Trees or shrubs, with milky juice, alternate leaves, and fugacious stipules.
Petals 5, fugacious (lasting but a day), much larger than the calyx.
Stamens 4, or rarely 2, in all or some flowers with long and weak exserted filaments, and fugacious 2-celled anthers.
Stems terete, from coated bulbs, with few plicate leaves, and few fugaciousflowers from 2-bracted spathes.
Petals 5, crumpled in the bud, fugacious (or none).
Flowers perfect, regular or somewhat irregular, with 3 more or less herbaceous persistent sepals and 3 fugacious petals.
The cells of the beans tend to retain the fugaciousaromatic principles to a certain extent; so that the more of these which are broken in grinding, the greater will be the initial loss and the more rapid the vitiation of the coffee.
By means of careful work, Grafe[153] came closer to ascertaining the origin of the fugacious aromatic materials.
For, let the fugacious slave run as far as he may, he must still be on land; and that being the case, the territorial contiguity may be established which justifies the legislative conjunction.
Stem= unequal, firm, golden or reddish, dotted above the fugaciouswhite or pale-yellowish annulus.
Veil= fugacious or absent, sometimes attached in minute flakes to the edge of the young pileus.
Stem= attenuated, yellowish, at first floccose from the remains of the fugacious veil.
This species resembles Agaricus autumnalis, in which the annulus is fugacious and the spores are longer.
This Genus has been called Hemerocallis, in English, Day-Lily, from the short duration of its blossoms, but these are not quite so fugacious in this species as in the fulva.
It is superior to all its congeners in the brilliancy of its colour, nor are its blossoms so fugacious as many of the other species.
And, first sign of the potent influence which these London days and London nights had wrought upon his sensibilities, he jerked down the blind, to shut out the exasperating familiarity of that fugacious country-side.
Their happy day, however, is soon over; their fugacious petals shrivel in three or four days.
When the famous and fugacious John was making his raid, I happened to be at my home in Highland county; and as the rebels passed within fifteen miles or less of Hillsboro, of course, I sallied out to see what big things I could do.
Hymenophore continuous with the stem, veil woven into a fugacious web, which adheres to the margin of the pileus.
Ring narrow, scarcely perceptible above the middle of the stem; remnants of the veil adhering to the margin of the cap as a fugacious web.
All acts which are done or left undone, are as fugacious as the flying cotton on cotton trees; they are easily put to flight by the breath of understanding (Jnana or wisdom).
All reasoning and practice are as unsound, as the unsolid stem of the plantain tree; and our youth is as evanescent, as a fugacious woman that is in love with many men.