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Example sentences for "painful"

Lexicographically close words:
pain; pained; painefull; paines; paineth; painfull; painfully; painfulness; paining; painless
  1. Our appetites are whetted to a painful keenness.

  2. Seguin made no reply; but I saw that the painful and anxious expression still remained clouding his features.

  3. We are filled with painful forebodings, as we look across the arid waste that stretches indefinitely before us.

  4. Had I dreamt of witnessing this painful spectacle, I should not have left the trail.

  5. During our halt among the ruined ranches, I strayed away from the rest, impelled by a painful curiosity to see if aught remained of my late follower or his fellow-victim.

  6. I watched them with feelings of painful suspense, for the character of this most singular man had inspired me with friendship.

  7. A painful sensation near my left shoulder caused me suddenly to drop my partner; and with that unaccountable weakness consequent upon the reception of a wound, I felt myself staggering towards the banquette.

  8. After a four days' journey, painful even to be remembered, we re-entered the valley of Navajoa.

  9. We were happy at being relieved from the painful attitude in which we had ridden all the way.

  10. My heart was oppressed with a painful heaviness as we were hurried back to our former places.

  11. I was particularly struck with one episode--a painful one to witness.

  12. It was a painful thought; and I rode on, bent in the saddle, under the influence of its bitterness.

  13. It is so," I replied, with a painful feeling of disappointment.

  14. Several times they closed to be dragged open again only by painful effort.

  15. As I stumbled on my painful way, the reason came to me with some certainty.

  16. The most painful feature about life in Ludlow Street Jail is the confinement.

  17. But in what direction should it run, or where should it terminate, were always to my mind questions of the most painful perplexity.

  18. Once or twice our shoulders touched, and the thrill I experienced was as painful as it was rapturous.

  19. Then, sir, think of the long and painful process of reconstruction that must follow, with its concomitant amendments to the Constitution; the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth articles.

  20. Once or twice I have got the better of him, and touched him off into a kind of compromised explosion, like that of damp fireworks, that splutter and simmer a little, and then go out with painful slowness and occasional relapses.

  21. If he erred at all, it was by so painful a degree of self-distrust, that even the mildest censure would lead him to consider an indifferent action as a crime.

  22. Pearson made a silent appeal to the old man, nor did the latter shrink from the painful task assigned him.

  23. The joy with which Haydon welcomed this first step towards the object which he had been advocating throughout the whole of his working life, was marred by the painful misgiving that he would not be allowed to share the fruits of victory.

  24. The earliest and most painful death was to be preferred to our life at that time.

  25. Nobody that has not published,' she observes, 'can tell the almost painful excitement which the first opinions occasion.

  26. But I had become a wreck, so engrossing was my occupation, and nervous to a most painful degree.

  27. A painful thought contracted Mademoiselle de Cernay's brow, and her pale lips on the red flowers seemed to be drinking blood.

  28. And everything that could happen to Jeanne of a vexing or painful nature would be witnessed by him with pleasure.

  29. This painful impression dissipated his weakness as by enchantment.

  30. Painful reflections on the departure of Sir Charles.

  31. Because she then divests herself of all that is either painful or pleasurable to her in this life: for she says, that her cares for her Harriet, and especially now, are at least a balance for the delight she takes in her.

  32. But--Let us not say one word more of the unhappy girl: It is painful to me to talk of her.

  33. Despite her manifest and painful effort at self-control, the red tide swept her face and neck.

  34. The fear of those who waited, lest the soup should give out before their turn, was painful to see.

  35. It was painful to hear him talk of what he would do when he came in for the property.

  36. When one thinks what it cost him, this exhibition of artificial feudalism has its painful side; yet another Sir Walter, a romancer of our own generation, declares that it “would make an oyster enthusiastic.

  37. Many prisoners had been taken, among them certain judges and lawyers, who were the chief objects of Hermann's hate, and whom he devoted to a painful death.

