A voiding knife was a long one used by our indelicate ancestors to sweep bones, &c.
The flower stalk is defined by darning the first row in a darker colour; for the rest, voiding is employed, but it is not easy to void in darning.
Groenvelt, who had tended the Boy in his Illness, observed him to be seized with his Pains at every Full Moon for several Months together, which generally ended with the voiding of a Stone.
The cause cannot be directly traced, but the symptoms are not obscure; the animal is constantly voidingits urine, which, though small in quantity, is not of a healthy character.
Wherefore there was need for voiding the surplus, yet so disposed by God as to be decorous and suitable to the state.
Further, the consumption of food involves voiding of the surplus, which seems unsuitable to the state of innocence.
Delage is not quite definite when he speaks of mammals voiding their excretions whilst they are in motion.
Under the influence of emotions that powerfully affect the nervous system, and particularly under that of fear, contractions of the bladder and intestines may be so violent that it is impossible to prevent the voiding of their contents.
La Motte gives one Instance of a Person being cured of the Epilepsy by voiding five Stones, Chirurg.
Of this many die, who have drank much vinous spirit, and some of them recover byvoiding a quantity of white mucus, like chalk and water; and others by voiding a great quantity of sand, or small calculi.
Voiding knife, a knife used for gathering up fragments of food to put them into a voider.
A watchful application of mind in voiding prejudices.
Defn: The act of voiding urine; also, a morbidly frequent passing of the urine, in consequence of disease.
Defn: The act or process of voiding urine; micturition.
One mother who was sure she had eaten nothing outside the diet suggestions she had received, was requested to bring to the office a fresh voiding of her own urine which was found to be highly acid.
This specimen was taken from a twenty-four hour voidingof urine, which began at .
Sidenote: Voiding by failure to deposit} In case of failure to deposit, the law of 1909 provides for penalties and finally voiding of the copyright, as follows (sec.
Hoover in 1905, a mere superfluity not voiding copyright.
Experience has taught us that the voiding of urine loaded with phosphates is a forerunner of cystitis, or enlargement of the prostate gland, or both.
The direct symptoms relate to the hardness of the feces and the great difficulty of voiding them.
The voiding of the urine should not be attended with the slightest pain or disagreeable sensations, and the desire to pass it should not be frequent.
Lack of hope in the damned does not change their demerit, as neither does the voiding of hope in the blessed increase their merit: but both these things are due to the change in their respective states.
In either case, this proceeds from poverty of spirit, in so far as the latter denotes either the voiding of a puffed up and proud spirit, according to Augustine's interpretation (De Serm.
Seven days after the injury she was seized with shivering: and on the ninth day she lay comatose, voiding her feces and urine involuntarily.
The patient died exhausted, after having survived about three weeks, voiding his urine partly by the wound, and partly per urethram.
The difficulty of voiding feculent matter becomes greater and greater, frequent attacks of ileus occur, and in one of them the patient expires.
He experienced much pain and difficulty in voiding his urine; the integuments under the ring gradually ulcerated, the ring appeared to sink into the substance of the penis, and the swelling subsided.
The urinary apparatus (consisting of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra) is known to be the principal emunctory for eliminating and voiding the detritus formed by the continual decay of the parts comprising the animal economy.
In a case of this kind, a catheter occupying the position 4, 5, would, while voiding the bladder through the sac, make it seem as if it really traversed the vesical orifice.
The act of voiding urine; also, a morbidly frequent passing of the urine, in consequence of disease.
It's a very good reason for voiding a contract voidable on grounds of unfitness or incapacity to teach.
He says that no one will call the action of the spider instinctive in voiding the fluids from its glands when they are too full.
No one will call the action of the spider instinctive in voiding the fluid from her spinning gland when it is too full, and therefore painful to her; nor that of the male fish when it does what amounts to much the same thing as this.
It is always a strange danger for a man to live in concubinage, because all turns to jealousy and quarrelling, and at last they live in the favour of all the devils, voiding oaths and curses: so that what is cheap turns out dear.
Irritant or voiding laws are those that deprive certain acts of legal value.
Ecclesiastical voiding laws oblige at once in conscience, although like other laws of the Church they are not retroactive, unless the contrary is provided, and they do not oblige in case of a doubt concerning the law.