A full description of Wildberg's case is given in another journal in brief, as follows: A woman, eighteen months married, was in labor in the eighth month of pregnancy.
For a full description of the method of preparing this article, see Watts' 'Dic.
Footnote 231: For a full descriptionof Dauglish's process, see Watts' 'Dic.
New York [39] A full description of the Lewis machine gun for airplane work will be found in How to Fly by the present author and published by D.
For a full description of the trajectory of bullets, see Shooting for Boys, by the present authors, and published by Moffat, Yard & Co.
To the end that you may do this, I have given in this chapter the plans and specifications, which mean the working drawings and a full description, of a 2-foot model submarine boat which you can easily make and run yourself.
A full description of their individual character and peculiarities must always be available on the one hand, and on the other, all facts concerning their hereditary [24] qualities.
It will therefore hardly be necessary to give a full description of all my experiments on the relations of the monstrosity to external conditions.
Alfred, however, gave a full description of his master's character, and the motives which impelled him to seek his freedom.
For a full descriptionof the worm I must refer either to the Linnean ‘Transactions’ or to my introductory volume whence the figures here given are taken.
I must refer to my ‘Entozoa’ for a full description, with figures, of a larval tetrarhynch from the wall of the intestine of a haddock.
But as all common Cirripedes are included in the present Order, here would have been the natural place for a full description of their external and internal structure.
I will first give a full description of the more common forms, alluding only to each less frequent variation, and then separately describe briefly the more marked varieties.
Every one of them is based on outline drawings by myself, a number of photographs, and a full description of the scene.
Here we see the impression of a child's foot on a tablet of stone in a red and yellow frame; a full description in raised letters informs us that it is the print of the foot of the present Grand Lama when he was a child six months old.
We also read a full description of ourselves and the horse and buggy and that a liberal reward would be paid for our capture and return to Findlay.
The additional rules also contain a full descriptionof the duties of each appointment in the convent (c.
Prague, give a full description of the willing humility this holy woman practised in the convent and of the tenderness she showed towards the sick.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "full description" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.