Your courage has indeed been shaken out of you,' said Thorgaut, 'but I am not going to fall dead for such talk.
All thought highly of the exploit that heard of it, and it was the common talk that in all Iceland there was no man like Grettir Asnundarson for strength and courage and all kinds of bodily feats.
My courage might fail me if I saw him face to face.
If I had wasted my life as you have wasted yours--of course I am only speaking for myself--I don't think I should have the courage to look any one in the face.
Then had followed a period of angry, incredulous amazement, till a well-meaning friend foundcourage to tell him the truth.
And then she listened, very quietly, while Berwick told her, with broken words of passionate gratitude and endearment, of the plan which he had scarcely dared to believe he would have courage to propose.
Only two people in Chancton had the moralcourage steadily to avoid her dangerous company.
This ineffectual effort arises from a lack of courage on the part of preceptor and parent: the old, old story of overindulgence.
No goblin nor witch needs to be cast out when the blood flows red; it is merely an indication of abundant life drawn from the strength and courage that marked an heroic age.
Let the judgment of individualism, with courage and restraint, lay bare the fashion, and where then is its habitation or what is its name?
One must have the courage and authority of Tolstoy to act in opposition to all prohibitions and prevailing sentiments, and to follow the dictates of duty.
A deputation came to me from the peasants begging me for it, and I had not the courage to refuse.
If you haven't the courageto play this game, say so.
It's not a sign of nerve or courage to be led into anything wrong through the taunts of another.
Just getting your courage up to take some of the swelling out of your heads!
But not till he came home and found me engaged did he have courage to warn me of the fate in store for us.
Not so romantic an ending as a pistol or Byronic scorn for the world in general and women in particular, but dutiful and brave, since it often takes more courage to live than to die.
And, when I asked what he meant, he said the Arabs call a man that who has 'a clean heart to love all women as his sisters, and strength and courage to fight for their protection!
For the first time she began to feel that she had nerves which would rebel, and a heart that could not long endure isolation from its kind without losing the cheerful courage which hitherto had been her staunchest friend.
The grief, affection, and regret that trembled in her voice roused Rachel from her state of passive endurance and gave her courage to plead for herself.
Then the thought that David was waiting for her strung her nerves and gave her courage to bear any thing.
The thought brought with it unexpected strength, and gave her courage to crush down her grief, seal up her tears, and show a brave and tender face as she took that feeble hand in hers ready to help her husband die.
Consciences seemed to have been pricked to duty, eyes cleared to see that their golden idols had feet of clay, and wavering wills strengthened by the salutary courage and integrity of one indomitable man.
He had plenty of money, was a fine man to look at, and had courage to face a lion!
But you deserved it all; for you had plenty of the courage which is prepared for all ills, and endures those which it can not conquer.
The heavy brow, compressed lip, and firm chin of the white man announce him one of a race born to conquer and rule, not so much by mere physical strength as by undaunted courage and indomitable will.
A strange and new sense ofcourage entered within him.
Men braver it would not have been possible to find; their courage amounted to something like recklessness; but they were enthusiasts, and held their tenets with a tenacity that sometimes made discipline almost impossible.
Nothing could have exceeded the energy with which he devoted himself to this duty, or the courage with which he executed it.
In any case he would have objected to a proceeding of which Judas would certainly have disapproved, and he had besides a certain kindness for Benjamin, of whose courage and dexterity he had been more than once a witness.
Men who were brave enough when fighting in the open plain found their courage fail when they had to lie for hours watching for the moment of attack, crouched upon the ground, unable to move and scarcely venturing to talk.
It was impossible to yield to them, and yet, such was theircourage and devotion, almost equally impossible to break with them.
To hold back now would infallibly give rise to the charge of cowardice, and Azariah, brave as a lion against all outward danger, had not the rare moral courage which would have enabled him to face such an accusation.
All the leaders were summoned to his presence, the wounded Seraiah, for whose capacity and serene courage the old chief had a high regard, being carried thither on a litter.
But the solid qualities of endurance and courage could be seen in their sinewy forms and resolute faces.
On the following Sabbath Seraiah read to the congregation the story of the Three Children in the fire, and then delivered a stirring address on the faith and courage of the heroic mother and her sons.
Again Micah was astonished to see the cheerfulness and courage which his sister and her husband kept up in the midst of circumstances which must have been most disheartening.
It was with a desperate couragethat Azariah repelled the attack.
It was always an accepted maxim in ancient warfare that it was the most steadfast courage that was wanted for the ambush.
The accident had left her nerves greatly shattered, and it was difficult to concentrate the high moral courage that formed the glory of her woman's nature.
I had not the courage to hurry on an event that would brand my mother's husband with dishonor.
Lina glided softly behind the easy-chair, and remained a moment gatheringcourage to speak.
