When scrofula or tuberculosis is at the bottom of the bronchitis, a reliable preparation of cod liver oil emulsion should also be administered.
This emulsion of the fatty and other substances of the food is termed chyle, and as such, the fatty substances are ready for absorption by the absorbents of the intestinal tract.
Cut off about 6 inches of film from the unexposed reel, lay it flat upon the developing bench, emulsion side uppermost, in full view of the ruby light.
The blank should then be laid flat upon the table, emulsion side uppermost, preferably upon a sheet of glass which secures a smooth, clean, level surface, and a little film cement applied to the scraped end of the blank.
The film is transferred from the exposed film-box to a revolving frame, emulsionside outermost.
The emulsion side can be recognized even in the subdued light of the dark room because it has a matt surface, while the other side is glossy.
The makers of this ribbon were the first to discover a base and emulsion suited to moving-picture work.
If the space surrounding the places where the coins were laid comes up grey, then it shows that the light is unsafe, because the exposed emulsion surrounding the coins has become fogged.
The eye is about one million times faster than the most rapid sensitized emulsion which chemists have yet produced.
The negative film, emulsion side outermost, as it winds off the spool A is passed behind the guide roller C and then picks up the unexposed film of spool B.
The emulsion at one end of this should be scraped off for a distance of about 1/4 inch.
The hardening of the gelatine emulsion cannot be hastened, as in glass plate work, by immersion in a bath of methylated spirits or some other evaporative agent, since the alcohol contained therein would dissolve the celluloid base.
As the emulsion side is uppermost, when the unexposed film meets the negative in the gate, the two films are brought together with their emulsionsides in contact.
Place two or three coins upon the emulsion and leave them there for a few minutes.
After the cement has been applied to the cleaned end of the blank lead, the end of the unexposed coil of film is laid upon it, emulsion side uppermost, the overlap being about 3/4 inch.
Special arrangements were made also to secure extreme sensitiveness of the emulsion so that it might be more susceptible to the action of the X-rays.
In threading the film care must be used to bring the emulsion side facing the dark boxes and the glossy side facing the lens.
For the worm that does so much injury to our plants at the time when they are just getting ready to bloom, I use an emulsion made by adding two quarts kerosene to one part of laundry soap.
Use one part of the emulsion to eight or ten parts water, and make sure it reaches every portion of the bush.
The easiest and quickest way to secure an emulsion is by using a brass syringe such as florists sprinkle their plants with.
Also make an emulsion of eight drops of ottar of roses with thirty grains of gum arabic and eight fluid ounces of water; then add three fluid ounces of glycerine, and ten fluid drachms of quince mucilage.
Milk of almonds made thus: Take of blanched bitter almonds half an ounce, soft water half a pint; make an emulsion by beating the almonds and water together, strain through a muslin cloth, and it is made.
The emulsionthus formed should be strained through a fine cloth, and the residue again pounded, while the strained fluid should be bottled in a large stoppered vial.
Josephine has used kerosene emulsion in this fashion: she pours a little into a saucer, takes a bit of cheese cloth and dipping it into the emulsion wipes the lice off an infested part.
The kerosene emulsion which we use on our indoor plants is all right for this work, too.
Then when treated with kerosene emulsion or some other insecticide the bud becomes blasted, for the blossom is close under the folded outer leaves, so is in a very precarious position.
The kerosene emulsion made by the girls for their infested house plants worked this same way.
For use against plant lice add to one cup of this emulsion 8 cups of water.
The saponification commences when anemulsion forms, and the lye is then run in more quickly to prevent the mass thickening.
After stirring until an emulsion is formed, the mixture is allowed to stand for twenty-four hours, during which hydrolysis takes place.
Set the opposite end of the gage marked "scrape" on the first section; remove the emulsion; cut to the floor line with a sharp pen knife, moistening it so that the emulsion will come off easily.
The film must be rewound upon the reel in such a manner that when threaded, the emulsion side will face the lamp.
The emulsion side of the two sections of film must always be either up or down, and for convenience it is well to form the habit of having them always one way or the other.
The emulsionon the film melts at a temperature of about 90 degrees Fahrenheit and will then run off the film.
Very often new film is so damp that some of the emulsion sticks to the gate.
If it can be spread out quickly enough, it will not be harmed; but if it is not spread out at once, the emulsion will stick to the celluloid and will come off when the film is finally unwound.
The dirt--especially the carbon dust, which is so plentiful in an operating room and which is very sharp and cuts badly into the emulsion or the celluloid--disfigures the picture very much.
This strip need not be scraped on the back, but all of the emulsion must be scraped from the front side of it.
It causes the emulsion side of the film to slide over the other and any dirt or dust that may be between the two is thus ground into them.
Upon one side of this film is a photographic emulsion of gelatine impregnated with a solution of bromide of silver.
