The grueling contest of the Calhoun trial, coupled with the nerve-shattering effects of the wound in his head, had brought him to the point of physical and nervous breakdown.
After the long and grueling climb, stopping many times to marshal strength, he found himself at the bottom.
The 5th was "expended" in vitality and numbers after these grueling six days; but it was not to give up while the Germans were in the Rappes Wood.
It had been a grueling day for a division which notably never spared itself in its high-strung intensity; and four or five days seem to have been the limit of endurance for soldiers who were continuously fighting.
The 89th, having had such a grueling time in going over the ridge, and such hard marching after the exhaustion of cleaning up Bantheville Wood, might be considered nominally expended, if not in fact.
Over the years, he's endured dozens of surgeries and procedures, hours of grueling rehab every day.
After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs.
In retrospect, I knew that the wigs were great allies and had served faithfully for many grueling months.
You'll get used to it," one particularly brash fellow would comment as I propped myself up on the counter after a long and grueling siege.
McCarthy, with his arms around Stover as he had done in the old school days after a grueling football contest, bore Dink up to their rooms with joyful, bearlike hugs.
Before Ripley could get back out of suchgrueling quarters Dick had landed a second blow over the other eye.
It was not scientific play, but it was grueling on the High School boys.
She rarely slipped up, but it could be grueling at times.
The order to begin the long grueling day's march should be coming through any time now.
Now, inevitably, she was back to her workaholic habits and grueling hours.
It had occurred to him that there was the real possibility she had fallen in love with the idea of a dashing investigative reporter, not the grueling reality.