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Example sentences for "rehabilitation"

Lexicographically close words:
regurgitation; rehab; rehabilitate; rehabilitated; rehabilitating; rehandled; rehandling; rehearing; rehearsal; rehearsall
  1. Revenge and rehabilitation might be hers at a stroke--there was something dazzling in the completeness of the opportunity.

  2. Reference has been made to the borrowing of money by the planters for the rehabilitation of their estates.

  3. But a more important rehabilitation remained to be made, and M.

  4. This attempted rehabilitation of ancient systems most remarkable for their profound immorality is thoroughly defeated by M.

  5. You are inmates in the Social Rehabilitation Center of Guardian Station 15, about five million kay outbound from the Asteroid Belt's rim, or what was the Belt before the space-miners got through with it.

  6. Our job is custodianship of those who can't adjust to the realities of our society, and rehabilitation and training of those who can be helped, eventually, to return to the outside world.

  7. The rehabilitation trial is also useful to the historian, provided always that we remember how and why that trial was conducted.

  8. But Bossuet, who places the rehabilitation under the date 1431, does not tell us that it was only pronounced twenty-five years later.

  9. From the 8th of May the diary ceases to be a diary; it becomes a series of extracts borrowed from Chartier, from Berry, and from the rehabilitation trial.

  10. On this point also they enable us to correct the statements of chroniclers and witnesses in the rehabilitation trial.

  11. From their evidence at the rehabilitation trial we see that the Poitiers clerks were not desirous for much to be said of their inquiry.

  12. What we have said about the rehabilitation trial sufficiently explains this curious glorification of the Maid.

  13. The veracity of this document was never assailed,[7] even by those who during the rehabilitation trial pointed out its irregularity.

  14. All these burners of witches and avengers of God worked as heartily at Jeanne's rehabilitation as they had at her condemnation.

  15. In that portion of this work which deals with the rehabilitation trial I have given my opinion of the evidence of the clerks of the court, of the usher Massieu, of the Brothers Isambard de la Pierre and Martin Ladvenu.

  16. To these problems must be added a fourth, less conspicuous but vital to the continuance of good government--the rehabilitation of the finances, of the national credit.

  17. The best work on the time; though the impression given of Somerset is somewhat more favourable than the facts quite warrant, the rehabilitation was to a great extent necessary and justified.

  18. On the other hand, supplemental appropriations of 600 million dollars will be required for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

  19. These figures exclude expenditures by the Department of Agriculture on account of lend-lease, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and other war expenditures.

  20. This figure includes 55 million dollars of increased pensions for student-veterans in our vocational rehabilitation program.

  21. The Congress has earned the gratitude of the world by generous financial contributions to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

  22. I urge that the Congress complete, as promptly and as generously as may be possible, legislation which will aid economic rehabilitation for the Philippines.

  23. Expenditures from the appropriations to United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, which were discarded under war expenditures above, are estimated to be 1.

  24. It has given our support to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

  25. We are also making arrangements under which those countries may use the lend-lease inventories in their possession and acquire surplus property abroad to assist in their economic rehabilitation and reconstruction.

  26. A recent increase in political stability has led to a revival of economic activity, such as the rehabilitation of bauxite and rutile mining.

  27. The rehabilitation of mined land and the replacement of income from phosphates are serious long-term problems.

  28. With little, if any, livestock left and with farm tools missing, the serious problem of reconstruction and rehabilitation can be easily understood.

  29. Poopendyke, in great distress of mind, notified me on the fourth day of rehabilitation that the cost of labour as well as living had gone up appreciably since our installation.

  30. For the second time since 1848 the rehabilitation of the Bohemian State had been frustrated.

  31. As a leader of the Old Bohemian party he naturally played a prominent role in the fight for the historical rehabilitation of the Bohemian Kingdom.

  32. The rehabilitation of these countries awaits their settlement.

  33. Rehabilitation and vocational training must be completed.

  34. Rehabilitation of those broken in the war.

  35. Rehabilitation will be a simple matter, so there's no real reason why some of those Engineers.

  36. Those of us who survive, however, will stay aloft until the rehabilitation fleet arrives, then we will continue our regular work.

  37. Both steps proceeded on the theory that every act needful for the rehabilitation of the seceded States could be accomplished by the Executive Department of the Government.

  38. The course pursued in Tennessee afforded a significant index to Mr. Johnson's conception of what was deemed necessary to prepare a State that had been in rebellion, for its full rehabilitation as a member of the Federal Union.

  39. Beyond his experiment with the "Louisiana plan" Mr. Lincoln had never given the slightest indication either by word or deed as to the specific course he would adopt in the rehabilitation of the insurrectionary States.

  40. That is to say, the family and the town of Orleans recognised the impostor till, in 1452, the Trial of Rehabilitation began.

  41. Beaupere's sober common-sense did not avail to help the Maid, but at the Rehabilitation (1456) he still maintained his old opinion.

  42. There appears to be no remedy for this position save the economic rehabilitation of Central Europe.

  43. Her economic rehabilitation seems impossible after the way she was broken up at the Peace Conference.

  44. Jealous of my servant--that ought to be rehabilitation enough.

  45. But suppose we leave the rehabilitation alone and think only of how his daughter is to be saved: what can we do then?

  46. The first was the rehabilitation and strengthening of the Imperial Governing Council (Reichsregiment), whose functions under Maximilian had been little more than nominal.

  47. Of the honour done her everywhere on that journey to Ferrara, the details are given elsewhere, particularly in the book devoted to her history and rehabilitation by Herr Gregorovius.

  48. And that signifies, allegorically, the rehabilitation of Germany.

  49. No man more than Goethe longed for the rehabilitation of Germany.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rehabilitation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.