The filtered emulsion will be found to be a soft, smooth, creamy fluid, flowing easily and equally over the plates.
This must be done through perfectly clean cotton-wool into a perfectly clean collodion bottle; give the emulsion a good shaking, and when all bubbles have subsided, pour it into the funnel, and it will go through in five minutes.
Whether or not Scott's Emulsion is superior to other cod-liver oils is beside the present question.
Unhappily, all of the Scott's Emulsion advertising is not up to this standard.
Notice, first, the frank statement that there is no specific for consumption; second, that there is no attempt to deceive the public into the belief that the emulsion will be helpful in all cases.
In making a gelatine emulsion with zinc it must be decidedly acid or it fogs.
Warnerke was the first to call attention to this salt in the days of collodion emulsion; and I think he claimed for an emulsion prepared with it that the image would stand more forcing without fogging to gain any amount of intensity.
The opsonic power of a serum normal or otherwise is determined by mixing an emulsion of fresh leukocytes in normal saline solution with a suspension of the bacteria and with the serum to be tested.
The emulsion of bacteria is then diluted so that a certain number of millions shall be contained in each cc.
To get 15-per-cent oil emulsion add ten and one-half gallons of water.
They may be killed by spraying with kerosene emulsion or a strong soap solution or with tobacco water.
In the dull light of the ruby lamp he carefully wound his long strip of exposed negative, emulsion side out, around the keg which Andy held for him.
If we can find some half barrels and knock the heads out, I can wind the negative around them with the emulsion side out, and dip it in the bigger barrels of developer; see how I mean?
MY DEAR SALLY, If the proprietors of a very excellent emulsion of cod liver oil did not send me (as they do) a little memorandum book at the beginning of each year, I should find letter-writing to my sister considerably more difficult.
Thanks to the cod, its oil, and the emulsion thereof, his memory has been propped up just when he began to need it most.
This emulsion is good for the Blister Moth and the Slug-worm.
Burgess, of Norwich; but a recent application of the gelatino-bromide emulsion to celluloid slabs by Mr. Fitch has made the Ivorytype process as simple and certain as the exposure and development of gelatino-bromide paper.
It may be briefly described as a prolonged cooking of the gelatine emulsion at a temperature of 90 deg.
Stove for keeping emulsion warm for any time at a fixed temperature in pure air, and for the final drying of the plates.
Mr. Kennett was present, and it was probably Mr. Burgess's failure with emulsion that induced him to make his experiments with a sensitive pellicle.
The slowness that he complains of was caused entirely by not washing the emulsion to discharge the excess of bromide, and the want of density was due to the absence of a restrainer and ammonia in the developer.
Wratten and Wainwright commenced to make gelatino-bromide dry plates, and during the hot summer months Mr. Wratten found it necessary to precipitate the gelatine emulsion with alcohol.
Wratten precipitated the gelatine emulsion with alcohol, and so avoided the necessity of dialysing.
A few plates of glass well cleaned were next levelled on a metal plate put over a small lamp; they were, when fully warmed, coated by the emulsion spread to the edges by a glass rod, then returned to their places, and left to dry.
These flies were used in preparing an emulsion which, after filtering, was injected into the peritoneal cavity of a monkey.
He believes that in some cases good may be done by dusting the grass and other plants, after cutting, with flowers of sulphur or by spraying with dilute kerosene emulsion in which sulphur has been mixed.
Salivary gland emulsion added to a dilute suspension of corpuscles did not lead to hemolysis.
Another unknown was the ability of the film emulsion to register the reflected infrared rays of his particular searchlight.
The emulsion had been designed originally for infrared flash bulbs.
The lubricating or damping agent varies according to the type of yarn, woollen yarns are damped with an emulsion of oil and soap, lard is often used for silk materials, whilst cottons are passed through cakes of paraffin wax.
The product is then ground up until a sort of "milk" or emulsion is obtained, and lastly treated with a solution of aniline, so that when pressed into cake, it contains about 33 per cent.
The kerosene-tobacco-soap emulsion will be found safe and effective.
The emulsion spoken of above is an excellent remedy for the ills the rose is heir to during the early part of the season.
Use in the proportion of one part emulsion to fifteen parts water.
These ingredients, under the effect of heat, will form an emulsion that will unite readily with water.
The best weapon to fight this enemy with is an emulsionmade as follows: shave thinly half a pound of white soap; pour a little water over it and set it on the stove to liquefy.
One of the men had sprayed them with both slug-shot and kerosene emulsion to no effect,--and so no Asters.
For spraying, use one quart of the emulsion in fourteen quarts of water.
Kerosene emulsion may also be prepared, and is excellent for killing, both the small green aphids that often cover the leaves of Roses, and other hard, scaly insects.
About three days after the Box had been sprayed, large, unsightly brown patches appeared on the trees, showing that the emulsion had killed the leaves wherever it touched them.