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Example sentences for "joyfulness"

Lexicographically close words:
joyeux; joyful; joyfull; joyfullest; joyfully; joying; joyless; joyn; joynd; joyne
  1. The humility and gentleness of his demeanour, as well as the enthusiasm and believing joyfulness which he displayed, won for him many hearts even outside of the council.

  2. And that this joyfulness and reverence are a necessary part of theoretic pleasure is very evident when we consider that, by the presence of these feelings, even the lower and more sensual pleasures may be rendered theoretic.

  3. Behold my servants shall rejoice, and you shall be confounded: behold my servants shall praise for joyfulness of heart, and you shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for grief of spirit.

  4. The joyfulness of the heart, is the life of a man, and a never failing treasure of holiness: and the joy of a man is length of life.

  5. May he grant us joyfulness of heart, and that there be peace in our days in Israel for ever: 50:26.

  6. She herself only occasionally had his joy in mere living, but she had always thought that Stephen's joyfulness would prove infectious.

  7. There is an element of relaxation and of joyfulness in the rhythm of the music and the twinkling of the feet, which comes as a blessing into the dulness and monotony of life.

  8. And with the joyfulness comes the sociability.

  9. Our hearts will be filled with joyfulness at the expected reconciliation.

  10. This music-box will play a tune for each nickel dropped into it, and so God’s joy-machine will yield you a heartful of joyfulness every time you can get it to work, and it always works whenever you proceed right.

  11. If we walk close to God, we shall find that in the midst of our trials, even when they are bitter, there is an undercurrent of sweet joyfulness away down in the depths of our souls.

  12. She was almost a Jewish mother in her reverence for marriage and joyfulness for the blessing of children.

  13. When, however, all the bushes were covered with leaves and the fruit trees with flowers, on the first of May, a Saturday, Tsar and people entered the church and with ardor and joyfulness made crosses out of it.

  14. With joyfulness the heathens listened--it seemed to them as though the monarch's speech had come out of their own hearts.

  15. Our joyfulness rose to the zenith and then descended gradually.

  16. Basil came to London after the funeral, and methought his sadness then did become him as much as his joyfulness heretofore.

  17. The joyfulness of the Vagabond is no mere light-hearted, graceful spirit.

  18. Within the compass of pagan joyfulness there had been no deeper passion than the love of beauty.

  19. Esdr 2:36 Flee the shadow of this world, receive the joyfulness of your glory: I testify my Saviour openly.

  20. Sir 30:22 The gladness of the heart is the life of man, and the joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days.

  21. We were surely meant to be happy, we humans, so indomitable is the inclination towards joyfulness under circumstances the most adverse.

  22. In this manner alone can we explain the joyfulness which accompanies all genuine performance of duty, and without which duty is no more than a task forced upon us.

  23. You divine in the world about you matter for a little more humility on your own part, and tolerance, reverence, and love for others; and you gain a certain inner joyfulness at the increased importance of our common life.

  24. Such joyfulness is a religious inspiration and an element of spiritual health, and worth more than large amounts of that sort of technical and accurate information which we professors are supposed to be able to impart.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "joyfulness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    amusement; beatification; beatitude; bliss; cheer; cheerfulness; delight; ecstasy; elation; enchantment; exaltation; exhilaration; exuberance; felicity; festivity; frivolity; fun; gaiety; gladness; glee; happiness; heaven; hilarity; intoxication; jocularity; jollity; joviality; joy; joyfulness; laughter; levity; merriment; mirth; paradise; rapture; ravishment; sunshine; transport