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Example sentences for "lining"

Lexicographically close words:
lingvo; lingvon; linhay; liniment; liniments; linings; link; linkage; linkages; linked
  1. It is also a marked and beautiful feature where it forms a long avenue, lining the road on either side leading to a sugar or coffee plantation, but it requires half a century to perfect such an avenue.

  2. At first we passed down the long avenue of palms which formed the entrance of the plantation, and which completely embowered the road, like the grand old oaks one sometimes sees lining the avenues to rural English estates.

  3. The zinc cup had a lining of pasteboard on the sides and the bottom, similar to the pasteboard which enveloped the outside, only the lining was quite moist.

  4. This magnesia lining ends at the bottom of the crucible in a ring of magnesia stone and this ring carries a magnesia thimble through which the molten steel passes on its way to the mould.

  5. This lining should last from twelve to fifteen reactions.

  6. Beyond they had a glimpse of the green-scummed lining of the well, and of the great red open mouth of the eunuch, as he screamed and prayed while every tug of the straining slaves brought him one step nearer to the brink.

  7. A number of small shut-up houses lining the semicircle of the bay showed that the stone-washed shore was a favourite place of summer residence.

  8. As we too waited, our attention was attracted to the window nearest our table, to find a row of small girls' heads, the eyes gazing fixedly on us, lining the bottom of the lower panes.

  9. There was neither pillow nor lining there, nothing but the bare boards to receive those delicate limbs, and this bleak poverty made even the heart of Crofts sink within him.

  10. The dickies, snugly curled under the lining of a fur cap or narrow-brimmed hat, came forth to be arranged under neck-ties of gay hues and flowing dimensions.

  11. Each passing cloud seemed to turn its silver lining upon these dwellings, as it rolled across the heavens.

  12. The sides and lining are supported by knees that do not extend clear across the bottom of the instrument as they do in the virginal.

  13. These are connected to the lining by several diagonal braces (fig.

  14. The jack guide, built up of separate pieces held together by long strips down either side, is glued to the underside of the soundboard and extends as far as the lining in the treble but stops a little short of it in the bass (fig.

  15. Lining the dilated spaces into which different canals lead are cells surmounted by whip-like processes.

  16. The active part of the sponge, that is, the part concerned in nutrition and growth, is a soft, fleshy mass, partly filling the meshes and lining the canals.

  17. The crimson and blue uniformed guards remained behind, lining the lane through the throng.

  18. The height of his window was great--he looked very closely, and made out two lines of colour lining and outlining the street surrounding the apartments.

  19. This duct may become closed by inflammation of the lining membrane of the nose, caries of the bone, ulcers, fungous growths, or by the presence of some extraneous substance impacted in it.

  20. They irritate the lining membrane of the stomach and intestines, and cause a portion of the food to be occasionally evacuated; acting either as an emetic or a purgative, or both.

  21. The 'thyroid cartilage' envelopes and protects all the rest, and particularly the lining membrane of the larynx, which vibrates from the impulse of the air that passes.

  22. The inflammation at the same time seizes on the membranes of the nostrils, and those lining the bones of the nose, particularly the nasal portion of the ethmoid bone.

  23. The only remedy is to open the enlarged part from end to end, carefully to take out the gossamer lining of the cyst, and then to insert some bits of lint on each side of the incision, in order to prevent its closing too soon.

  24. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the nose, either idiopathic, or arising from distemper, or other morbid disturbance of the system.

  25. What we understand by canker, is an acute inflammation of the lining membrane of the ear, destroying the tympanum or drum, and producing total deafness.

  26. She was puzzled by its weight and speculated vaguely about it until, lifting it carefully off, her fingers encountered something hard, heavy and unyielding between the lining and the crown.

  27. After that it didn't take her long to discover that the lining had been ripped open and resewn with every indication of careless haste.

  28. She nodded impatiently: "Oh, of course--with the lining half ripped out and the necklace missing.

  29. The trunks of the tall trees lining the road barred its white riband with black shadows, but Nejdi, good horse that he was, felt that this was no time for skittishness, and repressed the inclination to jump these impalpable obstacles.

  30. Hence, the mob received a warm reception, but the fighting had taken place outside the bungalow, the defenders lining a wall at the edge of the compound.

  31. But whose velvet violet lining with the lamplight gloating o'er She shall press, ah, nevermore!

  32. Illustration] "But whose velvet violet lining with the lamplight gloating o'er She shall press, ah, nevermore!

  33. Martin Vern, opening a pocket in the lining of his cloak, and taking out all the requisites: "That would never do.

  34. I hid it in the lining of my hat with my passport.

  35. He helped her over the muddy crossing, and as they reached a stretch of board walk, began expatiating on the various places lining the way.

  36. To oppose them were the scattered and unorganized settlers lining the more eastern streams, guarded by small detachments of regular troops posted here and there amid that broad wilderness, scarcely within touch of each other.

  37. The barrel was very short--not more than eighteen inches in length--having been filed off for convenience of taking to pieces, so as to be carried in a pocket made on purpose in the lining of the coat.

  38. In the Civil War even, how constantly we read of "lining the hedge with match," and now with enclosures everywhere the difficulty would apparently be great, despite good roads.

  39. The young man took off his long-waisted gray coat and flung it over the horse's loins, lining down.

  40. Then she let go the horse's head, took the coat off swiftly, and as swiftly replaced it, lining upward.

  41. A coffee-coloured India shawl, with a deep fringe and trace of a lining checkered in cherry and black slipping from her shoulders, toned her appearance to a potential dignity.

  42. They saw, lining the river, a cemetery elevated starkly against the sky; and followed a canal by a broken, black flood between snowy banks.

  43. The single-board wall may be greatly improved by lining with building-paper.

  44. Tape worms," so-called by egg candlers, are detached portions of the membrane lining of the egg.

  45. When the others had retired, I took the package from the lining of my overcoat and gave it to him.

  46. I had folded the package and hid it in the lining of my overcoat which I had thrown over my arm.

  47. Trim the fat from the gizzard, cut a slit in the thick part and draw the slit open; the inner lining must be removed, unbroken if possible.

  48. If used for food they should be tin lined and the lining kept in good condition, for sometimes chemicals in food form a poisonous combination with the copper.

  49. The English are lining the banks of the Rhine with gold, and receive insult and abuse in exchange.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lining" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.