The wittiest man becomes tedious and ill-bred when he endeavors to engross entirely the attention of the company in which he should take a more modest part.
The highest themes which can elevate or engross the mind of man claimed her profound and delighted reveries.
She superintended the preservation of the fruit, the storage of the wine, the sorting of the linen, and those other details of domestic life which engross the attention of a good housewife.
The days of celebrity and of power engross her thoughts.
In all the beauties of nature her eye ever recognized the hand of God, and she ever took pleasure in those sublime thoughts of infinity and eternity which must engross every noble mind.
Of late he had begun to feel that these qualities were a peculiar possession for himself, and he wanted to engross them.
Let not, my soul, the interests of a moment engross thy thoughts, or be preferred to my eternal interests.
Assurance like my Lady Rodomont's, to engrossall the Fellows to her self.
And that your Ladyship might not engross the whole Sex, I receiv'd the Major, to let you know I have room for one Lover.
In a manner analogous to the old-fashioned capitalist-employer's engrossing of the industrial community's technological efficiency does the modern pecuniary magnate engross the business community's capitalistic efficiency.
The pecuniary magnate must be able effectually to engross the pecuniary initiative and the business opportunities on which such a section or ramification of the business community depends for its ordinary gains.
When he did speak, however, he was somewhat apt to convey his ideas in the form of a lecture; but this never proceeded from a wish to engross the discourse, or to gratify his vanity.
In the trade to America, every nation endeavours to engross as much as possible the whole market of its own colonies, by fairly excluding all other nations from any direct trade to them.
By combining not to take apprentices, they can not only engross the employment, but reduce the whole manufacture into a sort of slavery to themselves, and raise the price of their labour much above what is due to the nature of their work.
For in that detestable aristocracy, the Patricians, not content with the wealth of the republick, which centered chiefly in their own body, used their utmost efforts to engross the entire possession of the lands.
Leontidas wanted to engross the whole power into his own hands, and to govern, by a small, but select number of his own creatures.
But it is impossible to engross commerce by dominion; and therefore it is still more fallacious.
The swan, who must of necessity cover the entire bowl with his wings, can be no other than the Spaniard, who endeavours to engross all the treasures of the Indies to himself.
But, above all, is it not inexplicable that we should passively have suffered the monopoly of it by her, when we ourselves were willing and able to engross it?
She avowedly contends that it is her interest to engross the commerce of the world; that she has the power to engross it, and, therefore, she will engross it.
If this reasoning be sound, we had better revoke the interdiction as to aliens holding land, and invite foreigners to engross the whole property, real and personal, of the country.
But to return to the blissful first day of our meeting, one of the happiest I had yet known; for a paramount affection doth so engross the heart, that other sorrows vanish in its presence like dewdrops in the sunshine.
Besides," continued Miss Winter, "those children engross almost all her time and thoughts.
The only vexation was, that every one could not always engrossher entirely; and Dr.
More frequently, however, while the lungs engross attention, the eyes become disordered.
To have, in a manner, two mothers, and miss Lesley to engross them both, was too much indeed.
That would be asking too much when she thinks I engross you.
No, I fear there is no hope of that; but I do not think an old broken-backed invalid ought to engrossthis great house.
Freemen are serious; they have objects at their heart worthy to engross attention.