Privatization is virtually nonexistent and the system of state orders and distribution persists.
Old Bishop Berkeley would give a nonexistent dime to your nonexistent presence," Anders said gaily.
In that way, Barrent found he could ask anything at all about Earth, could explore controversial or even nonexistent areas, and do so without revealing his own ignorance.
The principal reason for this was that schools in the native language were practically nonexistent in the country before it became an independent state in 1912.
Rainfall is heavy during the winter and is infrequent tononexistent during nearly half the year.
It is assumed to be timelessly present at all times, and thus to connect the nonexistent past with the existent present.
The past and the future are, to be sure, nonexistent from the point of view of the present; but it should be remarked as well that the present is nonexistent from the point of view of the past or the future.
The major flags of convenience (FOC) attract ships to their register by virtue of low fees, low or nonexistent taxation of profits, and liberal manning requirements.
If we are going to form this partnership I insist on doing my fair share of the work and running my fair share of the risks--the practically nonexistent risks.
The servant problem, on this large scale, had been nonexistentfor him until now.
The gruesome monarch, that thing of monstrous brain and almost nonexistent body, was no longer the monarch.
The major flags of convenience (FOC) attract ships to their registers by virtue of low fees, low or nonexistent taxation of profits, and liberal manning requirements.
It had actually been designed as a fighter-carrier of space, intended to carry smaller craft to fight nonexistent warships under conditions which never came about.
He practically wagged a nonexistent tail in his exuberance.
He will now make the artificial matter into all the elements, and many nonexistent elements, unstable, atomic figures.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nonexistent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.