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Example sentences for "perishable"

Lexicographically close words:
peripteral; perire; periscope; periscopes; perish; perished; perishes; perisheth; perishing; perisht
  1. This sacrifice is no breach of the order of charity, beginning at home: since what is resigned of material and perishable profit is gained in moral perfection.

  2. I say this without exaggeration, for Gertrude Vane's was indeed the beauty, but the perishable beauty, of a dream.

  3. By the Arch-Brightener of Creation seen, How dim the crowns on perishable brows!

  4. Your graves are tended by invisible hands, and the places of your birth are hallowed by no perishable worship!

  5. The appearances of this perishable life are deceptive like everything that falls under the judgment of our imperfect senses.

  6. But it is not by these fragmentary remains of perishable mortality that he lives in my memory.

  7. Having proved the universal use of feathers, it is not difficult to appreciate the causes which suggested everywhere the transfer of this decorative art to another craft, employing less perishable materials.

  8. In this sense it is a misuse of terms to call the review article ephemeral, or to treat the periodicals containing them as perishable literary commodities, which serve their term with the month or year that produced them.

  9. But before the library of Ramses the Egyptian king, there existed in Babylonia collections of books, written not on parchment, nor on the more perishable papyrus, but on clay.

  10. For, verily, those things of which we see The parts and members to have birth in time And perishable shapes, those same we mark To be invariably born in time And born to die.

  11. This is a heavy loss certainly, but it is trivial when compared with that sustained by him who has labour to sell, because that, like other very perishable commodities, cannot be carried to another market, and must be wasted.

  12. They are a perishable fruit and so do not keep well.

  13. This fruit, which is gaining in popularity in the Northern States, is very perishable and does not stand shipment well.

  14. However, many tropical fruits cannot be shipped to the Northern States because of their perishable nature.

  15. The various methods of preserving perishable foods in the home for winter use originated because of necessity.

  16. Berries of this class are not so perishable as most other berries, but in many localities they cannot be purchased at all, for, as a rule, they are used only in the immediate vicinity in which they grow.

  17. To understand how to preserve perishable foods in the seasons of plenty for the times when they are not obtainable is a valuable part of a housewife's knowledge.

  18. Of the methods of preserving perishable foods, only two, namely, canning and drying, are considered in this Section.

  19. These include the perishable vegetables and fruits of the summer season, as well as any winter vegetables that are not likely to keep in the usual way or that are gathered while they are immature.

  20. To her list of supplies that have become exhausted since her preceding marketing day should be added the fresh fruits, vegetables, and other perishable foods needed for the next day or preferably for the next two days if they can be kept.

  21. Has she no other mission than to add to perishable glories?

  22. Who can love this perishable form, unless one sees in it some traits which belong to superior and immortal natures?

  23. How real those poignant religions were, telling of the loves of ruffianly gods for perishable earth-maidens--so real to him that he had paid little heed to the present.

  24. Those of them who were near enough the lines desolated their poultry yards, and lived thereafter upon corn pone, with greens gathered in the fields and such perishable fruits as could in no wise be converted into rations.

  25. However, with the coming of cold storage and improved methods of shipping, eggs have been changed from a perishable and more or less seasonable food to a staple one.

  26. The perishable vegetables should be bought as fresh as possible.

  27. Kohlrabi is not a perishable vegetable and therefore stands storage very well.

  28. Coveting the perishable goods of this life: with Allah are profits and spoils abundant.

  29. S: And call not with Allah any other god; there is no god but He, every thing is perishable but He; His is the judgment, and to Him you shall be brought back.

  30. Men who are always hunting after some paltry and perishable earthly good, become like dogs who follow scent with their noses at the ground, and are unconscious of everything a yard above their heads.

  31. The tastes which knit us to the perishable world, the yearnings for Babylonish garments and wedges of gold, must be coerced and subdued.

  32. Cakes and preserves are of a perishable nature and will not keep long.

  33. Is it even common reason to consider that the Soul of man, with all its high musings, its dreams of unseen glory, its longings after the Infinite, is a mere useless vapour, or a set of shifting molecules in a perishable brain?

  34. Again the great voice shook the air: "They love darkness rather than light; they love the perishable earth of which they are in part composed, better than the germ of immortality with which they were in the beginning endowed.

  35. The gentleman from Virginia supposed there were many articles, not perishable in their nature, which could not have been injured by their use.

  36. When standing before certain men the philosopher regrets that thinkers are but perishable tissue, the artist that perishable tissue has to think.

  37. Unlike the dugout, the bark canoe is too perishable to survive in recognizable form buried in a bog or submerged in water, so we have little or no visual evidence of very great age upon which to base sound assumptions.

  38. I know that cabalists generally think that Sylphs, Salamanders, Elves, Gnomes and Gnomides are born with a soul perishable like their bodies and that they acquire immortality by intercourse with the magicians.

  39. But it is no good to be closely attached to the perishable things of this world, and we are compelled to leave what leaves us.

  40. Beyond the loss of the soul and eternal damnation there can be no other disorders, crimes or evils whatsoever in this perishable world, where one and all is to be ruled and adjusted with regard to a divine world.

  41. Basketmaker remains are found throughout the Four Corners country, the better specimens being recovered from dry caves where the more perishable materials are preserved.

  42. It is with these burials in dry caves that most of the perishable material relating to this period has been found.

  43. In these cases, evidence of the perishable material has usually disappeared.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perishable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    brittle; capricious; changeable; corruptible; deciduous; delicate; dying; ephemeral; evanescent; fading; fickle; fleeting; flitting; flying; fragile; frail; fugacious; fugitive; impermanent; impetuous; impulsive; inconstant; insubstantial; momentary; mortal; mutable; passing; perishable; temporal; temporary; transient; transitive; transitory; unstable; volatile