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Example sentences for "supposing"

Lexicographically close words:
supposedly; supposer; supposes; supposest; supposeth; supposition; suppositions; suppositious; supposititious; suppositories
  1. I would propose a safe and easy test to any American or other "foreigner" (I am supposing myself now again in England), who is curious to know how much he understands of the English character.

  2. Am I wrong in supposing that the reverse is the case with regard to the authoress of "Romola" and "The Mill on the Floss?

  3. Does the soft Massachusettensis imagine that in the unnatural horrid war, he is now supposing their exertions would be less?

  4. Hardly, supposing the transmission and publication had been prior to the resolution of parliament to that purpose; but very unfortunately for our reasoner, they were both subsequent to it, and were the effect and not the cause.

  5. It is difficult to account for so many of the first rate whigs being returned to serve on the petit jury at the term next after extraordinary insurrections, without supposing some legerdemain in drawing their names out of the box.

  6. For in all these Hypotheses the Phaenomena of Light have been hitherto explain'd by supposing that they arise from new Modifications of the Rays; which is an erroneous Supposition.

  7. But supposing the breadth of the blue and violet together to equal that of the red, yellow and green together, the whole breadth of this Iris will be about 2-1/4 Degrees, as above.

  8. We expect your brother in a week: in short, we are all hope and expectation; our hearts beat at every rap of the door, supposing it brings intelligence of a ship, or of the dear man.

  9. May not Rivers be deceived in supposing her so much attached to him?

  10. Your Lordship does me great honor in supposing me capable of giving any satisfactory account of a country in which I have spent only a few months.

  11. We may imagine something analogous to this, supposing a carriage, or rather a succession of carriages, to be kept constantly at work for rather more than two years, and working 12 hours per day.

  12. Then, supposing the disease to be ascertained, it constantly happens that there is little or nothing to be done that can with any confidence be expected to shorten or reduce the intensity of the attack.

  13. The mistake is supposing it to go much further than it does.

  14. There is a common error in supposing the Roman mile, or mille passuum, was 1000 paces, or single steps.

  15. The fallacy lies in confounding vision with inference--in supposing that facts are seen which are only inferred.

  16. He had been in the habit of supposing his impulses to be good, and of following them naturally without much thought; it seemed desperately perplexing to be forced into an analysis of those impulses in order to decide what he should do.

  17. Or supposing that Del Ferice had died of the wound he received in the duel, and his papers had been ransacked by his heirs, whoever they might be--these attested documents would have become public property.

  18. He disliked generally men whom he suspected of duplicity; and he had no reason for supposing that truth, looking into her mirror, would have seen there the image of Ugo's fat pale face and colourless moustache.

  19. Supposing he were coerced into the compromise, what a pleasing pair--squire and parson--would be the result!

  20. The dog, supposing his master still on board, could not be persuaded to leave the cabin, but perished with the vessel.

  21. This appearance of resolution deterred them, supposing that they could effect their purpose without risk after we were in the boat.

  22. Well, if he comes, supposing you let me know?

  23. Well, supposing you get those papers for me, and let me examine them.

  24. Then supposing you make it to-morrow morning?

  25. The crocodile made the ridiculous blunder of supposing man to be meant chiefly for his own eating.

  26. Reader, he will dine at three, or (supposing dinner put off to the latest) at four.

  27. So, after shaving, (supposing the age of the Barbati to be passed), what is the first business that our Roman will undertake?

  28. I acquiesced in her allotment, supposing that she had seen reason to plant me in the very rearward of her favor, as No.

  29. Reasons are not wanting for supposing the numbers of these bodies to increase with great rapidity as we approach the center of the system.

  30. Professor Encke explains this fact by supposing the interplanetary spaces to be filled with an extremely rare fluid, the resistance of which to the cometary motion produces the observed contraction of the orbit.

  31. Mrs. Bullivant went away, as though supposing that the last word had been said upon the subject of the trunk.

  32. I'm sure Miss Jones is good at her job, too," said Trevellyan, supposing himself to be tactful.

  33. Now, Miss Bruce, supposing you let me give you a lift to the station?

  34. There was, however, at least one very peculiar reason, which will be noticed presently, for supposing that this phantom was really intended to represent the late Rev.

  35. Supposing her to be some servant's visitor come to have a look at the drawing-room while the party were at dinner, I moved to attract her attention, with no result.

  36. But supposing such to be the case, it was argued that the duty should be so limited, that is, that it should only be imposed on papers carried by the post.

  37. In this case, the price charged should only be such as would produce a rate of interest which would satisfy private individuals or joint-stock companies, supposing there were no monopoly.

  38. This state of things might be met by supposing that the planet was not itself carried by the circle round the earth, but by an +epicycle+--i.

  39. Astronomers, therefore, are almost unanimous that there is no reason for supposing that any of the details that we see on the surface of Mars are artificial in their origin.

  40. Supposing the family to include eight working men, which is no small number for a farm, the yearly tribute paid amounts to thirty-two shillings.

  41. At first, when at some distance, we had been disposed to account for the lurid appearance of the heavens, by supposing that distance and refraction had effected a cheat upon our senses.

  42. There are obvious reasons why they might choose to consult the king, and obtain his approbation of the sentence they were about to impose, without supposing any legal necessity for their so doing.

  43. Coke's Reports 38) But there seems to have been no ground whatever for supposing that any such distinction existed at the time of Magna Carta.

  44. Supposing he succeeded in stowing himself on an outgoing vessel, how could he know when he was near a friendly port without risking almost certain discovery?

  45. The visitors had come ostensibly to view the squadron, but really to discover what were Admiral Watson's intentions in regard to the disposal of the fort, supposing it fell into his hands.

  46. But, supposing he obtained a nomination, how could he purchase his outfit?

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supposing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    supposing that; supposing them