be ordered: (11) Foods and Cookery.

  88. Two foods must be shown to examiner and three may be certified to by mother or other responsible person.

  89. Hot breads, such as fresh rolls and biscuits, are not good foods for ill people.

  90. However, in getting rid of the water in fresh meats, fruits and vegetables we lose, unfortunately, much of the volatile essences that give these foods their good flavor.

  91. Other foods of very high theoretical value are constipating if used in large amounts, as cheese, nuts, chocolate.

  92. On these hikes the girls can practice using the condensed foods that must be depended upon in mountain climbing.

  93. The problem of a campaign ration is the same, but cutting out most of the water and waste in which fresh foods abound.

  94. Fried foods should be kept from invalids and children.

  95. These are gains in addition to those which result from the formation of nitrates, soluble potash and other plant foods through fermentation.

  96. Few vegetables are eaten raw and nearly all foods are taken hot or recently cooked if not in some way pickled or salted.

  97. The small number of animal products which are included in the market list given should not be taken as indicating the proportion of animal to vegetable foods in the dietaries of these people.

  98. Among the most frequent sights in the city streets are the itinerant vendors of hot foods and confections.

  99. The largest part of the water required in the body is supplied as a beverage and the remainder is taken in with the foods that are eaten.

  100. In addition to having no food value, such ingredients produce overstimulation and irritation in the alimentary tract, toughen the cellulose in the foods used, and consequently often cause indigestion and various gastric disturbances.

  101. When foods are boiled, one reason for a change in taste is that oxygen is driven off by the boiling.

  102. Spread the foods to be dried on the trays in a single thin layer, and arrange them so that the air from the electric fan will blow over them.

  103. How are foods blanched and scalded, and why are blanching and scalding done?

  104. This illustration shows, with a few exceptions, such foods canned by the one-period cold-pack method, and merits close inspection.

  105. Foods canned in this way undergo less change in form and flavor than those canned by the open-kettle method; besides, there is less danger of spoiling.

  106. Why should care be exercised in the selection of foods to be canned?

  107. Flavorings are very important in the making of confections, for it is on them that much of the appetizing effect of these foods depends.

  108. As a condiment to be served with meats, oysters, fish, baked beans, and other foods high in protein, catsup finds considerable use.

  109. They, as well as pickled pears and pickled crab apples, make a relish that adds variety to the foods that are served in the home from day to day.

  110. The preservation of foods by canning and drying should not be looked at as an old-fashioned idea; rather, it is a matter in which the housewife should be vitally interested.

  111. Therefore, to improve the taste of canned foods that are to be served without any further preparation, it is advisable, when a jar is opened, to pour the contents into an open dish and thus expose it to the air.

  112. Even in countries that are not war-broken, the blockade, and the long stoppage of normal commerce, have caused great scarcity of many important foods and materials, and famine prices bring grievous suffering to the poorer classes.

  113. The smaller and the poorer nations, however free in the political sense, become their economic bond slaves, at the mercy of the master states for their foods and other necessaries of life.

  114. She is still lending her credit to support the large surplus supplies of foods and other goods she is selling Europe.

  115. They absorb from a pure atmosphere the combined foods of plants and animals, and during their existence meet no scorching sunrise.

  116. The material constituents of all foods are plentiful, they abound everywhere, and yet amid the unlimited, unorganized materials that go to form foods man would starve.

  117. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foods" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.