Unless indeed we confine the term "primary" to the reproductive glands, it is scarcely possible to decide, as far as the organs of prehension are concerned, which ought to be called primary and which secondary.
Defn: One of the hard, bony appendages which are borne on the jaws, or on other bones in the walls of the mouth or pharynx of most vertebrates, and which usually aid in the prehension and mastication of food.
One of the hard, bony appendages which are borne on the jaws, or on other bones in the walls of the mouth or pharynx of most vertebrates, and which usually aid in the prehension and mastication of food.
Eudoxia in fact is a double being composed of an individual incapable of locomotion or of reproduction, but adapted for prehension and digestion, and of a second individual which can reproduce and which is mobile.
As they are without a digestive tube or organs ofprehension or mastication,” M.
But although the latter is endowed with the organs necessary to capture and digest food, Monstrilla has neither organs ofprehension nor a digestive canal.
The apprehension of the passion, as Shakespeare logically says, is a comprehension of its cause.
There is a desire to eat, and frequent attempts to take food are made, butprehension is very difficult.
In such cases an ox will use his tongue more in the prehension of food to make up for the incapacity of the lips.
The trophi serve merely for the prehension of prey, and not for mastication.
Delicate fleshy organs of prehension or touch possessed by many of the lower animals.
Those in which the mouth is furnished with a certain number of organs adapted for the prehension or division of food.
In the lower Vertebrates the shoulder is adapted to support rather than prehension and is not so freely movable as in the Primates.
No better example of the maximum changes which the uses of support and prehension bring about can be found than in contrasting the elbow of the Sheep or other Ungulate with that of Man.
These people declare war among themselves at the slightest provocation, or with none whatever.