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Example sentences for "planless"

Lexicographically close words:
planked; plankes; planking; planks; plankton; planned; planner; planners; planning; plans
  1. At first America's planless prosperity had little to do with coal and nothing at all with manufacture.

  2. It was the method by which they grew rich, and when the wealth of the coal deposits was added to the wealth of the fields and forests, they carried the same methods of planless exploitation over into the coal mines.

  3. And they lived in planless cities, for the most part dangerously congested; their rails and roads and population were distributed over the earth in the wanton confusion ten thousand irrevelant considerations had made.

  4. From its nature it must be a vague and planless association in comparison with its antagonist, neither so constructive on the one hand, nor on the other so competent to hinder the inevitable constructions of the civilised state.

  5. You have entered, say, in the dusk of the night before, and after breakfast wander planless among the trees.

  6. This discontent is a part of the same planless confusion that gives on the other side the wanton irresponsible extravagances of the smart people of New York.

  7. I would therefore lump them together under the term of Planless Progressives, and I would contrast with them those types which believe supremely in systematised purpose.

  8. They are the extreme right, as it were, while the Planless Progressives are the extreme left of Anti-Conservator thought.

  9. I would suggest for them, therefore, as opposed to the Conservators and contrasted with the Planless Progressives, the name of Constructors.

  10. It is an ill-equipped and planless belligerent who must destroy whatever he captures because he can neither use nor take away.

  11. The future welfare of man he believes in effect may be trusted to the spontaneous and planless activities of people of goodwill, and nothing but state intervention can effectively impede its attainment.

  12. Democracy, if it means anything, means the rule of the planless man, the rule of the unkempt mind.

  13. An understanding of the truth regarding supply is a necessary foundation for the faith without which the planless life is impossible.

  14. Many people live this planless life of utter dependence upon their Spiritual Source.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "planless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aimless; amorphous; capricious; casual; desultory; disarticulated; discontinuous; disjunct; disordered; dispersed; disproportionate; erratic; fitful; formless; frivolous; gratuitous; haphazard; inchoate; indiscriminate; irregular; meaningless; misshapen; planless; promiscuous; random; senseless; shapeless; spasmodic; sporadic; straggling; unclassified; undirected; ungraded; unmethodical; unordered; unorganized; unsorted; unsymmetrical; unsystematic; vague; misshapen; planless; promiscuous; random; senseless; shapeless; spasmodic; sporadic; straggling; unclassified; undirected; ungraded; unmethodical; unordered; unorganized; unsorted; unsymmetrical; unsystematic; vague