Quite suddenly the corridor took a sharp bend, and the Altairian stopped, producing a huge key ring from some obscure fold of his hairy hide.
They contrasted strongly with a company of tall, hairy Sikhs, almost twice their size, man for man, but with evidences of more enthusiasm than discipline in their bearing.
Gronolonde, where there are monsters of human aspect who have hairy limbs, and who are called wild men.
Many plants, if transferred to the sea shore, get in a short space of time thick, fleshy leaves, and the same plants placed in a particularly dry and hot locality get thin hairy leaves.
Laurence stood transfixed, spellbound, with loathing and repulsion, as he gazed upon the huge hairy legs, listening to the scraping patter of the claw-armed extremities.
Then, as his eyes grew more and more used to the dim shades, he made out a huge body crouched back in the recess, half hidden by a quivering mass of black, hairy tentacles.
But these horrible beings seemed at first sight to have no arms and no legs, their whole anatomy being encased in a sort of black, hairy sacking, whence tails and streamers, also hairy, flapped in the air as they moved.
Just as you are now sounding this bottomless pond, with a tow string six feet long, having an angle worm at one end, and an old hairy curmudgeonly grub at the other.
No doubt the generation of men who witnessed the mountain in labor, regarded the sickly, hairy little mouse, finally brought forth, as a genuine wonder.
Saint Stephen's wort is the enchanter's nightshade, a beneficent plant with red berries on a hairy stem.
As the youth at last cleared his front of a hairy monster that had sprung at his throat, he found himself sufficiently free to look round the trunk of the blasted pine that he might see how it fared with his companions.
He saw a vision of red mouths, gleaming teeth, and hairy breasts, into the leaping chaos of which he plunged and replunged his sword till his arm ached.
In some former age the cleft had been a lair of wild beasts, or the couch of some hairy savage hammering flint arrowheads for the chase, and drawing with a sharp point upon polished bone the yet hairier mammoth he hunted.
It showed me as a hairy brutal ape, the city in the shape of a beautiful woman fainting in my arms, and a mighty rock labeled "Tammany" in one hand, ready to hurl at my pursuers.
The tracks of the male, though larger, are not so round as those of the female, and the male's toes are not only longer and spread farther apart, but the underside of his foot is not so hairy as that of his mate.
The great hairy head was black, but the stocky body was as white as a polar bear.
With trembling hand, I tried to draw my pistol, but before I could get it from my pocket there was a rush, a hairy form darted past me, and Ingra lay sprawling on his back.
I can stand thesehairy beasts, but I'll be hanged if I want to be introduced among salamanders.
Even in that fraction of time I noticed the bunching muscles of the murderer's hairy arm, and then I pressed my eyes shut.
A variety of vetch known as winter, sand, or hairy vetch is coming into great usefulness as a catch crop.
This is a reason for many failures of alfalfa, crimson clover, the soybean, the cowpea, hairy vetch, and other legumes new to the region.
The bellows from the fire he next withdrew, And in a silver casket plac'd his tools; Then with a sponge his brows and lusty arms He wip'd, and sturdy neck and hairy chest.
The lean, hairy form fell limply, and the man laughed with a strange, sobbing, guttural mirth—for he was master.
There was a wisp of a red silk kerchief tied in a single knot around his bare bull neck; the shirt was thrown back, and exposed a tawny, hairy chest, as a ray of light flashed up from the binnacle.
Scarcely had the words been uttered, and the liquor began to gurgle down the hairy throat of the manacled wretch, than the pirate before him pressed his foot with a quick, nervous action on the spring.
Master Gibbs with both hands around his hairy throat until his face turned livid purple and his eyes started from the sockets.
He wore a full beard, long hair, and was very proud of his hairy hands.
Two hairy figures about five feet tall appeared from the darkness.
Don Cort, pressed close to Alis and grasped securely against the hairy chest of their particular rescuer, was experiencing a combination of sensations.
He came near enough to stroke the devout man's face, but as he put out his hand to do so the priest protected himself with a knife and chopped off the arm, which proved to be the hairy leg of an old fox.
The young man, still half asleep, put his hand to his right ear and drew forth a hideous hairy worm of monstrous size.
The captain was too frightened to move, but when the same thing was repeated he plucked up courage to grasp the hairy hand and hold it firmly.
The priest stretched a thin hairy arm through the chink in the door and stroked Sukeyasu's forehead, afterwards withdrawing his hand.
My name is Herne, which signifies a hairy individual, though neither grey-haired nor wrinkled.
The black hairy one had no tail because it had been sliced off, if I was told the truth, by a railway train.
Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, "Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man.