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Example sentences for "recidivism"

Lexicographically close words:
rechristened; rechte; rechten; rechtliche; recibir; recidivists; recieve; recieved; recipe; recipere
  1. The foregoing cases, while distinctly abnormal mentally, owe their recidivism to a qualitative rather than a quantitative defect.

  2. Their recidivism is not due to an inability to distinguish between right and wrong.

  3. The next features which stand out prominently in the lives of these individuals are their recidivism and the fact that every one of them came under the observation of an alienist on one or more occasions in his life.

  4. Some part of the recidivism here is undoubtedly due to the kind of occupations which a child can carry on while attending school.

  5. As regards recidivism and the enormous numbers tried, England is in as bad a position as Italy and France.

  6. The greater tendency to recidivism in women has everywhere been noted, and is extremely well marked in England, where it is rapidly increasing, and is associated, it seems, with growing habits of alcoholism.

  7. The courts of Paris and of Bourges have not hesitated to declare that the chief cause of recidivism is to be found in the prison and its régime.

  8. And again he remarks:--"The real cause of recidivism lies in the perversion due to such infection-nests as the Lyons prison is.

  9. An epileptic fugue with recidivism is described by Logre.

  10. Wall-jumping makes, so to say, the entire pathological phenomenon, and the recidivism is a part of the disease.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recidivism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apostasy; atheism; backing; backsliding; betrayal; bolt; breakaway; carnality; defection; delinquency; desertion; disenchantment; disloyalty; evil; fall; immorality; impurity; irreligion; irreverence; lapse; prodigality; reaction; recession; recidivism; reclamation; reflux; regress; regression; rehabilitation; reinstatement; relapse; restitution; restoration; retroflexion; retrogression; return; reversal; reverse; revulsion; secession; setback; throwback; treason; turn; unchastity; ungodliness; wrongdoing