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Example sentences for "formidable"

Lexicographically close words:
formest; formeth; formic; formicary; formication; formidably; formidine; forming; formis; formless
  1. Not very formidable they were, you must admit.

  2. The officer was a big, burly man, handsome in his way, his ponderosity suggesting a formidable development of muscle rather than fat.

  3. Then they charged furiously, their heads down and their formidable antlers to the front.

  4. Up went the formidable weapon again, and when it fell Joe's head was beneath it.

  5. And a very formidable and business-like little band they appeared.

  6. Up went his formidable stick again, to be swung over his head; then with a rush he advanced on Joe.

  7. Meanwhile the French had become masters of Pogo Velho; the formidable masses had nearly outflanked us on the right.

  8. O'Shaughnessy's wound, like my own, was happily only formidable from the loss of blood.

  9. The position was too formidable to be easily assailed, and the experience of the preceding day had taught him that, however inferior in numbers, the troops he was opposed to were as valiant as they were ably commanded.

  10. She has developed with great intelligence and assiduity the most formidable conscript army in the world, and the most influential and insolent military caste.

  11. This formidable coalition of the three greatest European powers, threatening the very existence of Germany, has now been joined by Japan, openly and boldly for the purpose of snatching from Germany her one Asiatic possession.

  12. President Wilson seems to think that this country will be accepted as a kind of umpire in this formidable contest; but surely we have no right to any such position.

  13. He carried a formidable alpenstock; and at the little landing where we first saw him, and afterward on the boat, he leaned on it in a series of the most graceful and daring attitudes that I ever saw the human form assume.

  14. The restaurant life of the people is, of course, different from their home life, and perhaps an evening entertainment here is no more formidable than one in America, but it is different.

  15. Peter Stuyvesant, glaring in the sunbeams; and beheld him approaching at the head of a formidable army, which he had mustered along the banks of the Hudson.

  16. When the thermometer is in the eighties, anything heavy and formidable is distasteful.

  17. They proved a formidable foe to the Romans in their wars with Antiochus, and after Attalus' death their raids into W.

  18. The chateau, which formerly belonged to the Dukes of Uzes, recognised by virtue of the extent of their domains as premiers pairs de France, was not originally erected in close proximity to any such formidable precipice.

  19. It is necessary they should see several boars killed ere they will venture to tackle this formidable enemy, of which the dog is instinctively afraid.

  20. Since then, imagination has been at play; and, in accordance with its suggestions, his bib and tucker have been donned, as trusty adjutants to the formidable wooden spoon.

  21. The private houses were known to be forts: not until rebellion commenced was it ascertained of what strength they were; and eventually the city proved more formidable to the Bala Hissar than the Bala Hissar to the city.

  22. Faustus, the most popular magic hero of that time on the stage, was a formidable rival.

  23. Prosecutions in 1307 were carried on simultaneously throughout the provinces; but in French territory they assumed the most formidable shape.

  24. Written for the Conviction of Sadducees and Infidels,' was a formidable inscription which must have overawed, if it did not subdue, the infidelity of the modern Sadducees.

  25. Cardinal de Perron, who began as an amiable elegant poetaster, became a great orator and formidable controversialist.

  26. And thus ended my long and persistent pursuit of one of the most pestilent and formidable gangs of pirates that had haunted the Atlantic and West Indian waters for many years.

  27. Round these devoted men was gathered a mob of yelling savages, who thirsted for their blood, yet hesitated to come within reach of their formidable weapons.

  28. Once more Hendrik attempted to ram home his bullet, and once more his formidable adversary advanced, growling ominously.

  29. There was but one gun which could be expected to be of much avail against the formidable naval power which would assail it and on the land side few which could reach the enemy's batteries.

  30. I expected much from you; for I was not uninformed of those qualities which must render you so formidable to an invading foe.

  31. It has captured during this short campaign four siege guns protected by formidable works, six colors and many prisoners.

  32. They had carried and occupied the most formidable obstacles.

  33. There have been formidable armies composed of men having no interests in the country for which they fought beyond their pay or the hope of plunder.

  34. She had had no idea until now what a formidable person this Roden Dalrymple was.

  35. Chief Inspector Kerry met his glance with that fearless, unflinching stare which lent him so formidable an appearance.

  36. No offense--no offense," muttered the man, quailing before the savagery of the formidable Chief Inspector.

  37. This formidable ruffian, a retired warrior of the ring, was Dougal, said to be the strongest man from Tower Hill to the River Lea.

  38. Chester played an important part in the Civil War, and bravely resisted a siege and frequently repelled formidable attacks, and the inhabitants were reduced to great straits and much ruin wrought.

