One day when the mercury wuz way out of sight, And the frost it wuz on every nail, With jist the mail sack and specie box, The greaser and I hit the trail.
And jist then somethin' happened, pard, The greaser from down Monterey Tried to sneak off with the specie box, Along with the passengers from Big Pine relay.
Then, when works were got under way all along that river and lake region, when a reliable man was needed by the transfer company to get specie to their men for pay-days, it was Overton to whom was given the responsibility.
Maybe as she has not yet handled any specie from your bonanza, she wants some only to play with, and assure herself it is real.
And while our President in this respect is no better than his predecessor, he can claim no merit for any systematic effort to reduce taxation or restore specie payments.
Devalvirung), which consists in reducing the nominal value of paper money to its current value at the moment the law goes into force, and by redeeming it either in specie or in other paper to be issued in smaller quantities.
Thus, in the interior of Russia its rate of exchange against specie had for a long time not declined beyond 50 per cent.
The immediate evils of the war were apparent: trade ruined, commerce gone, no specie to be seen, and a general depression.
A reward of one thousand dollars in specie was offered for the apprehension of the robber and also a similar reward of $1500 for the recovery of the money.
From an article in the Emporium it would seem that this bank was established without one dollar of specie capital and hence its notes were sold at very large rates of discount.
On the 19th of April, the Banks of Louisville and of Kentucky suspended specie payment, by a resolution of the citizens so authorizing them.
Specie currency was almost entirely out of circulation, having been supplanted by private bills, worthless bank notes, and all other kinds of "shin plasters.
Then, if the notes continue to depreciate, as is sometimes the case, the equilibrium is destroyed, andspecie commands a premium.
However desirable specie may be as wealth, as a currency, except for change, it is a nuisance.
Yet, the operations of the mint are continued, with the avowed object of creating a specie currency.
Much is said about it, as is usually the case with subjects that are little understood; but the driblets of specie that may be seen occasionally are not a currency; neither are those larger quantities held by banks and brokers.
Greenback inflation had run its course, and after the resumption of specie payments in 1879 had been only a political threat without foundation or many followers.
Their platform denounced Republican reconstruction, urged the return to self-government in the South, and advocated civil service reform, specie payments, and maintenance of public credit.
The United States Treasury suspended the payment of specie early in 1862, and thereafter for seventeen years the paper money in circulation depended for its value on the hope that it would some day be redeemed.
The Resumption Bill withstood attacks and, as the day for the resumption of specie payment approached, the price of greenbacks reflected the growing credit of the United States.
Mexico frequently lost the Philippine remittances to her, and the specie she sent to the Philippines.
These terms were granted, but General Draper, on his part, stipulated for an indemnity of four millions of pesos, and it was agreed to pay one half of this sum in specie and valuables and the other half in Treasury bills on Madrid.
The misery of the natives was so distressing, the distrust of the Government so radicate, and the want of means of existence so urgent, that they were wont to yield their claims for an insignificant relative specie value.
Of returning as speedily as possible to specie payments, and of reducing forthwith the paper circulation.
Of repealing, simultaneously with the resumption of specie payment, the act of Congress making paper a legal-tender.
We should hold our tongues and settle the question by resuming specie payments.
But a return to specie payments cannot be effected by simply passing resolutions or empty and vague enactments of Congress.
Democratic administration very shortly by the resumption of specie payments, and this is and should be the only answer to it.
The wicked merchants bought foreign goods and drained the state of specie to pay for them, while they drank Madeira wine and dressed their wives in fine velvets and laces.
They were mainly loaned to farmers on mortgage, and were received by the state as an equivalent for specie in the payment of taxes.
Consequently, we had little else but specie with which to pay for imports, and the country was soon drained of what little specie there was.
It is worth while, in this connection, to observe what this specie was, the scarcity of which created so much embarrassment.
North Carolina issued a large amount of paper, and, in order to get it into circulation as quickly as possible, the state government proceeded to buy tobacco with it, paying double the specie value of the tobacco.
The banks were also entered, and the specie taken possession of, as indemnity for the town.
For so small a lad, you will agree that I talk pretty passably well, and have fairly earned whatever spare specie Time has left in your pockets.
So much capital was being fixed that the attempt at specie resumption cramped the speculative world.
But my friend, the lawyer referred to, informed me that none of the banks complied with the rule of keeping the requisite specie in its vaults.
The law of the State of Connecticut limited the issue of bills by any bank to not over ten times as much in representative amount as the "specie or bullion" which the given bank had constantly in its vaults.
But can we expect of that Bank to make sacrifices to continue specie payment?
All the banks in the Union had followed their example in stopping specie payments: more than half of them followed them in recommencing payments.
In relation to that decried measure the message said: "Of my own duties under the existing laws, when the banks suspended specie payments, I could not doubt.
There was five times as much specie in the country as there was in 1832, when the currency was boasted to be solid under the regulation of the Bank of the United States.
Financial and Monetary Crisis--General Suspension of Specie Payments by the Banks 9 III.
The specie clause was restored, not by a sudden and single step, but gradually and progressively, to be accomplished in four years.
All this the state banks distinctly foresaw, and not wishing to be compelled to resume specie payments, by which their profits would be diminished, they generally opposed the establishment of a national bank.
Besides, the very demand of specie may, like a new weight breaking down an overloaded packhorse, make it stop payment at once.
If it were to put itself to the trouble of procuring the paper of the other, as soon as it was issued, and convert it immediately into specie, the loans of that other might be restricted to the amount of its specie capital.
No proposition is better established than that the value of money, whether it consists of specie or paper, is depreciated in exact proportion to the increase of its quantity, in any given state of the demand for it.
The colonists procured somespecie from the garrison of Pensacola, whom they supplied with vegetables and fowls.
But in what way, it may be asked, could the Bank of the United States have compelled the state banks to resume specie payments, if they had not been so disposed?
It would exist, though these bills were of undoubted credit, and convertible into specie at the pleasure of the holder, and would result simply from the redundancy of their quantity.
Vermont has shown a disinclination to the war, and, as it is sending in specieand provisions, I will confine offensive operations to the west side of Lake Champlain.
The balance of trade, if trade it may be called, from these and other causes being so entirely against the Southern and Middle states, the whole of our specie is rapidly travelling to the North and East.
Here was lying a British sloop of war, the "Bonne Citoyenne," understood to have on board a very large amount of specie for England.
Forgeries upon this great monetary corporation had been much more frequent since the stoppage of specie payments, which had been decreed by the Parliament in 1797 to save the Bank from collapse.
Alarms of invasion had produced such a run upon it, that on one particular day little more than a million in cash or bullion remained in the cellars, which had already been drained of specie for foreign subsidies and subventions.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "specie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.