  38. I myself (continues the Padre Mercado) have experimented with a woman who suffered with painful flatulence and this remedy relieved her.

  39. He found it much more painful than cantharides and much less prompt to act.

  40. The pounded seeds mixed with oil are used locally for painful joints.

  41. I have often observed, however, that it is quite painful used in this way.

  42. These properties are stimulant, diaphoretic, and expectorant, and the infusion is used commonly for flatulent colic and painful dyspepsia.

  43. Applied to the skin it is a strong irritant causing rapid and painful vesication.

  44. The bruised leaves are used locally in painful affections of the joints and to abort syphilitic buboes and abscesses of all kinds.

  45. The oil of the fruit is also used locally in rheumatism, tumefactions and other painful conditions.

  46. Her ends would be best attained by taking and keeping the ground that the question of their non-interference having been settled once for all, the painful topic should never be renewed between them.

  47. However, most of them returned to see how their spouses stood the painful ordeal.

  48. It was painful to think that such a ministry could co-exist with slavery.

  49. He then tells the passengers her painful story.

  50. On our return, we saw with painful interest many of them setting their foot for the first time on the shore of the New World.

  51. Thus, in the mind that is really a prey to painful passion, the feeling of pain commands all others notwithstanding all the charm that the painting of its moral state may offer to the hearers and the spectators.

  52. The poets whose names have been just mentioned lived either at a period of degeneracy, and had scenes of painful moral obliquity presented to their view, or personal troubles had combined to fill their souls with bitter feelings.

  53. Wherever I go, I repeat the painful scene of our separation.

  54. It is rather sensuous nature that, in the fulfilment of moral duties, is found in a state of oppression and constraint, particularly when it consummates in a painful sacrifice.

  55. The painful struggle of a heart drawn asunder between its inclinations or contrary duties, a struggle which is a cause of misery to him who experiences it, delights the person who is a mere spectator.

  56. The soul finds herself under the illusion of a pleasant sensation, because she is free from a long-enduring painful one.

  57. When honor's dazzling radiance round me shone, There was a painful struggle in my breast; I was most wretched, when to all I seemed Most worthy to be envied.

  58. Dignity is not less required in the agreeable affections than in the painful affections, because in both cases nature would willingly play the part of master, and has to be held in check by the will.

  59. Drain the goblet's draught so cool, And forget each painful smart!

  60. Does this avowal prove So painful to thee?

  61. It was only after a severe struggle, and with tears in her eyes, that the regent, as she tremblingly confessed to the king, was at last induced to consent to this painful step.

  62. Without having shared their faults, share their punishment with a noble resignation, and bend under the yoke which they find it as painful to dispense with as to bear.

  63. Talmida," "initiated") or priest is ordained by a bishop and two priests or by four priests after a long and extremely painful period of preparation.

  64. An asceticism so strict and painful as that demanded by Manichaeism could only be practised by few; hence the religion must have abandoned all attempts at an extensive propaganda had it not conceded the principle of a twofold morality.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "painful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    acute; affecting; afflictive; agonizing; annoying; arduous; atrocious; besetting; biting; bitter; bleak; bothersome; burdensome; cheerless; cruel; crushing; deplorable; depressing; dismal; dismaying; distasteful; distressing; dolorous; dreary; excruciating; forced; galling; gnawing; grave; grievous; grueling; hard; harrowing; harsh; heavy; hefty; hurtful; hurting; irksome; joyless; keen; killing; labored; laborious; lamentable; mournful; moving; nasty; onerous; operose; oppressive; painful; pathetic; picnic; piercing; piteous; poignant; pungent; punishing; racking; regrettable; rueful; sad; severe; sharp; shooting; sore; sorrowful; spasmodic; stabbing; stiff; stinging; strained; swingeing; tender; thorny; toilsome; tormenting; torturous; touching; tough; troublesome; trying; uncomfortable; unpalatable; uphill; vexatious; wearisome; woebegone; woeful; wretched