Mark seemed pausing to watch the oars silvered by the light, and their reflections wavy with the current.
From the tail, evidently bent from its original position, which forms the gnomon, lines radiate and across these wavy lines are traced.
He unceremoniously let himself out by the side door, and passed with wavy apron round the corner of King Street into the Square and so to his own shop, which ignored the Thursday half-holiday.
He walked home, as he had decided, over the wavy moorland of the county dreaming in the heart of England.
Only in archaic renderings the wedge-like beard is combed in long wavy lines, and the whiskers are strictly parted from the moustache.
The combing of the hair over the back in wavylines was undoubtedly much in favor.
The lofty mountains around us had hitherto concealed the moon, which now arose large and bloody-red above their wavy line.
On the land side the wavylines of mountain seem nearly endless.
In the South window of the Chancel is, Barry wavy of 6 A.
She' was a drab belltopper, in perfect preservation, with a crown nothing less than a foot and a half high, and a narrow, wavy brim.
The hair at the back of the head has seven ranges of curls; and the beard, as in the portraits of the King, is divided into three ranges of curls, with intervals of wavy hair.
The hair at the end of the tail is curled like the beard, with intervals of wavy hair.
Frizzly hair is the condition of over 85 per cent of Fijians; 11 per cent are curly-haired, whereas over twenty individuals have wavy hair.
You can see the wavy specks Of bubble-color on their necks; --Little, little Cloud.
After the holes were drilled, the wavy line was sawed, and the two ends of the shaft inserted in the holes with the cam inside.
The ocean was represented by two pieces corresponding to the ground piece in the sawyers, and the wavy outline was not made until everything had been cut out and the combination was ready for assembling.
Its foliage is darker and has indentations so shallow that the leaf apparently has only a wavy outline.
The word tabby was derived from a kind of taffeta, or ribbed silk, which when calendered or what is now termed "watered," is by that process covered with wavy lines.
I find there is yet another tint or colour of the tabby proper which I have not mentioned, that is to say, a cat marked with light wavy lines, and an exceedingly pretty one it is.
The wood is red in colour, hard, heavy, strong, tough, and slightly wavy or curled in the grain.
The women often become quite expert in the manufacture of pottery by hand, the vessels having rounded bottoms, and being decorated with wavy lines, or lines made by a wooden style.
The wavyhair which Western women prize so highly is not beautiful in the eyes of the ladies of Japan.
The hair you described was characteristically that of a wig--worn long to hide the joining and madewavy to minimize the length.
By the time the detective had reached his wavy chestnut hair, large and rather ragged moustache, and sandy, freckled complexion, the first man had completed his business and was leaving the place.
Her hair was wavy and brown, and sometimes it strayed over a white brow, on which a frown came so rarely that its right of entry was barred by the Statute of Limitations.
The corners and angles of projecting pieces of rock have been worn away until the once rugged outline has become wavy and round, so much so as to produce more or less resemblance to the backs of sheep lying down.
This rock is composed of quartz and mica arranged in wavy layers.
It had a lovely tail that touched the ground, and a coat that was long and wavy like an Irish setter's.
Grey Persian cats and white ones, and tabbies and black cats who sat on the balconies and stared at Down as she lay on Horse-chestnut's broad, wavy back.
Well, you really did come, you children," gasped the owner of the room, coming in flushed from her hasty descent and blowing a wavy strand of golden hair from her face.
At three-and-forty Arthur Franklyn might still be spoken of as a handsome man; and although the light brown wavy hair had receded from the temples, there was not a line of grey visible.
Beyond these objects the eye wanders over an interminable carpet of forest-tops, stretching away till they form a wavy line of dense foliage circling the western horizon.
On every side, wherever the traveller turns his eye, beautiful farms unfold their broad, wavy prairie-fields of maize and wheat, indicative of affluence and prosperity.
The girl who was not more than twelve in reality, though, her training had made her much older in knowledge and experience, was singularly beautiful, with great blue eyes and wavy golden hair, which fell in long curls to her waist.