The buildings were arranged in an irregular circle around the copter field, nestled in the most hidden valley of the planet's single range of hills high enough to be graced with the name of mountains.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, For thou art with me: Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
The Roman villas heard him In the valley of the Thames, Come over the hills roaring Above their roofs, and pouring On spire and stair and flooring Brimstone and pitch and flames.
A tradition connects the ultimate victory of Alfred with the valley in Berkshire called the Vale of the White Horse.
I just want to say, Doug, that you're the first man in thisvalley ever stuck up for me and some day I depone I'll get even with you.
You and Dad have bullied thisvalley long enough, Charleton.
It would be a gregus good thing for the Valley if John Spencer was to break his neck.
The saddle horses and teams were hitched to the stout fence that surrounded the cemetery, and Lost Chief Valley crowded about the open grave.
He was a man of education and an ardent lover of animals, a somewhat sardonic, very lonely man, yet somehow having more influence in the valley than any one save Grandma Brown.
And the Valley had better realize, if it plans trouble, that I'm neither soft, nor easy.
And when we found Him, we'd go out and bring the children of the Valleyto the church.
You're the only person in the Valley understands me.
Except for this steady lift from seven thousand feet at Black Gorge to eight thousand feet at the base of Dead Line and Falkner's Peaks, the valley was as level as a floor.
I've got as good a right in thisvalley as anybody.
The valley narrowed as it rose and finally Lost Chief and Black Devil thrust foot to foot in a narrow canyon.
If this could be crossed one dropped southward into a cup-shaped valley called Johnson's Basin.
From Douglas' camp, the valley was almost inaccessible: almost, but not quite.
Farncombe is Godalming's suburb, and from above its hilly streets can be had a strangely romantic view of thevalley by Guildford, with St. Martha's chapel crowning the hill.
Friday Street is less a village than a handful of cottages, but Coldharbour has its church and its inn, the Plough, and its scattered roofs lie on the side of a valley of green brake and red sand.
At the base of the hill the pilgrims who had come by the ferry would be joined by those who had left Guildford by Pewley Hill, to come out through the valley past Tytings, now a private residence, but once the dwelling of St. Martha's priest.
They had but one hammer between them, and they hurled it high over the valley one to another, St. Martha catching it from St. Catherine, driving in a nail and hurling it back again.
If I had to choose a month and an hour to visit St. Martha's, it would be an evening late in April with the trees in the valley at their freshest and the song of blackbirds about the hill.
To read this fine book makes us eager to visit every hill and every valleythat Mr. Bradley describes with such tantalising enthusiasm.
On the grass outside the box-grove the distance to the level valley below deceives even more strangely.
The valley below may have changed from forest to meadow and plough, but the green road along the ridge remains what it was before ever it felt a Roman wheel.
Readers of The Bettesworth Book and Memoirs of a Surrey Labourer will perhaps not be very wrong if they fix on this sandy valley as the Surrey which Bettesworth knew best.
The Mole wanders west away from Leatherhead by Randall's Farm and Randall's Park, and perhaps Miss Austen used to imagine Emma and Mrs. Weston walking along the rather dull road that runs up the valley by the side of the stream.
Tokens all these, it may be, of our nearing the vastest valley mankind yet has seen from the height of the tortuous paths it has ever been climbing!
If the myriad, uniform, petty ideas in the valley fall short of a certain elevation, no great idea shall spring to life on the mountain-peak.
It had held the Ohio valley for the young republic during the Revolution.
View across the Columbia from White Salmon to the mouth of Hood River, showing the Hood River Valley with Mount Hood wrapped in clouds.
Famous as is the valley of Chamonix, and noteworthy as are the glaciers to which it gives close access, its views of Mont Blanc are disappointing.
Out on our left, beyond the mountains, the Willamette slipped down its famous valley to join the larger river; and still farther, a hundred and fifty miles away, our glasses caught the vague gray line of the Pacific.
The other son settled in the Willamette valley and became the ancestor of the large Multnomah tribe.
Winding up from the south comes the Willamette, its fine valley narrowed here by the hills, where the river forms Portland's harbor, and is lined on either side with mills and shipping.
In every direction, city and country, farm and forest, valley and mountain, stretches a noble perspective.
Unlike Hood and Adams, it does not stand upon the narrow summit of one of the Cascade ranges, but rises west of the main ridges of that system from valley levels about one thousand feet above the sea.
Beyond the Deschutes drainage, where spurs of the Blue mountains rise to the levels of clouds and moisture, the forest again covers the hills, spreading far to the east until it disappears again in the broad, treeless valley of Snake river.
Thence he will journey by automobile or stage up the corresponding valley to the snow-peak at its head.
The most majestic scenes are produced by one of the great peaks having apparently walked to the edge of the table to look over, and thus showing itself suddenly above the valley in its full height.
A valleyto the northeast of Loch Katrine, between Ben-An and Ben-Ledi.
A valley on the southeast of Loch Lomond, presumably Malcolm's home.
A beautiful valley reminds him of his native vale of Clyde, seen from the spot where Mary Queen of Scots saw the battle of Langside; only the Scottish scene is but a miniature of the much greater and richer landscape before him.
Then he adverts to the wonderful freedom from sickness that his party had enjoyed in the delta of the Zambesi, and proceeds to give an account of the Shiré Valley and its people.
In 1863 he was again exploring the Shiré Valley and Lake Nyassa, when an order came from Her Majesty's Government, recalling the Expedition.
If only the Helmores and their comrades had followed the treatment practiced by him so often, and in this very valley at this time by his brother Charles, they would probably have recovered.