  39. Here kings have held their court and worshipped in the minster, and here a most formidable insurrection arose in consequence of the arbitrary acts of Henry VIII.

  40. Bishop Hubert, however, calmed the multitude on the eve of a formidable rising.

  41. The people of Lincoln liked not these proceedings, and there was a formidable insurrection, during which the church was used as a garrison.

  42. The wind moaned down the mountain side, and the slender trees swayed and bent; only the heavy and ponderous cactus remained motionless, a formidable monarch receiving obeisance from supple courtiers.

  43. Inside the cabin a sleepy negro began the formidable task of sweeping.

  44. This is known as the 'Washington' movement, and among the most formidable leaders of the crusade is an old actor, John B.

  45. The servant glanced at the formidable array of bottles.

  46. At sight of this formidable band, the lease-holders immediately scattered.

  47. I had left everything behind me at Beauport, even to my books, in order to be freer in that formidable conflict which seemed to be in store for me in my new parish.

  48. These words, time and again repeated by the thousands of people who surrounded the platform, fell upon the poor bishop’s ears as formidable claps of thunder.

  49. He is the most formidable obstacle to every good Government, as he is, without being aware of it, the greatest enemy of God and man.

  50. This great truth has never been better exemplified than in the marvellous rapidity with which the great temperance reformation grew in Canada, in spite of the most formidable obstacles.

  51. Almost in despair, I tried to think of some one who would come to my help in that formidable conflict, but could find none.

  52. It is the most formidable enemy of our dear country and our holy religion.

  53. If you will allow me, Mr. Superior, I will present you some more formidable objections.

  54. But the mantle of charity had been put on the wounds which the old warrior had received on that formidable battlefield, from which even the Davids, Samsons, Solomons, and many others, had escaped only after being mortally wounded.

  55. But, I knew the formidable difficulties the reformers of the 15th century had met, the deplorable divisions which had spread among them, and the scandals which had so seriously retarded and compromised the reformation.

  56. Like you, I am a priest; and like you, if not more than you, I know the numberless and formidable dangers which surround the priest.

  57. The Confederacy, though broken down, was still living in millions of hearts; murderers and formidable elements of discord were still seen everywhere, to which the hanging or exiling of those priests would have given a new life.

  58. This was the whole foundation of the merit of a man so formidable in amours.

  59. But who is this formidable youth, Miss Campbell?

  60. Among the minor obligations of social life, perhaps few things are regarded as more formidable by the unpractised, than ceremonious morning visits to ladies.

  61. Practice and tact combined, can alone give a man ease and grace of manner amid the varying demands of social life, but systematic attention to details will soon simplify whatever may seem formidable in regard to it.

  62. Merriam had need of all his self-command to conceal his elation as he perceived that his formidable antagonist had swallowed bait, hook, and sinker, as the idiom goes.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "formidable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstruse; appalling; arduous; astonishing; astounding; awesome; awful; brutal; complex; conspicuous; critical; delicate; demanding; difficult; dire; dread; dreadful; earnest; egregious; exacting; exceptional; extraordinary; fabulous; fantastic; fantastical; fatal; fateful; fearful; fearsome; fell; formidable; frightening; frightful; ghastly; ghoulish; grave; grim; grisly; gruesome; hairy; hard; heavy; hideous; horrible; horrid; horrifying; important; imposing; impressive; incredible; intricate; knotted; knotty; laborious; macabre; marked; marvelous; mean; morbid; mountainous; notable; noteworthy; noticeable; operose; outstanding; overwhelming; portentous; potent; powerful; redoubtable; remarkable; rigorous; rough; rugged; serious; severe; shocking; signal; slavish; sober; solemn; spiny; steep; sticky; striking; strong; superior; terrible; terrific; thorny; ticklish; toilsome; tough; tremendous; tricky; uncommon; uphill; weighty; wicked; fell; formidable; frightening; frightful; ghastly; ghoulish; grave; grim; grisly; gruesome; hairy; hard; heavy; hideous; horrible; horrid; horrifying; important; imposing; impressive; incredible; intricate; knotted; knotty; laborious; macabre; marked; marvelous; mean; morbid; mountainous; notable; noteworthy; noticeable; operose; outstanding; overwhelming; portentous; potent; powerful; redoubtable; remarkable; rigorous; rough; rugged; serious; severe; shocking; signal; slavish; sober; solemn; spiny; steep; sticky; striking; strong; superior; terrible; terrific; thorny; ticklish; toilsome; tough; tremendous; tricky; uncommon; uphill; weighty; wicked

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    formidable army; formidable force