That it is the duty of the Ministers, in all their measures, to have a single eye to the preservation of the King, the chiefs and the natives.
The political principles then established by His Majesty were the following, viz: "That monarchy in the Sandwich Islands is indispensable to the preservation of the King, the chiefs and the natives.
In these the smaller animals occur often in a state of preservation so peculiar and partial as to excite the curiosity of even the untaught workmen.
And let us remember that the preservation and redistribution of the land animals would demand but a portion of the amount of miracle absolutely necessary for the preservation, in the circumstances, of the entire fauna of the globe.
The state of preservation in which most fossils are, instead of having mouldered away, foreshadows immortality.
The next day, the States pressed on the King to send away the troops, to permit the Bourgeois of Paris to arm for the preservation of order in the city, and offered to send a deputation from their body to tranquillize them.
I am persuaded the appointment will contribute eminently to the preservation of harmony between us.
My reliance for our preservation is in your acceptance of this mission.
There is danger indeed, that even the unavoidable delay of sending a negotiator here, may render the mission too late for the preservation of peace.
This to a certain extent may possibly be due to the distance of Thebes from the Mediterranean, which has contributed to their preservation from invaders.
The plans of these thermae were measured by Palladio about 1560, at a time when they were in far better preservation and more extensive than they are to-day.
And its magnificent scale and perfect preservation to the present day combine to make it one of the most interesting architectural relics in the country.
But, in the progress of the failure, we perceive the distinction between the preservation of the Church's corporate testimony and individual faithfulness and salvation.
One hardly knows whether to condemn him for destroying Columba's favorite abbey, or praise him for the solicitude he expresses in his letter to the Pope for the proper preservation of Columba's relics.
Self-preservation is the first law of nature, and the laboring portion of the white race will not suffer their right of life, liberty and happiness to be destroyed by the interference of Chinese coolies.
The hygienic and medical arts assume, the one that the preservation of health, the other that the cure of disease, are fitting and desirable ends.
RULES to be observed in the Two-penny Club, erected in this Place, for the Preservation of Friendship and good Neighbourhood.
In short, the Preservation of Life should be only a secondary Concern, and the Direction of it our Principal.
This general Idea of a Human Body, without considering it in its Niceties of Anatomy, lets us see how absolutely necessary Labour is for the right Preservation of it.
Nothing can promote this End more than a strict Preservation of Decency.
Is it not wonderful, that the Love of the Parent should be so violent while it lasts; and that it should last no longer than is necessary for the Preservation of the Young?
The Pony Express was a real factor in the preservation of California to the Union.
The petition then pointed out the truly great importance of California to the Union, and asserted that no precaution leading to the preservation of her loyalty should be overlooked.
To him, it is said, we are indebted for the preservation of the Yi-ching, which he received from Confucius.
I was never more affected than by a written address which I received from the working colliers when I was in the North, thanking me on behalf of themselves and their families for the preservation of their lives.
The instinct of preservation and sheer necessity compel the people almost unconsciously to follow the rules of their leader.
In the earlier communities practically all law relates to the preservation of life and of the tribe.
Their state of preservation depends much on their structure.
Varieties and Mode of Preservation of the Fossils known as SternbergiƦ, Canadian Naturalist; also in Edin.
In Chicago, Douglas repeated his patriotic appeal for the preservation of the Union, and tersely declared that "There can be no Neutrals in this War--only Patriots and Traitors.
Bacteriological inquiry has been fruitfully applied in surgery, hygiene, agriculture, and the artificial preservation of food.
They help to give precise and permanent impressions which are not dependent for their discovery or for their preservation on the precariousness of human observation or memory.
It is only recently that men have been abandoning the belief that the welfare of a state depends on rigid stability and on the preservation of its traditions and institutions unchanged.
The development and preservation of our social self is also made possible as it is initially prompted by our specifically social instincts.
Law is the official and permanent preservation and enforcement of public approval and condemnation.
Altruism is just as natural as egoism in its origins, though the impulses of self-preservation and personal physical satisfaction are natively stronger and more numerous.
The solution to this problem was usually found in the fact that precisely those self-seeking and self-preservation instincts which governed man's activity could not find satisfaction except through coƶperation with a group.
The old queen, which leads the first swarm in spring, requires no farther commerce with the males, for preservation of her fecundity.
You observe that the whole experiments of the German naturalist tended to the preservation of the hives whose queens laid none except male eggs; and that he did not attempt to discover the cause of the vice evident in their ovaries.
Nelson consulted with some of the senior captains, who agreed with his opinion, that, in the uncertainty where the enemy were gone, the preservation of our possessions should be the first consideration.
I found it was impossible to do anything, either for the preservation of the ship, or for the good of the service.
Kinship, customs, and attitudes related to family life, and strong attachments to community and language were strong influences in the preservation of ethnic identity through the many centuries of foreign domination.
During the long period of Turkish rule they provided sanctuaries for the preservation of ethnic identity.
To the measures of administration, supported by the firmness and integrity of the majority in Congress, the United States owe, as far as human means are concerned, the preservation of peace, and of national honour.
The preservation of liberty depends on submission to the Law, which is the expression of the general will.
They who have esteemed me on former occasions, whether in America or in Europe will, I know, feel no cause to abate that esteem, when they reflect, that imprisonment withpreservation of character is preferable to liberty with disgrace.
Security consists in the protection accorded by society to every citizen for the preservation of his person, property, and rights.
The end of all political associations is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man; and these rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance of oppression.
It is too paltry to talk of faith, of national honour, and of the preservation of treaties, whilst such a bare-faced treachery as this stares the world in the face.
Two: The end of all Political associations is the Preservation of the Natural and Imprescriptible Rights of Man; and these rights are Liberty, Property, Security, and Resistance of Oppression.
To the inability of the prisoner to give his work any revision must be attributed the preservation in it of the singular error already alluded to, as one that Lanthenas, but for his extreme fidelity, would have corrected.
The Necessity of a Government as Energetic as the One Proposed to the Preservation of the Union From the New York Packet.
These belong to the fourth class of the enumerated cases, as they have an evident connection with the preservation of the national peace.
And the separation is essential to the preservation of that institution in its pristine purity.
This is not less essential to the preservation of the public faith, than to the security of the public tranquillity.
In order to form correct ideas on this important subject, it will be proper to investigate the sense in which the preservation of liberty requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct.
The excellence of the trial by jury in civil cases appears to depend on circumstances foreign to the preservation of liberty.
We plead for the preservation of literature, especially classical literature, as the staple of education in the name of beauty and understanding: but no less do we demand science in the name of truth and advancement.
We have to convince our fellow-citizens not only that the duty of self-preservation requires us to be mentally as well equipped as the French, Germans and Americans, but that a trained intelligence is in itself "more precious than rubies.
The cloths of Montivilliers were then considered to rival those of Flanders; and the preservation of the manufacture was regarded of so much consequence, that sundry regulations respecting it are to be found in the royal ordinances.
Thousands of printed handbills were circulated for the purpose of inciting the people against that portion of the civil force which is entrusted with the preservation of the public tranquillity.
One great alteration, however, was effected by a bill introduced by Lord Suffield, which abolished the practice of setting spring-guns and other engines of destruction for the preservation of game.
On the 6th of November Lord Grenville introduced a bill in the house of lords "for the safety and preservation of his majesty's person and government against treasonable and seditious practices and attempts.
The preservation of the Corporation and Test Acts, they further argued, was essential to the preservation of the constitution.