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Example sentences for "reinstatement"

Lexicographically close words:
reino; reinos; reins; reinstate; reinstated; reinstates; reinstating; reinstituted; reinsurance; reintegrate
  1. German ultramontanism felt itself all the more under obligation to demand from the new emperor as the first expiation for such uncanonical usurpation, the reinstatement of the pope in his lost temporal power.

  2. For a day or two there was much talk of a petition to the faculty asking for the reinstatement of Tom Hall, but it progressed no further than talk.

  3. Another that he had become huffy over Gilbert's reinstatement and had resigned.

  4. And yet, although the weekly faculty conference on Monday night had no written petition to consider, the subject of Tom's reinstatement did come before it and in a totally unprecedented manner.

  5. There is probably no one in the South who would advocate the reinstatement of that "peculiar institution," even if it could be effected by the lifting of a finger.

  6. The reinstatement of the custom-house under the superintendency of the Taotai Wu was the signal for the prompt reappearance of all the worst irregularities in an exaggerated form.

  7. Modern psychology refers the eye's instantaneous recognition of the most important elements of an object (its essential or "primary" qualities) to a reinstatement of such simple experiences as these.

  8. In a general way, it informs us that such a reinstatement of the past is determined by the existence of certain connections between the nervous structures concerned in the reviving and revived mental elements.

  9. In both cases there is a reinstatement of the past, a reproduction of earlier experience, a process of adding to a present impression a product of imagination--taking this word in its widest sense.

  10. Although I have spoken of memory as a reinstatement in representative form of external experience, the term must be understood to include every revival of a past experience, whether external or internal, which is recognized as a revival.

  11. His conduct since his reinstatement had not been good.

  12. His surrender exploded a theory which had been started, that the Tashons were holding out in order to procure his reinstatement in Kale.

  13. No more for ever, for Heine, was there to be any reinstatement of the flesh.

  14. And surely the reinstatement of the flesh, the restoration of the body to honor and to perfection, is, as I have said elsewhere, an admirable purpose.

  15. Your Excellency was good enough to ask me whether the reinstatement of the status quo would be a suitable basis on which to start negotiations.

  16. Quite accidentally I learnt that his reinstatement was imminent.

  17. Omar, who obtained for him the goodwill of the Porte and reinstatement in his post as Sheik al-Balad.

  18. If such reinstatement is expedited by act of the inmate's will, the aim of the establishment is no less served.

  19. Renewal or reinstatement fee is two dollars.

  20. He proceeded in person to Gustrow, where the reinstatement was solemnly to take place, to give additional dignity to the ceremony by his presence.

  21. If they have not the courage to right the wrong, and force your reinstatement through public opinion, there is nothing more to be done.

  22. The reinstatement of the Messieurs de Simeuse and d'Hauteserre appeared to be granted.

  23. The business of thought is to recover and confirm the coherent, the really connected, adding to its reinstatement an accessory justifying notion of the real ground of coherence, while it eliminates the coincident as such.

  24. His closing years were cheered by many acts by which was nearly completed the tardy reparation for former injuries which was begun with his reinstatement in the navy by King William IV.

  25. Have you ever suspected that your fight for reinstatement has been deliberately handicapped, right from the beginning?

  26. After my release another motive had displaced the vengeful prompting: the losing fight for reinstatement in the good opinion of the world seemed to be the only thing worth living for.

  27. The reinstatement of the king was accompanied by a general resumption by bishops and royalist nobles of their offices and lands: things seemed to slip back into the old grooves.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reinstatement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    backing; backsliding; clearance; clearing; disenchantment; exculpation; explanation; improvement; lapse; purgation; purging; rationalization; recidivism; reclamation; reformation; regress; regression; rehabilitation; reinstatement; relapse; replacement; restitution; restoration; retrogression; return; reversal; reverse; reversion; revulsion; turn; vindication