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Example sentences for "capriciousness"

Lexicographically close words:
capric; caprice; caprices; capricious; capriciously; caproic; caps; capsheaf; capsicums; capsize
  1. It was not thought inconsistent with Susy's capriciousness that she should declare her intention the next morning of driving her pony buggy to Santa Inez to anticipate the stage-coach and fetch Mary Rogers from the station.

  2. The woodland influence must have been still very strong upon Clarence that he did not discover in all this that, while Susy's general capriciousness was unchanged, there was a new and singular insincerity in her manifest acting.

  3. The capriciousness of courage is, indeed, so unaccountable, that it has ever been to me a source of amusing reflection.

  4. But notwithstanding all this magnificence and love of learning, the house of Este, among its other contradictory qualities, was distinguished for capriciousness and meanness.

  5. The musical idiom which the composer uses in these, notwithstanding their capriciousness and fragmentariness, exquisitely-finished miniatures, has a truly delightful piquancy.

  6. I neither regard Chopin's mazurkas as his most artistic achievements nor recommend their capriciousness and fragmentariness for general imitation.

  7. Meanwhile Big Porges, and Small Porges, walking along hand in hand shook their heads solemnly, wondering much upon the capriciousness of aunts, and the waywardness thereof.

  8. But the consistency of woman's capriciousness is only exceeded by the capriciousness of man's consistency.

  9. Young Jeffreys, feeling very sulky and sore at his enslaver's capriciousness and want of consideration, went and sat by himself at the other side of the room, whence he could watch the author of his discomfort.

  10. Beside her sat a girl--a beautiful creature, with large blue eyes fringed with curling lashes, and a sparkling, dimpled rosebud of a face made for capriciousness and kisses.

  11. Ulster has many good qualities but its deficiency in vigor and capriciousness in both vine and fruit characters prevent its becoming a grape of value for either vineyard or garden.

  12. The Devereaux is an old southern grape now nearly obsolete because of its capriciousness as to location.

  13. Its faults are: The small size of the vine, slowness of growth, susceptibility of the foliage to mildew, its capriciousness in certain soils, and the small size of the berries.

  14. She did not say that she had not seen Choulette since autumn, and that he neglected her with the capriciousness of a man not in society.

  15. He had the wisdom not to make any objection, judging that opposition would only make her capriciousness firmer, and fearing to give impetus to that foolish idea.

  16. Unhappy Princess, the sad subject of the Capriciousness of Fortune!

  17. Dazed by the arbitrariness and capriciousness of a vicious neighbour - the Kosovars will lash at each other in an effort to offload their frustration and aggression.

  18. The vast majority (with the exception of the USSR under Stalin) were not affected by the arbitrary capriciousness of history.

  19. For the capriciousness of women you cannot hold me responsible, and I did not select the friend who has so wickedly betrayed you.

  20. You wish to make me answerable for the capriciousness of woman and the faithlessness of man," asked the king, with a sad smile.

  21. She is far too noble for deliberate coquetry, and yet she tortures Johannes by an apparent capriciousness that seems out of keeping with her frank, generous nature, while he answers with coldness and hauteur.

  22. They are intensely feminine with the nervous fitfulness and spasmodic capriciousness that go with overwrought sexual sensibilities.

  23. The result is a light whimsicality, a capriciousness which Hamsun cultivates with subtle and conscious art, until he attains a sparkle and vividness, an ease and flexibility never before known in the language of his country.

  24. The wild capriciousness of the weather had brought rain and flashes of untimely lightning flared now and again into momentary whiteness.

  25. He had heretofore known only in the indirectness of theory the sudden capriciousness of mountain weather; storms that burst and cannonade without warning; trickling waters that leap overnight into maddened freshets.

  26. Have not the gods often been conceived as tribal deities, and so simply as representatives of the welfare and of the will of the community over against the waywardness and the capriciousness of the individual?

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "capriciousness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ambivalence; caprice; chance; deviation; difference; differentiation; discontinuity; disorder; divergence; diversification; eccentricity; extravagance; fibrillation; fluctuation; hesitation; impulsiveness; incertitude; inconsistency; inconstancy; indecision; inequality; instability; intermittence; irregularity; irresolution; luck; moodiness; mutability; nonconformity; petulance; pluralism; restlessness; roughness; stagger; suspense; uncertainty; unevenness; unorthodoxy; unreliability; vacillation; variability; variation; variegation; variety; versatility; wavering; wobble