Troubled as she was she thus never wholly failed of her amusement by the way.
Maggie had allowed him the amusement of her not taking this up.
He was well enough aware, by this time, of what she finally did think; but he was not without a sense, again, also for his amusement by the way.
I noticed his internal amusement at your fluttered manner.
He brought with him from his Southern home stores of books and shells and curious playthings and mechanical toys, such as I had never seen before, and to spread these out and explain them for my amusement was his chief delight.
For his amusement I converted myself into a mime, a mountebank.
The scene interposes back into-- 65--Front of amusement place.
What is more, not only have we gotten back to the serious, but there is no amusement left in any of the previous scenes.
Like the court whist-table, where the points are only for silver groschen, the amusement is just as great, and no one is ruined by high play.
It is as well, however, that you should be put on your guard against them, and that any amusement you may derive from the study of eccentricity should not be tarnished with the recollection of your being imposed upon.
The mere human tide that flowed along the Boulevards and through the gay gardens of the Tuileries would have been amusement enough for me.
If Hilda felt any tinge ofamusement she kept it out of her face.
Calcutta was abroad and stirring, and would turn for amusement even to The Offence of Galilee.
Hilda descended in safety and at leisure, reflecting with some amusement as she made her way down that Mr. Sinclair was doubtless waiting until his lady visitor was well out of earshot to make it warm for the editor.
They were extremely, curiously devoted to business; but if they allowed themselves any amusement other than company promoting it was the theatre, of which their appreciation had sometimes an odd relation to the merits of performance.
At any other time Lindsay would have reflected how characteristic was the gentle neatness of that, and might have resented with amusement the pulpit tone of the little epigram.
She's the only amusement I have since we must stay cooped up in this place.
Indeed, her yellow eyes at times held a pitying amusement that I should be so weak as to argue with Donald.
In short the Commander-in-Chief afforded them an amount of amusement that quite compensated for the loss of hen-roosts.
He affords a deal of amusement for the boys, and never comes home but what he keeps the whole town in an uproar.
As for the rest, it afforded them much amusementto see him play so active a part in devouring the food.
As to the moral of the representation, I have no doubt it is good, as you say; but I hold, that vice is better shut up in the closet than served out for the amusement of the young.
Was it not better then to let a bygone be a bygone, rather than seek a technical satisfaction, that while it afforded the public some amusement would only bring themselves a great deal of pain?
And when they had thus deported themselves to their satisfaction, they took to demolishing the trombones of the players, as if such amusement was to their taste.
Ceasing to afford the passengers this amusement only when his wind gave out, the major swore by his military reputation that if they would only give him an opportunity he would whip the stageload before breakfast, and think it a mere trifle.
The anxious mother kept me close company, much to the amusement of the toiling darkies.
About 1 o'clock, we observed two men 'pummeling' one another in the street, to the infinite amusement of a crowd.
Horse-racing too, as every body knows, is a favoriteamusement of slaveholders.
I have known negro boys, partly by persuasion, and partly by force, made to strip off their clothing and fight for the amusement of their masters.
Yet, witnessing the mortal combats of the captives taken to war, killing each other in the amphitheatre, amidst the acclamations of the populace, was a favorite amusement with Titus.
Thus terminated the mornings amusement of the 'four gentlemen,' whose exploits are so complacently chronicled by the editor of the Franklin Republican.
Johnson, "he that comes to receive delight will be expected to give it; but in the theatre nothing is necessary to the amusement of two hours but to sit down and be willing to be pleased.
He frequently uses it to the no small amusement of the spectators.
That man must have amusement of some kind, "Nature speaks aloud.
That amusement is necessary to man, the most superficial observation of his conduct and pursuits may convince us.
They quarreled constantly, to the great amusement of the others.
She had an angry consciousness, too, that she was unwittingly furnishing much amusement to that objectionable person opposite, whose name she learned was Frank Taylor.
These occasions left Nora in a state of mind in which exasperation and amusement were about equally blended.
His ignorance of everything pertaining to farming furnished the material for most of the amusement that was going.
It was managed, however, by tacking a little piece of amusementand pride upon it.
Aunt Bar told me she dined with you the other night, and had a quantity of amusement as well as an excellent dinner.
You and Aunt Barbara always make me feel that there's a good deal of amusement to be extracted from the world.
Sir Willoughby was a little too cynical; he talked well; what he said was good, but it was not good-humoured; he has not the reckless indifference of Colonel De Craye to uttering nonsense that amusement may come of it.
I said, "The observations which you have already been so kind as to communicate to us, on the formation of the travertine, lead us not only to expect amusement but likewise instruction.
Our principal occupation and amusement during the short time that we lived there was hunting for another, which fortunately we had not found when the summons came to us again to move on.
Many such comparisons were made rendering defective the perception of the fair judge, and causing much amusement to the assembled company.
The extravagance of Euphuism, or a symbolical jargon of the same class, predominates in the romances of Calprenade and Scuderi, which were read for the amusement of the fair sex of France during the long reign of Louis XIV.
I haena seen the like o' him my very sell since I saw the great Doctor Samuel Johnson on his tower through Scotland, whilk tower is lying in my back parlour for the amusement of my guests, wi' the twa boards torn aff.
But their spirit of enthusiastic devotion had long slept in the ease and indolent habits of their successors, and their adventures, like those of knights-errant, were rather read for amusement than for edification.
Busey recalls his popularity at one of the leading places of amusementon Capitol Hill.
I was struggling between horror and amusement at my guest's point of view.
If it gives amusement to the reviewers, they are welcome to their sport.
They are very intelligent, and after you have had them for some time, you can make them perform many tricks for the amusement of your little friends.
He has to keep his foot resting on a stool, and all the amusement he has, is derived from Lizzie and her pet bird.
Other forms of outdoor amusement and recreation to be seen at the College are swinging, running, skittles, and the rocking-boat.
Can't a fellow take a little innocent amusement now and then without losing his respectability?
If he proposed a littleamusement at home, "No, it would disturb the babies.
This manoeuvre she repeated several times, to the great amusement of a black-eyed young gentleman lounging in the window of a building opposite.
Doran says, less to reform vice and folly than to produce amusement (sometimes unscrupulously enough), by holding them up to ridicule.
This cause consists in the number and character and cheapness, and peculiar mode of publication, of the works of amusement of the present day.