You seem delighted at the idea," she said, but bit her lip and trembled as his eyes met hers.
He was delighted to hear opinions boldly expressed and points honestly debated, although the vehicle was mostly slang, both English and French.
I am delighted to see you; do you live in the vicinity?
Mr. Dide was so much delighted at his success that the damage to his rod was a matter of little importance.
Chawming--thanks; I shall be delighted to drop in.
Mr. Dide was so truly delighted with the novelty of his experience, and so full of anxiety to make it known, that he was permitted to run on without interruption.
Puvis de Chavannes, delighted at this unhoped-for good fortune, offered to complete the decoration of the gallery, by painting the panels occupying the spaces between the windows.
Nobody would have guessed that he wasdelighted to see me this morning; and yet, of course, he was.
He is always delighted at having an opportunity for turning on the water-works.
I do not know why you should seem so delighted to hear it," rejoins Cecilia, looking at him from under her smart hat with a mixture of surprise and resentment.
What they found fully accounted for Paul's delighted manner.
So delighted to have obtained a positive key to the Trio's movements that he could hardly say "Thank you," without betraying excitement in his voice, Billy hung up the receiver.
Delighted as could be, Jones frisked about like a colt while with his axe Way trimmed from a tree before him a long strip of bark.
With this and other similar declarations, equally dignified and polished, Paul Jones expressed the delighted state of his mind at about the same time Dave was mentioning his own pleasure to Worth.
Yet every minute or two he would trot around to where Worth's supper preparations were in progress, sniffing the air, and smiling in a most delighted state of anticipation.
He hadn't been prepared for separate studies, and was not a little astonished and delighted with the palace in question.
I don't understand cricket, so I don't enjoy those fine draws which you tell me are the best play, though when you or Raggles hit a ball hard away for six I am as delighted as any one.
At the end he looked at East with some anxiety, and was delighted to see that that young gentleman was thoughtful and attentive.
She was delighted and came to see him more frequently, and then she brought him a hymn-book, so as to utilize his voice.
The clock was placed on the chimney-piece in the dining-room, and they looked to see what the effect was, and they were both delighted with it, and agreed that nothing could be better.
He also seemed delighted at having Allouma in the house, but I never once saw anything suspicious between them, and so I accepted the situation as it was, and let time, accident, and life act for themselves.
The general impression received was that the merchant class and the bulk of the ministers were delighted with the establishment of British authority in Kengtung.
To many of those watching him, the sight of that graceful figure, that shining ardent face, revealing the promise which youth and beauty always offer to a delighted world, became an ineffaceable memory.
Fluff looked so much stronger and happier that his parents, delighted with their experiment, were inclined to cry up the Hill, much to the exasperation of the dwellers in the Plain.
Frank was evidently as much astonished as delighted at the unexpected meeting with his ladylove.
All this relieved anddelighted the youthful husband and father; and when he pressed his infant daughter to his bosom, he wept tears of joy at the thought that her mother's heritage of freedom would be hers.
Maude, in her girlish freshness of heart, was delighted with the variety of scenery, while to Bart all was excitement.
Delighted with this game, Prudence put out her hands to return his caresses, and also found his breasts.
Li took the silver, as delighted as if the money had fallen from the sky, and ran to see his mistress.
Fifty pieces of copper decided the girl to speak, and the delighted Li, letting her depart, ran to the house of P'ei, to whom he told all that he knew.
Surprised, delighted and embarrassed, they smiled, as if they had known each other for a long time.
Naturally the delighted Superior wished to prostrate himself in thanks; but the Governor continued: "They have spoken to me also of a miraculous chapel.
I well knew how delighted my mother would be to see me, and I had an undefined feeling that the sooner I could be with her the better.
I was delighted to find myself on board ship again, and if the choice had been given me I suspect that I should have remained rather than have accompanied my mother back to Whithyford.
I was delighted with the thoughts of meeting again the Little Lady with the kind Misses Schank; for I must confess that the habits and customs of my relatives did not suit my taste much more than they did that of my mother.
So delighted was the old gentleman with his entertainment, that he declined receiving any further present with the exception of a few bottles of rum, which he could not bring himself to refuse.
How has Krishna suddenly become invisible and imperceptible, a being without qualities and form, when all along he has delighted us with his physical charms.
Rukmini in turn has overheard some beggars reciting Krishna's exploits, has fallen in love with his image and is at once delighted and disturbed.
Krishna is delighted to have him as a brother-in-law and as already narrated in the epic, he advises Arjuna to marry her by capture.
