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Example sentences for "tenable"

Lexicographically close words:
tempts; tempus; tems; ten; tena; tenace; tenacious; tenaciously; tenacity; tenaculum
  1. But whether this legend about Phinehas be tenable or not, it is certain that the House of Ithamar fell into deadly disrepute and abject misery.

  2. In what respect is the Bible less precious, less "inspired" in the only tenable sense of that very undefined word, in consequence of such discoveries?

  3. Pollanarrua had risen into importance in the eighth and ninth centuries, when Anarajapoora was found to be no longer tenable against the strangers.

  4. The question was whether the Iroquois had previous to that time obtained tenable possession of the Ohio region, by conquest of the former occupants.

  5. I should have been glad if Aristotle had given a precise and tenable explanation what these rules were.

  6. If there were no force of heredity or tradition, there could be no system or classification of natural or of societal forms; the creation hypothesis would be the only tenable one, for there could be no basis for a theory of descent.

  7. In discovery, invention, and research the escape from the exceptional, from the data of early stages of observation, is by way of an hypothesis; and every hypothesis so far as it is tenable and workable in its form is universal.

  8. Thus, he can prove the existence of Teutonism just about as conclusively as Haeckel has proved the more tenable proposition of the non-existence of God.

  9. The more he pondered over it, the more tenable this theory seemed to Inspector Willis.

  10. At first sight that of brandy smuggling seemed tenable enough, and he turned his attention to the steps by which the two young men had tried to test it.

  11. Only one fellowship at Christ's was tenable by a layman: to continue in academical society, therefore, he must have taken orders.

  12. And from this easily constructed and tenable model, you may learn at once these following main facts about all leaves.

  13. There must be some forcing always to get things into quite easily tenable form, for Nature always has her ins and outs.

  14. But as ethical enlightenment grows, the conviction grows that, whether the physiological ground of that claim be tenable or not, the ethical ground of it is essentially higher.

  15. But while he threw garrisons into every tenable place, he reduced his own diminished army to inactivity; and one after another his scattered troops were either defeated or dispersed.

  16. The one tenable reply seems to be that they were God-implanted.

  17. As convinced as the Pope of their own personal infallibility, their attitude towards those who see that the old views are no longer tenable is an attitude of anger and alarm.

  18. At least, it is generally received as a tenable and probably true hypothesis.

  19. But it is now largely adopted by the most theistical natural philosophers as a tenable and perhaps sufficient hypothesis, and where not accepted is no longer objected to, so far as we know, on philosophical or religious grounds.

  20. We are disposed to rank the derivative hypothesis in its fullness with the nebular hypothesis, and to regard both as allowable, as not unlikely to prove tenable in spite of some strong objections, but as not therefore demonstrably true.

  21. If so, however unproved, it would appear to be a tenable hypothesis, which is all that its author ought now to claim.

  22. The former sets appearance in opposition to reality; the latter regards the distinction in a more tenable fashion, as being between realities less and more comprehensively conceived.

  23. But if that is Kant's intention, he has failed to formulate the position in any really tenable way.

  24. It is no more tenable than the corresponding view of light.

  25. The distinction as thus drawn is only tenable on the assumption of a pure manifold distinct from the manifold of sense.

  26. Such a standpoint is no longer tenable for Kant.

  27. Thus he can prove the existence of Teutonism just about as conclusively as Haeckel has proved the more tenable proposition of the non-existence of God.

  28. Is it tenable to the point of total elimination of the people sought to be improved?

  29. In the matter of instructing our Paris Peace Commissioners to insist on Spain's ceding us the Philippines, Mr. McKinley took no moral ground tenable like a rock, such as truly great men take in great crises of their country's history.

  30. To hope for all souls is imperative; and it is quite tenable that their salvation is inevitable.

  31. It is quite tenable that the doctrine of necessity makes no difference at all; that it leaves the flogger flogging and the kind friend exhorting as before.

  32. In comparison, it did seem tenable that there was something weak and over patient about Christian counsels.

  33. The Scholarships and Exhibitions shall be tenable only for the purposes of education.

  34. The Exhibitions shall be tenable at any University, Training College for pupils intending to enter the teaching profession, or other Institution of higher, including professional or technical, instruction.

  35. Scholarships were also to be given to deserving boys, and they were to be tenable at the School.

  36. It is a very tenable hypothesis, and will bear looking into.

  37. Truly, it is tenable that the world exists only in consciousness.

  38. Weismann’s theory is no longer tenable after the above destruction of its logical postulate in the absolute stability of germ-plasm.

  39. Returning from this parenthetic remark, we are concerned here chiefly to remember that, as said at the outset, there existed thirty years ago, no tenable theory about the genesis of living things.

  40. It is a tenable position that though nebular condensation is now nowhere to be seen in progress, yet it was once going on universally.

  41. This theory, however, is scarcely more tenable than the other.

  42. Does any one think this a tenable position?

  43. Now this belief that geologic "systems" are universal, is no more tenable than the other.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tenable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acceptable; admissible; agreeable; alright; believable; conceivable; conditional; credible; defensible; excusable; fiduciary; justifiable; likely; passable; plausible; possible; presumptive; reasonable; reliable; supportable; tenable; thinkable; trustworthy; trusty; unexceptionable; unimpeachable; unobjectionable; unquestionable; viable; warrantable