Athenaeus remarks acutely that he seems at least to have been sober when he wrote; and he himself strongly repudiates, as Horace does, the brutal characteristics of intoxication as fit only for barbarians and Scythians (Fr.
Theodore had now given himself up to intoxication and lust.
Intoxication may exist in different degrees and stages; it is the state of a man who loses, to any extent, control over his reasoning faculties through the effects of alcohol.
It is not an easy matter to define just when intoxication properly begins and sobriety ends; every man must do that for himself.
Such intoxication may be responsible partly, if not entirely, for the want of progress at school, and also for the irritable temper which the child shows in class.
An intoxication alone seems capable of exercising upon the latter a sufficiently general action to reach the germ cells, and by far the most frequent poison is alcohol.
He understood that Mr. Alison was making most praiseworthy efforts to impede the fatal habits of intoxication that were only too prevalent.
People forgot his antecedents, so far as they were known, in the intoxication of universal admiration and unbounded worship of genius.
Still bewildered by the fumes of their intoxication of the day before, at first they no longer remembered what had taken place, and as noon rung out from a neighboring steeple, they all looked at one another with a melancholy smile.
What matter the bottle, so long as we draw intoxication from it?
She recovered from the intoxication in a few hours, and suffered no more from the poison of the serpent.
Let the patient drink it freely, a gill or more at a time, once in fifteen to twenty minutes, until some symptoms of intoxication are experienced, then cease using it.
Crowds of young men in various stages of intoxication rush into the lighted parlors, leer at the hostess in the vain effort to offer their respects, call for liquor, drink it, and stagger out, to repeat the scene at some other house.
There is heard the pompous challenge, the intoxication of future victories.
The return of Napoleon had been celebrated by enthusiastic shouts, that resembled the intoxication of victory: that of the Empress would have inspired only tender emotions.
So many joint successes, magnified too by report, had diffused confidence and intoxication throughout Paris.
Berthelot and Wollman, he carried out a series of experiments which established the fact that this intoxication is due to poisons of the aromatic group, such as phenols and indols.
A similar phenomenon of auto-intoxication is manifested by lower vegetables, yeasts, and microbes.
Thus the obvious cause of the death of the moth is an acid intoxication by toxic urine secreted in the bladder.
According to a theory of Preyer's, fatigue and sleep are due to a periodical auto-intoxication set up by the products of the vital activity of our organism.
Thus the vegetable kingdom offers us examples of the absence of natural death as well as examples of a natural death due to an auto-intoxication of the organism.
Having proved that putrefying microbes provoke the intoxication of the tissues, Metchnikoff set to work to find a means of struggling against those microbes.
According to Metchnikoff it may be that the mechanism of natural death also consists in an auto-intoxication by the progressive accumulation of toxic products during the whole of life.
In consequence of the acute disturbance of circulation and nutrition an acute intoxication takes place, which may range from a slight excitation to a complete loss of consciousness.
The number of those mental disturbances which are caused by alcohol intoxicationis a very considerable one.
Besides, when this intoxication is off I'll realize what a lot I'm accepting from you.
He felt the old feeling of the intoxication of love stealing over him, and he called to mind the sweet odor of her skin, her smile when she put her arms on to his shoulders, the soft intonations of her voice, all her graceful, coaxing ways.
A sort of intoxication arising from the bloodshed still held him in thrall, and he allowed himself to be persuaded to return to the Royal Fortune and let the doctor work his will.
She was doing virtuously and she had out of her virtue an intoxication of joy that, in so far as it is at all concerned with virtue, arises, not from virtue's self, but from the consciousness of virtue.
First intoxication of happiness; and must not intoxicationin time wear off?
And gradually the intoxication invaded him again, the zest came back.
It was all the lust and the infinite, maddening intoxication of the sense, a passion of death.
Instead of putting color into his pale face, intoxication always made it unnaturally white and set a glassy stare in his eyes.
Since the night in which his wife had fled never to return, he had not set liquor to his lips; and Ben's growing habits of intoxication threw him continually into a rage.
Davison's habit of occasional intoxication was known to her before her marriage, as was also his violent outbursts of temper; but love had told her the old lie, that she could save him from himself.
It becomes a habit, a sort of intoxication which we cannot do without.
They would suddenly relapse from the intoxication of words into the depths of discouragement.
There is a sort of intoxication in the tragic grandeur of the sacrifice of a mighty epoch like ours to the epoch that it has brought into being.
So Christophe was affected by the intoxication of the passions with which he was surrounded.
The artist in him was carried away by the intoxication of the rest.
In their intellectual intoxicationthey cried aloud to those outside: "Harder!
Visions of enchantment presented themselves--a complete intoxication of joy.
I feel a mad supercharge of life--an intoxication of the senses, perhaps.
A classical intoxicationis followed by the splashing of soda-water, by frothy effusions of ordinary bile.
There is the buoyant spirit of youth in every line, in the rapturous intoxication of hope, and in the bitterness of despair.
This morning he enjoyed the spiritual intoxicationof the confessional as never before.
He felt theintoxication of the presence of Miss Morison, and he yielded to it with frank unscrupulousness.
Then he struggled to forget everything in the service; to steep himself in the spiritual intoxication of the hour.
The intoxication of love now ceased in me, and reflection came in its place: I repented of what I had done, and prayed God to deliver me from my dangerous predicament.
I was once told that the master of an English merchant-vessel, having fallen asleep in a state of intoxication on the shore of the harbour of Alexandria, at night, was devoured by dogs.
Intoxication had departed, and reflection had come.