The political weakness which resulted from this allowed Europe to be overrun by peoples organized in clans and tribes, and for some time there was a partial retrogression toward the disorder characteristic of primitive ages.
From the point of view of art, such novels as those of Victor Hugo and the early works of George Sand were a retrogression from those of the eighteenth century.
It is, however, by no means difficult to show that a real progression in the scale of organisation is perfectly consistent with all the appearances, and even with apparent retrogression should such occur.
On the one hand, in this retrogression the desire for an origin and for a fixed point of departure is unmistakable, but such must be sought for in thought and Idea alone and not in an authoritatively given form.
As the ring's motion is against the hands of a watch, looking from the north down on the ecliptic, this retrogression of the moon's nodes is in the direction of the hands of a watch.
The heads of the valleys would, however, be constantly receding in all cases, and their retrogression would in most instances be aided by springs issuing from them.
See my paper on "Retrogression in Nature," published in English in Nos.
That is, by the law of exceedingly slow retrogression of superfluous characters, which may be designated the law of organic inertia.
Progress, retrogression or stationary state from the child's birth down to the time of examination.
Consequently too long a hand is in itself an anomaly that indicates a low type of man; it is to be classed with those anomalies that were formerly regarded as atavistic reversions, phenomena of absoluteretrogression in the biological scale.
Thus, while the forces of retrogression were at work the Indian was daily becoming more of a menace to the well-disposed border settlers who viewed his changing attitude in helpless terror.
Foremost among the causes of the red man's retrogression may be cited whiskey.
The advance of inequality necessarily brings improvement to a halt, and as it still persists or provokes unavailing reactions, draws even upon the mental power necessary for maintenance, and retrogression begins.
Where this power of peaceable association is broken up, either by external assaults or internal dissensions, the advance ceases and retrogression begins.
Its decline was not caused by national retrogression or political dissension, but by the hostility and aggression of its adversary.
Similar to the retrogression of scientific thought, traced in former chapters, is the corresponding retrogression in philosophic thought.
It is true that slavery existed under Pagan civilization, but there it represented a phase of social development, while Christian slavery stood for a deliberate retrogression in social life.
A retrogressiontook place to the ideation of the most primitive of men, namely, the conception of physical disease as the result of the wrath of God, or the malice of Satan, or by a combination of both.
The retrogression of the fugitives had been detected, and the confederates on the bank toward which they were working their way were notified to be prepared for their coming.
Jo yielded the pole without a murmur, and the Mohawk applied it with a power and skill that made the retrogression much faster than was the progress in the other direction.
When we turn from the Tunicates to the closely-related Amphioxus we are astonished at first to find an apparent retrogression in the formation of the vascular system.
The influence of theatrical fashions and traditions, always in part changing and transitory, has been felt in every variation, advance, or retrogression of the acted drama.
This change from individual characters to abstract qualities has usually been regarded as a retrogression by modern students, who deem the study of the motives of individual men and women as essential to the drama.
In one respect, indeed, a great retrogression resulted from chivalry, and long survived its decay.
With theretrogression of the viscera, the glandular structure also and large proportional bulk of the sexual parts disappears.
Death is only a continuous growth through retrogression into the organic primary matter or Infusoria.
What the retrogression of numbers into 0 is, that is the gravity in the sphere.
Every disappearance of the Finite is a retrogression into the Eternal; for it must return to whence it came.
Melody is a retrogression of the matter into æther, of the formed world into the primary world; through melody is the spirit of the world revealed.
Decomposition is a separation into Monads, a retrogression into the primary mass of the animal kingdom.
Heat is the actual retrogression of matter into æther; light is only the efficient of this transition.
The absorption or decrescence of light is a retrogression of light into the indifference of æther, into darkness.
The history of generation is a retrogression into the Absolute of the Organic, or the organic chaos--mucus, and a new evocation from the same.
The destruction of the heavenly bodies is a retrogression of their mass into æther by means of fire.
This retrogression is an act in the reverse direction, or what is indicated in mathematics by negation.
Polarity, however, is a constantretrogression into itself.
Then follows the decadence or dying off of the sexual functions; a retrogressionthrough the animal classes.
Hence, we are certainly justified in saying that both peptones and proteoses undergo some retrogression when in contact with the walls of the intestine.
In some few cases there has been what we must call retrogression or organisation.
But he is no disputant, no propagandist, whether on ecclesiastical or on intellectual grounds; and after his day there is social retrogression and literary relapse in England for two centuries.
Lack of the former meant political retrogression and bondage; and lack of the latter a renewed dominion of superstition and Bibliolatry--two sets of conditions of which each facilitated the other.
Intellectually, there was visible retrogression in the Protestant world.
By commending irrational retrogression from active use of the understanding back to dreamy contemplation?
The Crab, for instance, and the He-Goat, indicate its retrogression at the solstices.
Thus we have seen that the Balance may refer to equal nights and days (though only introduced among the Greeks in the time of Hipparchus), and the Crab to the retrogression or stopping of the sun at the solstice.
This secular retrogression brings it each year a little to the east of its former position, so that the sun arrives there about eleven minutes too soon.