For a space the unconvinced preached disarmament to the unbelieving, then impatiently girded themselves for war.
How true is all that Comparetti says of "this restless business of analysis, which has lasted so long, impatient of its own fruitlessness, yet unconvinced of it!
That is a very stubborn and unconvinced salute, I am afraid," Hilda said good-humoredly.
She neither felt convinced norunconvinced upon the subject of Akhnaton's vision or upon the truth and reliability of the old man's words at el-Azhar.
He said plainly, "Freddy diedunconvinced on that point.
If any readers remain who are still unconvinced that such an international traffic is a fact, let them consider the following, quoted from the annual report for 1908, of Hon.
The record adds "but some doubted," by which may be implied that others beside the apostles were present, among whom were some who were unconvinced of the actual corporeity of the resurrected Christ.
But in this case the apostle was evidently unconvinced that the baptism had been solemnized by due authority, or that the believers had been properly instructed as to the import of the ordinance.
They were a kind of tepid, ineffectual anarchists, unconvinced and wholly unconvincing.
By my recollection of those queer confused days, my colleagues were cynically anarchical in their political views, unconvincedand unconvincing Socialists, and indifferent Agnostics.
It cannot leave us unconvinced as to the vital importance of the dye industry in national defence.
D'Oubril reported Drouyn de Lhuys as unconvinced that the time was inopportune but as stating he had not expected Russia to join.
But Russell was apparently unconvinced as yet that a suggestion of armistice would necessarily lead to the evil consequences prophesied by Lewis, or would, indeed, require any departure from a policy of strict neutrality.
Samuel Parker in his Tractatus de Deo, published in 1678, includes him amongst the atheistical philosophers; but a perusal of the Doctor's remarks leaves the reader unconvinced as to the justice of such a charge.
Unconvinced and undaunted, the heroine renewed her entreaties to the lingering hero.
It was a black ting," repeated Teddy, unconvinced by the wise Miss Conny's reasoning.
At present, we admit some very curious phenomena, which we would willingly see further examined; but we are unconvinced of those facts of mesmerism enounced by its professors, which wholly contradict our previous experience.
He threw a hasty unconvinced glance at Nancy, but bowed low as one used to gentle ways.
I heard nothing," he answered in an unconvinced manner.
You see, more and more humans remain unconvinced each time one of these hoaxes are exposed.
Not infrequently the ultimate decision is made the other way, and a new opinion prepared by the same, or, if he remains unconvinced that his first one was wrong, by another judge.
The extent to which she is unconvinced is alarming.