Yesterday, Lina came to me with a world of innocent blushes, and hung about my chair, as if longing to whisper some secret into my ear, yet without the courage to speak.
Lady Macbeth, after remarking that the enterprise would not fail if her husband would but exert his courage to the commission of the murder, proceeds to suggest the particular manner in which it was to be accomplished.
Its fury was gone; its courage was gone; the driving power of its ruthless officers was gone; the fear of disciplinary punishment was gone; all were swallowed up in the instinctive love of life.
Nothing but their dauntless courage and their military superiority saved them from being totally wiped out.
Lucie was with her mother, and showed the same cool courage that distinguished her in after life.
I am so glad to hear of the great success of my dear Father's book, and to think of yourcourage in working at it still.
I had no heart to write any more from Alexandria where I was worried out of all courage and strength.
The Arabs, O lady, call that man a "brother of girls" to whom God has given a clean heart to love all women as his sisters, and strength and courage to fight for their protection.
The Sheikh of Beyla, by name Mohammed, was a man of high character for courage and probity; and Bruce had often corresponded with him upon the subject of horses for the king while he was at Gondar.
All I request of you is, not to discourage nor encourage, but to give me such a statement as you think prudent and proper.
There was more sorrow than bitterness in his voice, and this gave her the courage to say: "It surely happened unintentionally.
He spoke in his melancholy, but sympathetic manner: "It is quite inexplicable that the Jew so often lacks courage to acknowledge to himself exactly what he is.
He oppressed and injured the whole Khille; it didn't have the courage to oppose him.
For neither has thecourage to admit the truth, to confess, We've made a mistake; we don't suit each other.
Then a menacing expression lit up his beautiful, noble face, as he said: "The leaders of this cause are aware of the importance of their undertakings, and they surely do not lack courage to carry them through.
Evidently talented and possessing the courage of his convictions.
With the fearless courage of youth I decided to found a home for myself.
Brabender passed me her handkerchief, for my own had fallen, and I had not the courage to pick it up.
He said he had no fear, but I added that I should not believe in his courage unless he brought me as a proof a small ebony casket which had always stood upon the dressing-table.
When it roars and cracks like thunder-sound, Then shoot we red as rose; When blood is spurting all around, 'Tis then our courage glows.
He had long been filled with admiration at the courageand perseverance exhibited by the Spaniards in the pursuit of their romantic and brilliant chimera.
As they now launched into the open sea, and as the Peak of Teneriffe sank under the horizon behind them, the heart of Columbus beat high with joy, while the courage of his officers and men died away within them.
The vessel left, but soon returned, her crew having been appalled at sight of the boundless horizon, and her captain having lost his courage in a storm.
The natives on shore passed the night in feasts and rejoicings, seeking evidently to animate and inflame their courage previous to the expected collision.
She was again immediately frozen in: the men's courage gave way, and the scurvy began to appear.
No voyage had hitherto been so fruitful in incident, peril, and displays of persevering courage and fortitude.
In his eyes there danced and shone the light of truth and courage and hope, and he walked with the buoyancy of joy and youth.
If we had the courage to be true to our feelings, instead of our thoughts, I believe it would be a better, as it would certainly be a truer, world.
The cheerfulness and courage which illuminated his patriotism brought him popularity among men.
Was it theircourage only that was impaired by them?
It was his great courage and abilities in the above offices that made him be thought most worthy to serve his country on this pressing occasion.
As for Pompey, who had formerly shown such instances of courage and conduct, when he saw his cavalry routed, on which he had placed his sole dependence, he absolutely lost his reason.
Both sides fought with doubtful success, as theircourage was equal; but, after a time, the left wing of the Roman army began to give ground.
The Picentines were descended from the Sabines, and observed the strict and severe discipline of that warlike race, but they were destitute of courage or vigour.
He was possessed of the greatest couragein opposing danger, and the greatest presence of mind in retiring from it.
Man'lius, a patrician of acknowledged bravery, was the first who opposed the foe, and inspired courage by his example.
Scip'io opposed him with forces as much inferior in number, as they were superior in courage and discipline.
Hel'vius Per'tinax, whose virtues and courage rendered him worthy of the most exalted station, and who had passed through many changes of fortune, had been previously fixed upon to succeed him.
He followed his father's humble profession, and had exercised his personal courage against the robbers who infested that part of the country in which he lived.
But his courage failed him; he made a sudden stop, as if willing to re-collect his reason, and asked for some sacred place where he might reassume his courage, and meet death with becoming fortitude.
But nothing was capable of subduing the courage of the Carthaginian general.
The wonder was not that the bathers ran, but that Nina had the courageto face such a monster.
Now, with the magnificent courage invariably shown by American sailors even when the gates of death gape wide before their eyes, the first and second officers contrived to hoist the two girls to the chart-room behind the bridge.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "courage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.