But for you he'd be a decent chap this very minute.
But to go back to whar I started from, it all makes in the end for that pretty little chap over yonder in the dining-room.
The funny part is, you know, that Cynthia is just as crazy about it as Lila is, and she looks ten years younger since the little chap came.
So the little chap comes in for all this, does he?
Mark my words, if you warn't such a girlish looking chap I'd take my horsewhip to your shoulders in a jiffy.
Danger agrees with me, and I'm a lucky chap in everything but love.
The old chap is different somehow, older and solemn as a fish.
Some of it is in the little back bedrooms where the chap from the up-state village has come down to peddle his dreams in the market place.
It seems to me France ought to drive whip and spur into any chap and make a man of him.
The love-letter of a young chap who should never trust himself to write one," Deleah told her, calmly.
Don't you go leading that nice young chap on to make a fool of hisself over you, Miss Bessie," she would caution the girl, the next day.
The chap at the other end of the line would read that and comment on it.
Don't you get impatient, sometimes a chap has a hard time just to get a start, after that it's easy.
He thought: "The boys would kieto to this chap all right.
Any fellow there would have paid you the same compliment if you had given him a chance; but you were so confoundedly wrapped up in that Italian chap that you would not look at the rest of us.
Meanwhile Darrell had disposed of his lad, and Tom, who was engaged with a small lad who made a sneering remark, grabbed hold of the chap and shook him until the lad begged for mercy.
You're a big coward to hit a chapsmaller than you are!
I'd like to chalk it up in my memory as belonging to a young chap who couldn't even be civil to the fellow who saved him from drowning.
That check you found, pard, may be the very one this chap with the auburn wind teasers lost!
On the way across the bay Matt gave Ping's breakfast to a little chap who looked as though he needed it.
Could it be that Matt had picked up the very chap McGlory was looking for?
Well, let me see that note this chap you call Red-whiskers sent by the boy.
As I came scrambling out through the weeds, I was collared by a bigchap with a velveteen coat, and half a dozen others got round me and held me fast.
He shut the door," I heard him say, "Chap there, sucking the bit of wood.
There was a chap called Aristophanes who had written comedies, satirising the political institutions of a country that had disappeared two thousand years ago.
You see I'm not the chap I was," he blundered, trying to open his father's eyes to the abysmal depth of his futility.
I can't even consider it on his account, but I'll let the nice old chap come on for a few times more to see me, for he really is interesting and we have suffered things in common.
Makee too muchee bobberee; no can do, all same one time," the old chap shrieked in his funny voice, as he pushed his way between the table and the bulkhead.
So that was it, was it--the old chap didn't intend to risk losing them?
I knew perfectly well that he had been called "Dear Little Dicky", and that the inoffensive, harmless little chap hated it, and was glad to hear them drop it for once.
Old Barclay was on him in a moment--terrible keen chap he was.
That chap Hoffman couldn't lift a hundredweight now," he chuckled.
A wretched chap thought he could prod people from beneath it in comparative comfort, and tried his hand on me, but wasn't quite quick enough.
I wrote to the missus to tell her you'd shot that chap who tried to cut me down; wrote to your mother too, to tell her you were going on well--told her about it as well.
Langham caught a few of them in the open with the Maxim; but it's such a jolly extravagant kind of weapon as regards ammunition, and puts a dozen cartridges into a chap before another can take his place, and get his own share.
Tell the old chap that I'm sending a gunboat up to Shanghai to-morrow or the next day, and will report everything to the Admiral, and must wait his orders.
That chap was chuckling to himself all the while, just because he had come on us stalled here.
It's certain thatchap can't think up much more evil to turn against us.
Now, I happen to know that Luke Gregory used to be a right smart sort of a chap when he lived in Oakvale," Bud observed.
In fact, it was Andrew who suggested that possibly the young chap had gone out of his mind over some trouble, and while in this condition had managed to leave the camp, for some purpose or other.
That chap has been hankering after Polly ever since she was in her teens.
There's a chap lives nigh to us who used always to be sneaking round; but she has snubbed him terribly this month past.
That's the softest chap I ever saw," said Lieutenant Cox.
Now there was thatchap Spicer at the mustard works.
Why didn't you take that chap when he came after you down to Margate?
An old chap turns round and goes home, and doesn't feel ashamed of himself; but we can't do that.
But a thought came across his mind,--"If thatchap comes I shan't be as comfortable next Sunday.
Don't let thatchap as 'as the 'orses be any way disagreeable.
I suppose a chap may choose his own company, Mr. Fenwick?
If one was more spry to kill t'old chap than t'other, Acorn was the spryest.
Reminds me of a chap I wonst read about in a trac'.
I was thinkin' that thechap who writes these penny novelette wires might 'ave rounded up his yarn in good shape," said Verity aloud.
They looked like foreigners; one little chap must have been an Italian, for he carried a violin under his arm, and wore a queer embroidered vest.
It's hard for a young chap like you to die; but for an old fellow like me, it's no odds to no one.
But to my mind (and I have always said it) a sailor is the most unfortunate chap alive, one day dried up in these burning latitudes, and then sent to cool his nose up among the icebergs.
Captain Trevelyan is not the man to desert one of his people, even a little chap like me, and maybe he will remember what he said to my mother.