Bigotry flies before him and cannot stand,' said John Wesley of Whitefield.
But an alliance of the kind contemplated would perhaps have been carried out had it not been for the bigotry which insisted upon signature of the Augsburg Confession.
Political prejudice and priestly bigotry seek, in graves, undisturbed by ages, for something to gratify their unnatural appetites, and satisfy the gnawings of a mean, vindictive spirit.
Such conduct is deplorable; nothing can be more revolting than to hurt a people through its religion, whatever we may think of its bigotry and idolatry.
The Germans too often evinced a bigotry and irreverence for things that most people consider sacred similar to that which disgraced our own Cromwellians three centuries ago.
Standing, as he must, between the stiff bigotry of Judaism and the subtleties of Greek philosophy, he was fortunately familiar with both.
Some of the prosecutions, about which we know, were certainly due to such motives, others may have been prompted by genuine bigotry and by the fear lest sceptical thought should extend beyond the highly educated and leisured class.
If his publishers suffered in England, the author himself suffered in America where bigotry did all it could to make the last years of his life bitter.
Thither adventurers hastened, thirsting for glory and for gold, and often mingling the enthusiasm of the crusader and the valor of the knight-errant with the bigotry of inquisitors and the rapacity of pirates.
They had formed the minds of her people, quenched in blood every spark of rising heresy, and given over a noble nation to a bigotry blind and inexorable as the doom of fate.
But the carnival of bigotry and hate had found a pause.
In doctrine and in deed, the inexorable bigotry of Madrid was ever in advance of Rome.
It must have been with relief and satisfaction that he exchanged the rough bigotry of school life for the free and generous atmosphere of a famous University.
After the former had retired to the Convent of the Carmelites at Paris, it was assigned in 1689 to the unfortunate James the Second, whosebigotry had driven him from the throne of England.
By one huge blow he had cut himself free from thebigotry of bondage; but he never fell into the bigotry of liberty, and had always far loftier aims in view than the mere logic of his own position.
A secret of Paul's success was his sense of having a mission and his freedom alike from the bondage of bigotry and the bondage of liberty.
Until a few months ago, its offensive utterances seemed to be merely the occasional vulgarities of a bigotry that, did not know enough to hold its tongue.
How coarsely it attempted to turn to political account the religious bigotry upon which it had always traded may be seen in an article entitled "Our Foreign Church," published in Harper's Weekly of the 14th of September last.
Grant, we venture to affirm, is insensible to the bigotry which his unworthy followers brought up as a reason for his re- election.
Such was the wicked nonsense with which Harper's Weekly in the autumn of 1872 attempted to make political capital out of the ignorance and bigotry of its readers.
If any political party is to make bigotry part of its stock in trade, we cannot help taking notice of such a declaration of hostilities, and we shall govern ourselves accordingly.
He himself had been a convert to the sect, and like most converts, he pushed his enthusiasm into the bigotry of the zealot; he saw no salvation out of the pale into which he had entered.
But his bigotrybesotted him; a clergyman of the High Church,--that was worse than an atheist.
Language, literature, art, science were being crushed out, not so much by inroads of barbarians as by the bigotry of bishops and monks.
Long before this the last joyous festivals of old Rome, the Lupercalia, had been abolished through the bigotry of Pope Gelasius, and with them disappeared all living vestiges of the old life.
I told him it was all his own stupidbigotry got us into the scrape.
First of all, we had to be so particular about the miracles, knowing well what Protestant bigotry would do when the account came out.
Had it not been for the bigotry of the Jews and the treachery of Judas Iscariot, Christ would not have been crucified; and if he had not been crucified, all of us would have had our portion in the lake that burneth with eternal fire.
According to this great doctrine, according to this vast and most wonderful scheme, we owe, as I said before, our existence to the devil, our salvation to Judas Iscariot and the bigotry of the Jews.
What promised to be a great and honorable Church, like the Free Church of Scotland, with which it now stands connected, carried with it much of the prejudice and bigotry of the land.
It is but little better in the New Testament, for the disciples of Christ and the writers of the gospels were as susceptible of error and bigotry as their predecessors.
The government of Holland was the most liberal in the world, but the ecclesiastical authorities have not been surpassed in bigotryduring the whole history of Protestantism.
I think you are extremely in the right, that the Parliament's bigotry has nothing in common with Hiero's generosity.
At the same time the sense of patriotism was often grossly perverted by religious {182} bigotry and party spirit.
He extended his sectarian bigotry even into the grave, stipulating that at his death he should be buried in the Christian Jacobite church of St. John at Alexandria.
Yet among our colonies which attained social maturity during the seventeenth century there was none which made such emphatic exhibitions of intolerance and bigotry as Massachusetts.
So I lured Mr. Flighty into a discourse on the bigotry of scientific folk, while Old Joe, whose fears were not so easily allayed, soon stealthily emerged from his alcove and hurried from the hall.
This industrial life, otherwise so worthily cultivated, is disturbed by manifestations of religious bigotry which sadly tarnish the glory of the really heroic deeds they are intended to commemorate.
I think it must be admitted that they have not exhibited in any marked degree bigotry towards Protestants.
But this attitude is, I admit, based upon something more than tolerance, and those who would withhold this concession need not be accused of bigotry or intolerance for so doing.
But to-day bigotry begins to give place to true religion; the burning alive and protracted torture which disgraced all the religions of Europe until recently have ceased, probably forever.