And these two are antagonistic to its certainty; for the point by its indivisibility is immeasurable, and the circle, on account of its arc, it is impossible to square perfectly, and therefore it is impossible to measure precisely.
They had for years been antagonisticto the negroes and had begun to drive them from many of the higher pursuits of labor which they had even from the days of slavery monopolized.
How, then, could this occur in the domain of life, where, as we shall show, the interaction of antagonistic tendencies is always implied?
Then, if no antagonistic idea neutralizes the effect of the first idea, the appropriate movements come of themselves to fill out the plan, drawn in some way by the void of its gaps.
Accordingly, the act by which life goes forward to the creation of a new form, and the act by which this form is shaped, are two different and often antagonistic movements.
Prejudices, too, had sprung up, and habits, and strong sectional feelings, all antagonistic to a great national system of education.
The two questions are in fact absolutelyantagonistic to each other.
It was originated by a few generous and ardent spirits, who were disgusted with the oppressive and antagonistic conditions of ordinary labor and commerce.
Or probably there may exist 'cross magnetism,' that is to say the inharmonious magnetism of different members who are antagonistic to each other.
Whatever Mr. Darwin's own views may be, the theory is brought forward by others, not as a mere interesting speculation, but as antagonistic to a record whose authority is attested by evidence of the very highest class.
I have tried, in the third part, to justify explicitly the great and unique value which I attach to Professor Bergsonās work, antagonistic though my own convictions are to his results.
Life and inertia or matter are two antagonistic principles or tendencies.
The principle antagonistic to reality gives rise to the timeless, definite concept, which is a view or appearance of reality operated by intelligence in the service of action.
It is antagonistic to sexual affection, and the result is a diminution of offspring.
Perhaps this was because all felt him utterly antagonisticto the subject of discussion.
It seemed to him as though two distinct, two antagonistic forces were in the room.
From the first he had taken up an antagonistic attitude, and would not admit that the cases given proved anything.
It is idle to think of making these aliens, whose highest interests are irreconcilably antagonistic to ours and our children's, allies of the white laborers--a point which will be treated at large in later chapters.
A literature which in the same years could produce work so utterly antagonistic in superficial sentiment, and yet so harmonious in their common sincerity and loftiness of feeling, is a literature from which riches may come.
It is built on the basis of a preliminary fur trade, and is settled by the combined and sometimes antagonistic forces of eastern men of property (the absentee proprietors) and the democratic pioneers.
The State that had been so potent for compromise was at last the battle-ground itself, and the places selected for the various debates of Lincoln and Douglas marked the strongholds and the outposts of the antagonistic forces.
The result of these antagonistic streams of migration to the West was a struggle between the Lake and Prairie plainsmen, on the one side, and the Gulf plainsmen, on the other, for the possession of the Mississippi Valley.
They merely stirred in a nervous and wholly antagonistic way.
An American Protestant population was hurrying to the country, and of all difficulties most difficult, to reconcile into harmonious action two antagonistic religions in the same community is certainly the one.
Life how imperious, and yet how kind; it unites and controls these antagonistic elements, and they do not quarrel on his watch.
In the expounding of these, the judges frequently differed, and the consequence was that each circuit had, in many particulars, its own peculiar law, antagonistic to that which was received as law in the adjoining circuit.
On the other hand, if, as apologists assert, these heretics possessed the fourth Gospel, their deliberate and total rejection of the work furnishes evidence positively antagonistic to its claims.
Learning and Slavery can never compromise; they are as the antagonisticpoles of the magnet.
If there were no supreme law, then the world would be a scene of universal anarchy, resulting from the eternal conflict of peculiar institutions and antagonistic laws.
They represent a joust between antagonistic interests, not a contest of principles.
It was recognized as no longer fashionable to say aught against the principles of the Constitution; but all men could not be of one mind, and political parties began to take form in antagonistic schools of constitutional construction.
Nietzsche's was a polyphonic nature, in which the most different and apparently most antagonistic talents had come together.
On these two pillars, humanly speaking, is society built, and whatever is antagonistic to these fundamental principles is necessarily and directly antagonistic to civilization.
My idea is this: Dan is almost an outlaw; no decent person likes to speak to him, and he has got to look on society and religion as utterly antagonistic to him.
When ladies have made up their minds to dance they will dance let the circumstances of the moment be ever so antagonistic to that exercise.
But antagonistic as these philosophies are to one another, they have one conception in common.
He was a keen ecclesiastic, with strong Legitimist principles, and from the first took up a position antagonistic to Abbe Faujas.
After the murder of President Grandmorin, when vague suspicions fell on Roubaud, Berthe took up a position antagonistic to her old play-fellow Severine Roubaud, in the hope that a legacy left by Grandmorin to her would be cut down.
During the strike he took up a position antagonistic to Lantier, who was one of the leaders, and even undertook the direction of a party of Belgians brought in by the mine-owners to work the pits.
If this very unanimity which is revealed in the essential matters of faith is found to be antagonistic to certain tendencies, have we not the right to infer that these tendencies disagreed with the fundamental principles of Christianity?
Let us now turn our attention to another fallacious conception of Christianity, which is antagonistic to its actual principles,--the scientific conception.