The two conflicting streams of consciousness calledambivalence by the psychologist may be observed in the attitude of the savage toward many of his taboos.
Freud's analogy between the dualistic attitude toward the tabooed object and the ambivalence of the emotions.
This choice also signifies a real overcoming of my resistance and ambivalence toward synthetic construct development in a year's time.
Perhaps this signified that my own ambivalence had dissipated.
The ambivalence of wanting to be "all-at-once" responsible and dependent.
Now, I would attribute my selection of "ambivalence" to my then existing ambivalence about conceptualizing a synthetic construct.
On the contrary, the first phases in the domination of the two new substitutive formations for the father, those of gods and kings, plainly show the most energetic expression of thatambivalence which is characteristic of religion.
It is certainly noticeable that the ambivalence attached to the father complex also continues in totemism and in religions in general.
The disposition to compulsion neurosis which we have so often taken for comparison with taboo problems, is distinguished by a particularly high degree of this original ambivalence of emotions.
But this example would lead us to assume that the psychic impulses of primitive man possessed a higher degree of ambivalence than is found at present among civilized human beings.
If this psychological factor did not exist the ambivalence could neither maintain itself so long nor lead to such subsequent manifestations.
We have so frequently had occasion to show the ambivalenceof emotions in its real sense, that is to say the coincidence of love and hate towards the same object, at the root of important cultural formations.
With the decline of this ambivalence the taboo, as the compromise symptom of the ambivalent conflict, also slowly disappeared.
In contradistinction to all this we emphasize the unity which our interpretation gains by deducing all these rules from the ambivalence of the emotion of savages towards their enemies.
Only one thing, namely, the propensity to arouse the ambivalence of man and to tempt him to violate the prohibition.
There is always more or less of thisambivalence in everybody's disposition; normally it is not strong enough to give rise to the obsessive reproaches we have described.
The word taboo has had a different fate; with the diminished importance of the ambivalence which it connotes it has itself disappeared, or rather, the words analogous to it have vanished from the vocabulary.
Such hostility, hidden in the unconscious behind tender love, exists in almost all cases of intensive emotional allegiance to a particular person; indeed, it represents the classic case, the prototype of the ambivalence of human emotions.
I was befuddled by my own ambivalence and, to further harass my state of being, allowed the fluctuating emotions of others to work upon my mind, thereby creating disturbances beyond all reason.
Despite my plea for "freedom " I was choked by the ambivalence of my emotions.