But as we design this biography to be strictly a memoir of Mr. Ballou, we only refer in these pages to such other matters as are deemed necessary to mention, in furtherance of the main object of the work.
I may say that I married her for the furtherance of my fortunes, and have come to love her for her own sake.
I am likely to be in a plot which has for its furtherance that abominable anarchy which deprived me of my home and estates, of my relatives and friends and my sovereign.
The only sufficient reason for the abandonment of the Washingtonian policy is the furtherance of the object for which it was inaugurated, the advance of democracy.
He never forgot that he was a gentleman, and he had a gentleman's notions of the fitness of things, and it was against his principles to use, a gentleman's club for the furtherance of his various enterprises.
I refer to letters fabricated in order to injure another, or in furtherance of some political object.
In furtherance of this-my lady's mandate-Annette is sold to Mr. Blackmore Blackett for the nice round sum of fifteen hundred dollars.
But he is strongly of the opinion that niggers are inferior "brutes" of the human species, and infurtherance of this opinion (so popular in the whole south) he expects them to live a week on a peck of corn.
But I think there should be shown in every case a justification in the public interest or in furtherance of general growth and progress, or at least in a plain local necessity or convenience, before such grants are made.
Within the time which has thus elapsed many important changes have taken place in furtherance of a reform in our civil service.
This section also contains an appropriation in furtherance of its purpose, and requires that the action of the President thereunder should be reported to Congress.
In the meantime the State had entered upon the improvement of the river and it appears had disposed of some of the land in furtherance of said improvement.
It was difficult to allude to the good qualities of His Royal Highness, but he was ever foremost in the furtherance of works of charity and usefulness.
Such meetings are beneficial, and they must be all the more so when their main object is the furtherance of a most excellent institution like the Benevolent Society of St. Patrick, prosperity to which I now ask you to drink.
Wherein, if I may have your lordship's furtherance to have just trial made of the truth whilst yet he liveth, I shall ever esteem myself most deeply bound to pray for your lordship's happiness both in this world and in the next.
But now, as for the innocent and good, their life is a help and furtherance to the common good, and therefore in no sort it can be lawful to kill or destroy an innocent.
Here Mr. Attorney, by his plain proof which he promised, hath proved himself to be guilty of a malicious and false inference, and Father Garnett to be clear from all furtherance to the Plot.
Neither could he fear the favour or furtherance of the See Apostolic, which favoured him much and assisted him many ways whilst yet he was but King of Scotland and professed a contrary faith.
Not one penny had been paid by any other member of the organization for the furtherance of this project.
At least three or four more prayers for the work of missions in its various aspects ought to be added, also a Prayer for the furtherance of Christian Education in Schools and Colleges.
Let us return, quoth Panurge, not ceasing, to the uttermost of our abilities, to ply him with wholesome admonitions for the furtherance of his salvation.
Such were the efforts made by this high-spirited woman, for the furtherance of her patriotic enterprise.
Many of them were associated together in clubs, which had for their object the furtherance of French interests.
In furtherance of this object, a large quantity of combustibles had been conveyed from Boston, and a detachment of marines, from the Somerset, been landed to set them on fire.
Yea, offices and officers must also be there, for our furtherance and joy of faith.
Now when the apostles departed from places, and had left these evangelists in their stead, usually there did arise some bad spirits among those people, where these were left for the furtherance of the faith.
The most probable conjecture concerning it is, that in furtherance of the purpose of the Leyden leaders, stated by Bradford, that there should be a small vessel for their service in fishing, traffic, etc.
It is the democratic idea that all human beings are peers in rights and dignity, and that the sole just excuse and end of human governments is, therefore, the maintenance and furtherance of the common welfare on equal terms.
In the Christianity of the full-grown spiritual man, sacraments and everything external must be used only as pictorial helps and symbolic suggestions for the furtherance of spiritual life.
You are said to have acted, sir, in furtherance of a family plot, devised against Mdlle.
The Judges did this, and it appeared to the servants of your Majesty that this would be in furtherance of your Majesty’s service, and pleasing to God[67].
In furtherance of this project he organized a Convention at Buffalo at which he addressed the assembled representatives with great eloquence.
He sat in both Houses until 1874, when, on dual representation being abolished, he resigned his seat in the Commons, and directed all his energies to the furtherance of Liberal principles in the Quebec House of Assembly.
Her intrigues with Russia for thefurtherance of her object, excited the jealousy of the Porte, and the animosity of the Greek government.
She saw that he was endowed with genius and surpassing talent; these she cultivated for the sake of afterwards using them for the furtherance of her own views.
One day, after the lapse of nearly a month, Adrian received a letter from a friend in London, requesting his immediate presence for the furtherance of some important object.