He would gladly have detained them, had not Rüdiger declared that his master impatiently awaited the coming of his bride, which had duly been announced to him.
In reply to Gunther's courteous inquiry concerning the welfare of the King and Queen of the Huns, Rüdiger announced the death of the latter, and declared that he had come to sue for Kriemhild's hand.
After receiving this promise, Kriemhild signified her consent, and immediately prepared to accompany Rüdiger to King Etzel's court.
This same privilege was granted to Rüdiger and his five hundred men; but when these had all passed out, the Burgundians renewed the bloody fight, nor paused until all the Huns in the hall were slain, and everything was reeking with blood.
All the followers of Rüdiger also fell; and when Kriemhild, who was anxiously awaiting the result of this new attack in the court below, saw his corpse among the slain, she began to weep and bemoan her loss.
In spite of all his courage, Dietrich would have been forced to surrender had not Rüdiger of Bechlaren come to his rescue.
There they found Eckewart, who had been sent by Rüdiger to warn them not to advance any farther, as he suspected that some treachery was afoot.
Thus they managed to survive that terrible night; but when morning dawned and the queen heard that they were still alive, she bade Rüdiger go forth and fight them.
Rüdiger then escorted the Burgundians until they met the brave Dietrich von Bern (Verona), who also warned them that their visit was fraught with danger, for Kriemhild had by no means forgotten the murder of the husband of her youth.
I had not got very far in it when the young Lord Rüdiger of Nienkerken came riding up, in order, as he said, to inquire whether his Majesty were indeed going to march through Coserow.
Meanwhile, however, it befell that the young nobilis Rüdiger of Nienkerken came riding one day to gather news of the terrible witchcraft that went on in the village.
But he was overruled, and Rüdiger was permitted to interview Kriemhild.
But first she made Rüdiger swear to avenge her wrongs, and this he did lightly, thinking it merely a woman’s whim which would pass away after marriage.
The Burgundians were as loath to attack Rüdiger as he them, and Hagen and he exchanged shields.
The queen appealed to Rüdiger to complete the slaughter, but he, aghast at the idea of attacking friends whom he had sworn to protect, was about to refuse, when Kriemhild reminded him of his oath to her.
To spare his niece (Gotelint) Dietrich tells them not to mention the terrible events which have happened, but to say that he and Rüdiger will soon come to see her, or at all events himself.
All my men are gone, I am bereft of all good, Knight Rüdiger the brave and true is slain.
However, all difficulties were eventually overcome, and when the party was ready for departure Rüdiger was sent on an embassy to King Gibich at Worms, to prepare him for their coming.
She accompanied Rüdiger to the court of Etzel, stopping at his castle of Bechlarn, where dwelt his wife Gotelind and his daughter Dietlinde.
The combat recommenced, and great was the slaughter of the Burgundians, until Gernot and Rüdiger came together and slew one another.
At the suggestion of Hildebrand he selected Rüdiger of Bechlarn, Dietleib of Styria, and Ilsan, who was brother to Hildebrand and at that time a monk in the monastery of Munchenzell.
Men Fryas folk is diger and flitich, hja wrdon mod ner wirg, thrvchdam hjara dol to tha besta leide.
And afsken hi kampade mith alle sin weld, vmbe nene burga to forstalane ner wither vp to bvwande, thach sand hi Adel nei there burch et Texland til thju hi diger bi diger kvd wertha machta, mith ella hwat to vsa ewa, tale and sedum hereth.
Alleramannelik jef to an mery mery fru and bly, and nimman nede diger than to akane sina nocht.
On account of his books Rüdiger was imprisoned at Dresden, where he died.
This controversy, however, gave a handle to the Bishop of Olmütz, and he denounced both Rüdiger and his opponent to Rudolf as disturbers of the peace.
This order, however, had been disregarded; and Rüdiger had gained further reputation by defending the Brotherhood against the attacks of the leader of another sect.
Fortunately, Count Rüdiger was an able and vigilant soldier, and defended the city with a skill and obstinacy that baffled every effort of his foes.
Rüdiger had sent courier after courier to the Duke of Lorraine in vain.
Count Rüdiger of Stahrenberg was left in command, and made all haste to put the imperilled city in a condition of defence.
Alec Digerhad been his only close friend during those thirteen boring years at Orange Sea Camp.
He would have to remember the pun to tell Alec Diger later, if there was a later.
You don't really mean that, Dik," Alec Diger clamped a heavy black arm across his shoulders.
The powerful arms and compact build identified him as a member of the Diger family, one of the most numerous groups.
It finally reached the point where Rüdiger left the city, swearing he would never return.
V One afternoon in the last week of August, the Rüdiger sisters sent the boy who attended to their garden over to Eleanore with the urgent request that she call as soon as she possibly could.
More she did not know, other than that Rüdiger had gone to Switzerland and lost his life by falling down one of the mountains.
She told Daniel that they were the Rüdiger sisters.
In the hallway they met the Rüdiger sisters as they were returning from their daily stroll through the garden.
It was the Rüdiger sisters trying to drink in the creative efforts of the artist.
The Rüdiger sisters, all but bursting with curiosity to know what Eleanore had in mind, could draw nothing from her other than that she was going to take Meta away and that Meta was agreed.
To herself she remarked, "This very moment has the Miss refused to marry gnädiger Herr.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diger" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.