The Shiré Valley was inhabited by the Manganja, a very warlike race.
If the Zambesi could be opened to commerce the bright vision of the last ten years would be realized, and the Shiré Valley and banks of the Nyassa transformed into the garden of the Lord.
Livingstone was thoroughly convinced that these highlands of the Shiré Valley were the proper locality for commercial and missionary stations.
From the very first Livingstone saw the importance of the Shiré Valley and Lake Nyassa as the key to Central Africa.
It was built by Vespasian and his son Titus, the conquerors of Jerusalem, in a valley in the midst of the seven hills of Rome.
The place which the wisdom or policy of antiquity had destined for the residence of the Abyssinian princes was a spacious valleyin the kingdom of Amhara, surrounded on every side by mountains, of which the summits overhang the middle part.
The city is situated in a valley with stretches of mountains on either side, a lake nestling in the centre of the place and in the midst of a perfect wealth of trees.
Our roadway wound along, sometimes near a mountain, which lay on one side, with the valley on the other.
On the other side of the valley was a towering range of mountains.
Illustration: View of Miyanoshita] To the right, far below, was a long extended valley through which poured a mountain stream, the murmur of which was a continual refrain.
The Governor's spacious residence looks out upon the park on one side, and a pretty summer-house overlooking a valley gave a picturesque touch to the place.
From the top of the pass, six thousand feet high, there was a panoramic view of mountain scenery with the Katinale valley below and the gray-crested Peacock Mountain as a centrepiece.
A visit to the Government art school and museum followed, and then a beautiful mountain drive where hill and valley alternated; the views were past description.
The tones of a distant church bell were borne to them on the valley breeze.
He rose and stood gazing off down the valley once more, and she watched him with her heart beating, with a sense of an impending crisis which she seemed powerless to stave off.
Other symmetrical trees, of many varieties, dotted a velvet lawn, which formed a great natural terrace above the forested valley of Silver Brook.
HOLT How long she sat gazing with unseeing eyes down the valley Honora did not know.
She watched him with an unwonted tugging at her heart as he stood for a long time by the edge of the railing, gazing over the tree-tops of the valleytowards the distant hazy hills.
Honora sat in the straight-backed seat of the smaller train with parted lips and beating heart, gazing now and again at the pearly mists rising from the little river valley they were climbing.
She heard the whistling and the puffing of the trains in the cinder-covered valleyto the southward, but the quality of these sounds had changed.
The Counts Guidi were deprived of jurisdiction over numerous domains in the upper valley of the Arno.
According to the boundaries traced by Ogerio, Florence retained the whole of the Fiesolan and Florentine contado, and the valley of Paterno was comprised in these limits.
Another records how he visited the Paterno valley and the whole of the contado, together with the consuls of the Commune and a Teutonico.
But it lay in a valley in the midst of a girdle of hills bristling with feudal turrets, whence the nobles threatened it on all sides, raiding its lands and closing all outlets for its commerce.
On another occasion an equally chaotic state of things is described in the reports on the castle and valley of Paterno, of which Florentines and Siennese disputed the dominion.
There was a valley in which the Shades were, in the Underworld.
When the invader arrived in the valley of the Nile, he appears to have been highly civilized and to have had an elevated form of religious belief.
The use of the form therefore was most likely derived from those used in the valley of the Nile.
Subsequent to the periods cited, there exist a number of historical facts showing the knowledge of each other, possessed by the inhabitants of the valley of the Nile and the people of Mesopotamia.
There was an angle of the wall sloping down into a more level and open valley than the other space around; against this he resolved to move the vineae, by means of which the battering-ram might be brought up to the wall.
Hannibal orders them to halt, and having sent forward Gauls to view the ground, when he found there was no passage that way, he pitches his camp in the widest valley he could find, among places all rugged and precipitous.
Hannibal, after ravaging Campania, is shut up by Fabius in a valley near the town of Casilinum, but escapes by night, putting to flight the Romans on guard by oxen with lighted faggots attached to their horns.
He took up his position in a retired valley behind Mount Tifata, which overhung Capua.
The white soul of the child stood at the entrance of the Valley of the Shadow.
Had come back to her from out the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
The wondrous scenery of mountain and valleycharms you.
I went to the tower to see the whole valley covered with water.
We could easily find any number of farmers in the valley of the Connecticut able to see through his paganism at a glance, and refute it with a word.
His path led now through a great forest of sea weeds, now upon the broad plains, and finally he came into a deep valley of the under-world, where he found everybody anxiously waiting for him.
The happy valley buzzed with their million voices.
Now, however, the tranquillity of the English valley stole in on him, and he began to understand how the love of that well-trimmed land clung to the men out West, who spoke of it tenderly as the Old Country.
Across the valley dim ghosts of hills lighted by evanescent gleams rose out of the east wind greyness with shadowy grandeur.
Have a bed of Lilies of the Valley in some part of it, and under the trees a bed of Wild Hyacinths.
There is a pretty story of the way the Lily of the Valley came to run wild, as it does in German woods.
The Lily of theValley does like shade for the greater part of the day, but it is a plant that requires proper food.
There is a popular idea that the Lily of the Valley will grow in any kind of deep shade, and so you see its poor, starved leaves struggling for life under evergreen shrubs, or the strong roots of trees that steal all its nourishment.
After four years your Lilies of the Valley should have grown into a thick mat of leaves.
Audubon reports having noticed single pairs in the Alleghanies, in Maine, and even in the valley of the Hudson; but such examples are very rare, for this royal bird is truly a creature of the mountains.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "valley" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.