The desire for distances betokens emptiness and undirected hunger: when the heart is possessed by an image we fly to wood and forest, like the guilty.
This lady would hardly be deemed a very proper guide to the undirected energies of the youth, yet they had established relations of that nature.
Some strength came to him finally from the mere struggle, undirected and misdirected as it often was, and such mental fibre as he had was toughened by the prolonged stress.
The oscillation between impulse arrested and frozen in rigid custom and impulse isolated and undirected is seen most conspicuously when epochs of conservatism and revolutionary ardor alternate.
The relation which actually exists between undirected instinct and over-organized custom is illustrated in the two views that are current about savage life.
If it means that it was not, if he so misuses words that by the Creator he intends an unintelligent power, undirected force, or necessity, then he has put his case so as to invite disbelief in it.
But there is something to be said for "undirected relief" quite the same.
In so doing she will be able to use gesture and pantomime in such a way as to transform activities, which when undirected are liable to degenerate into vicious habits, into activities of great moral significance.
And first, perhaps, they will be tempted to throw aside as absurd the notion that their bodies go through the many operations which they experience them to do, undirected by their minds.
Since the woman of his class will not marry him until he has money, the young man too often satisfies his undirected instincts in a commercial way.
Let it suffice that it was false thought, undirected by the Christ-principle, God, that had been externalized in the wreckage which he now called his past life.
We often met, he dreading to be seen, And much I question'd what such dread might mean; Yet I believed him true; my simple heart 150 And undirected reason took his part.
Part of it is an electronic computer, capable of making the necessary calculations and juggling the proportion of power required to produce, continuously, directed or undirected gravity.
When it is tempted to condemn too sternly the extravagance of such a period, society will do well to recall how often this undirected or ill-directed play of energy has been the forerunner of a noble putting forth of creative power.
It is the fruitage of work, not the wild play of undirected energy, which gives an epoch its decisive influence and a man his place and power.
They are said to be due to the undirected and unintended operation of physical laws.
Habit and movement by intuition are expressions ofundirected thought.
Wildly beating the air in undirected effort is the element of greatest weakness.
For an overflow of nerve-force, undirected by any motive, will manifestly take first the most habitual routes; and if these do not suffice, will next overflow into the less habitual ones.