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Example sentences for "take delight"

  • Like, enjoy, be pleased with, take delight in, delight in, have a liking for.

  • Take pleasure in, be delighted with, take delight in, derive pleasure from.

  • I take delight," he repeated, "in observing what a savage the fellow is.

  • I take delight in these mountains, without knowing how high they are, and what strata they are composed of, and many other things that men of science are acquainted with.

  • He felt perfectly safe on the horse, who seemed to take delight in his free rider.

  • As I love the old Man, I take Delight in complying with every thing that is agreeable to him, and accordingly waited on him to the Coffee-house, where his venerable Figure drew upon us the Eyes of the whole Room.

  • It is wondrous, that a Man can get over the natural Existence and Possession of his own Mind so far, as to take Delight either in paying or receiving such cold and repeated Civilities.

  • My Letter shall single out those who take delight in sorting a Company that has something of Burlesque and Ridicule in its Appearance.

  • So that if the imagination is to be called to take delight in any object, it will not be always well, if we can help it, to put the real object there, before it.

  • We admire the mathematician's formula for its simplicity and adequacy; we take delight in its clarity and scope, in the ease with which it enables the mind to master a thousand more special truths, but we do not find it beautiful.

  • In the work of the Flemish and Dutch, on the contrary, we take delight in the perspicuity of things without losing the sense of wholeness; for there is a sameness and simplicity of color tone which unites them.

  • No special power of art is required that we take delight in them; the task of the artist is half accomplished before he begins.

  • At sight of this powerful animal, with his double row of formidable pointed fangs, which he seemed to take delight in displaying as he opened his large jaws, Mrs. Grivois could not help giving utterance to a cry of terror.

  • That man who lives in happiness by himself in the midst of creatures who are seen to take delight in leading lives of sexual union, should be known to be a person whose thirst has been slaked by knowledge.

  • When the man whom this fault assails begins to take delight in (the company and counsels of) wise men, the vice at once and immediately hides its head.

  • Take delight in earnestness; watch thy thoughts and never tire; Lift thee from the Path of Evil, like the tusker sunk in mire.

  • They who, watchful night and day, Take delight in ecstasy, Are followers of Gotama.

  • They who, watchful night and day, Take delight in harmlessness, Are followers of Gotama.

  • In this best piece not only he is bound to take delight, but cannot, in a right state of thought, take delight in anything else, otherwise than through himself.

  • Youth must be taught to take delight in this.

  • To take delight in gestures or songs which are manifestations of bad qualities, produces the same kind of mischievous effect upon the spectator as association with bad men in real life.

  • Youth must be taught to take delight in this 291 Bad musical exhibitions and poetry forbidden by the lawgiver.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "take delight" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    good letter; little distance from the; religious training; take along; take away; take back; take breath; take chances; take delight; take down; take fire; take flight; take hede; take one; take orders; take over; take revenge; take thou; taken away; taken care; taken down; taken down from the; taken for; takes notice; takes occasion; then made