Kansa is delightedat the suggestion, adding only that a savage elephant should be stationed at the gate ready to tear Krishna and Balarama to pieces immediately they enter.
The delighted gods rained down flowers; demi-gods, saints, bards and celestial musicians were all spectators from the sky.
The sage is delighted to receive the commission and on arriving is warmly welcomed.
Krishna is delighted with her youth, places her in his chariot and on his return to Dwarka, celebrates their wedding.
Instead of dwelling on the temporary rupture in Radha and Krishna's relationship, it roved freely over the many phases of their love-making, subjecting every incident to delighted analysis.
The artist's identity is once again uncertain, but just as the Garhwal master was fascinated by the swirl of curling water, the Kangra artist in questiondelighted in the blonde pallor of the Indian moon.
No, your honor, on the very day of my arrival I had an audience with him, and the Electoral Prince was highly delightedto receive news from home.
Her highness seemed highly delighted at the idea, and gave me an open note to the Electoral Prince, introducing me to her son as a skillful portrait painter.
Not merely are the ladies delightedwith him, but the men also, and the royal pair are glad of heart, for well pleased are they to present such a husband to their amiable daughter.
My son would do well to follow his example, and I shall be delighted for him to form a friendship with the count.
I should think the Swedes would be delighted to have your highness for an ally, to stand with them against the Emperor and the German Empire, and the States-General, too, would gladly give you the right hand of confederation.
You have seen howdelighted I was with the beautiful picture, but, on the whole, I have taken a greater fancy to landscapes and representations of comedy, and the Flemish painters are the ones I peculiarly admire.
He longs, no doubt, to delineate some favorite spot where my dear Śakoontalá delighted to ramble.
Facing the east, the glorious saint Pure from all spot of earthly taint, To Ráma, with delighted mind, That noble host of spells consigned.
Mary and her mother were of course delighted to see me, and asked why Henry did not come too.
It was a lovely day in June when I arrived at my god-mother's; and she was delighted to see me.
Wiping the thick dust from the canvas, the delighted broker brought it, with many bows and apologies, to the great master, who on nearer inspection saw that his first glance had been correct.
The Korean woman is as sensitive as a white woman about the display of her person, and the Japanese, knowing this, delighted to have this means of humiliating them.
Returning home, they had given an exhibition of their physical drill and fencing before the King, who was as delighted with them as a child with a new toy.
If Christ were still visibly on earth, millions would be delighted to feed Him, but it would annoy almost all of us to see even a few serving Him by sitting idle at His feet listening.
It had not delighted him that "Sarella" should arrive under his escort, though how she could have made her way up from Maxwell without him, he did not trouble to discuss with himself.
He did not expect them to be delighted by the advent of a foreigner in a position not identical with their own.
She has not been through the regular routine of advancement; but, as it were in a moment, endowed by nature with the wonderful power of song, she delighted the circle in which she moved, and is now enchanting the public.
He has also a soft yet powerful baritone-voice; and, as a singer, he has often delighted private and public audiences.
In Mr. Beecher's church they delighted a vast throng of auditors, and another equally packed audience greeted them last evening.
As it is, they have often delighted their hearers in private circles by their rendering of some of the choicest music of the day.
They described to the Indians the pleasures of the upper world, and the people were delighted with their story.
The dart which Ma-mon-dá-go-Kwa had so often delighted in sending to the hearts of her admirers she was at length fated to receive.
The old spirit was delighted to see the two return, and he was also much pleased with the presents Wassamo brought.
After a very long journey, and a long absence, he returned, bringing with him the sun, and he was delighted to find that his children had remained obedient, and had eaten only of the white food.
The king was delighted at what he thought was a mark of her affection, and the girl left the lodge with a dipper in her hand.
They were delighted at the thought that a maestro should have been born and risen to fame in soulful old Franconia.
The maid—it was Döderlein’s maid—was delighted at the comedy, and made a noise that resembled the cackling of a hen.
Father will be delighted to see you, and we will have something to eat.
She related the story of her meeting with the dog with so much coquetry and detail that Daniel was delighted at the contrast between this rodomontade and the quaking anxiety in which he first found her.
Gertrude, whose senses were now delighted at the sight of any object that appealed to one’s feelings.
He saw her quite soon, and was delighted when she glided by; but when she was lost in the crowd, he frowned.
Delighted to see him again, he would talk the sheerest nonsense, and trip around about his young friend in groundless glee.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "delighted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.