Yes, a good £1000 a year, in the fives; money saved from his rents, in a long life.
They tell me you have behaved as usual in these late affairs; I trust that, after a long life of patient and arduous services, you are about to receive a proper reward.
Why, Sir Gervaise, Sir Wycherly was educated like all other young gentlemen, but has forgotten most of his classics, in the course of a long life of ease and affluence.
And Dhaumya said, "As thy son is graced with every virtue, and as he is the beloved of all, and as he is possessed of marks betokening a long life, there can be no doubt that Satyavan liveth.
Let Vamadeva who is blessed with a long life live.
You cheated him, though," declared Dorothy; "for the King of Ev did not have a long life.
But he sold them to the powerful Nome King in exchange for a long life, and afterward destroyed the life by jumping into the sea.
The difference between the two men is a difference of means, of expression--I mean the exterior envelope in which the work of the mind lives, and which preserves and assures a long life to the painter.
Long life to your honor and Master Charles there, too, and them that belongs to both of yez.
No one stood better on Change than John Hopkins, whose word had been as good as his bond, throughout a long life.
Your grandfather is advanced in years, and my health warns me not to expect a long life.
The latter, and his Essay of Long Life are, in my view, his greatest works; though the history of his own experience is chiefly contained in his English Malady.
It would be productive of much good, by promoting health, long life, and happiness, and thus be a most effectual means of reforming mankind.
The German people and German peoples have behind them a history of a thousand years: what a long life!
Here's a long lifeto Miss Virginia Carvel, and may she rule forever!
Was it the chivalry inherited from a long life of Colfaxes who were gentlemen?
Were the standards of a long life to be suddenly reversed by a prodigal son?
Do you feel, Lizzy, as if you could repay my long life of sacrifice and struggle by what would undo them all?
The tranquil ease and happiness I have enjoyed under this roof--the first real holiday in a long life of toil--are the best evidences I can offer how little I could have anticipated such a stroke.
He might have held them in terrorism over him for a long life, and used them, at last, if occasion served.
On the wall hang three pictured scrolls of the gods of Long Life, of Wealth and of Happiness.
Long life, a green old age, changeless constancy of love and the union of two hearts are symbolized by this evergreen.
Here am I, Kate, of the Maclusky's of Ballymena, in the county of Antrim, long life to it!
Long life to your honors," exclaimed a ragged professor of mendicity: "give a poor fellow the price of a shake down, and may you never be without the comforts of an upright!
But Edmund Burke refused to believe that the man whom he had seen examined before the privy council was "going to conclude a long life, which has brightened every hour it has continued, with so foul and dishonorable a flight.
Throughout a long life of public service, often costly to himself in his own affairs, Franklin had never asked any other favor than this, which after all was rather compensation than favor, and this was never given to him.
This I shall submit to with the less regret, as, having seen during a long life a good deal of this world, I feel a growing curiosity to be acquainted with some other.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "long life" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.