But Mr. Hanna's greatest exploits in financing politics were in connection with Mr. McKinley's campaigns.
No longer eligible for concessional financing because of large oil revenues, the government has been trying to agree on a "shadow" fiscal management program with the World Bank and IMF.
The islands are now self-financing except for defense.
Luckily, the common perception that Hawala financing is paperless is wrong.
Most large agricultural holdings are private, with the government channeling financing to this sector.
No longer eligible for concessional financing because of large oil revenues, the government has been unsuccessfully trying to agree on a "shadow" fiscal management program with the World Bank and IMF.
Because it is recognized only by Turkey, it has had much difficulty arranging foreign financing and investment.
Economic reform measures such as health care reform, tax reform, and local government financing have not yet been addressed by the ORBAN government.
The Committee is given charge of the general direction, financing and working out of a single program in the field of vocational training.
Your answer is expected by bearer, in order that the financing of these drafts may be facilitated.
By the way, our proposition of the Texas Eastern was to provide some financingfor Pemex in exchange for this contract--which is the Mexican Oil Co.
The financing of the war and of the industrial expansion which accompanied it was a heavy task.
The Dominion authorities offered generous terms, financing the land purchase scheme, and taking over the railway.
British capital, moreover, no longer found so ready an outlet in the United States, which was now financing its own development; and it had suffered severe losses in Argentine smashes and Australian droughts.
Morgan, it has been said, considered the financing of the Steel Corporation the crowning achievement of his career.
But the financingof the United States Steel Corporation was beyond all question his magnum opus.
It was characterized as dangerous financing and it is known that not all the Corporation’s directors were themselves in full accord with the operation.
Pierpont Morgan to undertake the financing of the giant steel merger.
We have seen that the portentous figure of Vanderbilt was just at this time looming up in the railroad world, and Vanderbilt had his own theory of the management and financing of railroads.
He had built his reputation through his great success in financing United States government loans during the Civil War.
Mr. Rockefeller should be financing not merely Mr. Flexner's experiment station in secondary education; he should be financing a hundred other secondary schools in an equally splendid way.
The unprecedented financing needs of the Union members - a result of the First World War - delivered the coup de grace.
Phelan should go to Washington, in order to interest Congress in some project for financing the rebuilding of San Francisco.
Public-service corporations were largely instrumental in financing the movement.
Phelan, Rudolph Spreckels's associate in financing the graft prosecution, was elected United States Senator from California, while Judge Lawlor was that year elected to the State Supreme Bench.
A year later, when the financial situation of the government had become desperate, he organized the Bank of North America to assist in financing it.
He was the financial mainstay of the government during the second war with England--in fact, it was he who made the financing of the war possible.
When war comes, especially such a war as this, financing in its ordinary and most profitable sense has to put up its shutters.
In the meantime it need hardly be said that investment at home has become for the time being a matter of patriotic duty for every Englishman, since the financing of the war has the first and last claim on his savings.
Financing on an extensive scale followed this state of affairs.
Next, the story of how Canada is financingher share of the war, for it is a costly business.
Understanding of the successive steps in the financing of such a transaction will mean a pretty satisfactory understanding of the general principles under which the financing of most of our imports is arranged.
Requiring the tying up of no actual capital, this form of financing "floating investments" has become exceedingly popular and is carried on on a large scale.
For purposes of illustration, the financing of the import of silk from China was chosen because the operation embodied perhaps more points of interest in connection with commercial credit business than any other one operation.
It has been deemed advisable to set forth the whole course of one of these import-financing transactions, in order that each successive step may be clearly understood.
Thus results a suitable, continuous business, and if you will think it over, you will discover that most so-called urgent financing is made necessary because of a lack of planned, continuous business.
If it did not go through on the first financing then the idea was to "refinance.
And because railway financing began in one of the rottenest periods of our business history, a number of practices were established as precedents which have influenced railway work ever since.
Delayed inspection returns and terminal outturns, due to the recurring car shortage, prevented the farmers from financing and widened the spread between street and track prices as the close of navigation approached.
They suggested the enactment of special legislation to provide for the financing of the undertaking by the farmers themselves, assisted by a government loan.
Carpenter left the practice after the Civil war and became active and highly successful in the building and financing of railroads in this state and further south.
I did whatever he told me, and looked after all kinds of affairs, from buying his clothes to financing his business.
The next matter was the financing of the trip, about which Mr. Edison asked in a tentative way about the rates to the East.
We planned to wait until we hear, one way or the other, regarding the stones we sent to New York, and about the financingof Choko's Find.
My father and Uncle George incorporated the company that is financing this cutting machine.
You see, my father isfinancing the wonderful patent Ken's father invented.
And maybe John could explain the financing of the two companies to him.